This piece is for you to be more stylish than every single one of your friends :D
#Six Simple Style
Tips FACT 85% of style is about the fit.
If you nail the fit for you and your body type, you're so far ahead of almost all other ugly fucks because most men look like 'sloppy sacks of unstylish sh!t'.
1. Stick to a neutral color choice - black, white, gray, tan, and olive as they integrate great together.
2. Go classic first, trends second
make sure your foundation is solid before adding 'crazy' stuff. More important, you'll save money. Because the trends are expensive and go out-of-style quickly. Let me gives an example of white sneakers as well as a Chelsea boot - they are 'insane' and in terms of style, value, cost, and quality.
3. Identify + eliminate (bag & donate to charity) + replace (do this systematically one-at-time once a month) + repeat
4. When you go shopping, pay attention to the mannequins so you know how to combine and coordinate items from that store.
5. Experiment to develop a sense of style - push yourself outside of your comfort zone and try different things occasionally.
#明早繼續…哥去開會 XD
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