Huawei Photovoltaic System Design Seminar 2014

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Because we need PV model to support our project in Europe, Huawei is one of our suppliers, they invited us to visit their Shenzhen HQ.
We had a chance to attend the workshop in the hotel, I helped our CFO translated his English to Chinese in front of 40+ audience introducing our project in Europe, and listening to many technical presentations, they tried to explain why in 2 types of the electricity system, the one that Huawei is choosing is better than the other one. The solar plant is very strong in China, basically, they don’t need to sell outside of China, they already can sell to the domestic market a lot more amount than overseas.
We have a Huawei staff dedicated to standby and answer our question all the time. We had a chance to visit their factory internally by wearing dust-free clothes, I’m always amazed by a large number of employees working together. There is another office area for the research and development team, this is a very complicated and systematic park design.
On the rooftop of the factory is where the model demo, they explain to us how they store the electricity in an efficient way.
The most interesting part is the demo house, they show all line of Huawei newest product, ex. mobile, tablet, conference system, all very interesting, they really try their best to be the best technology company in China.
If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
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在台灣 太陽能板應該是近年來最熱門的產品 也是飽受爭議的產業 那時政府剛推行一個政策 要求用電大戶需增設綠能設備以及儲能設備 我服務的賣場理所當然的被要求了 只是是地主要去承擔建造與合約費用 對 賣場這塊地是用租的 地上建物都是賣場自己另外花錢蓋的 就蓋在頂樓停車場 剛好拿來當作遮
Crafting Partnerships: Happy Wood Furniture's Supplier Briefing Mrs. Chen (Happy Wood Furniture's Procurement Manager): Good morning, everyone. Thank
對話一 Business Manager: Good morning, Ms. Chen. Thank you for meeting with me today. I understand you're looking for a venue for your company's annual
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OEEC Today is tired ,will…share about went to product factory in afternoon . I and old coworker need see product problem .we driving car to Taipei
一年前,半導體晶圓傳載解決方案廠家登組織半導體供應鏈大聯盟,集合旗下供應商包括迅得、濾能、科嶠及耐特等廠商,希望藉自身打入晶圓代工龍頭的經驗,透過整合全球關鍵材料創新技術整合服務,打造台灣半導體國家隊,為供應鏈在地化提供強而有力的後盾。而這次就來介紹其中一家公司(4542)科嶠。 公司概觀
太陽光発電是指利用太陽光電池板接收來自太陽的光,將其轉換為可供家庭使用的電力並提供的系統。它有時也被稱為「PV」,這代表「Photovoltaic(光伏)」。 光伏電池板是一種裝置,主要用於將太陽光轉換為電能。這種裝置的核心組件是光伏電池,也被稱為太陽能電池。以下是光伏電池板的基本工作原理