EFORT Congress Prague 2015

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This is my first time joined a doctor related exhibition. I’m here presenting a Taiwan company manufacturing Injection for joint and Bone Ureal Acid. It’s very technical, without being in the Industry. We did set up the booth and the visitor mostly are doctors, they want to find opportunities to add to their clinic.
I remember the boss of the company told me that he is so into the business that if he sees his competitors factory, he can know what they are doing, therefore he never allow the outsider to visit his factory.
If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
Originally published at sofi.lafenice.co.

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對話十字路口:將商務談話引向正確方向 請依據如下的會議開場致詞,從選項中挑出適合的應答(可能不只一個) The scene takes place at a bustling trade exposition. A is the CEO of a technology company, B is
對話一 Business Manager: Good morning, Ms. Chen. Thank you for meeting with me today. I understand you're looking for a venue for your company's annual
對話一【開啟機遇:在工作博覽會探索零工經濟】 Situation: In the bustling Nangang Exhibition Center, Taipei's gig economy is on full display at the annual Gig Jobs EXPO. The
The annual trade show was in full swing, and the floor was crowded with eager buyers and sellers. As David, the marketing manager for a leading fi
牙材展的所見所聞記錄、一些有用的知識還有如常的「看人生」。dentall診所管理顧問/瑞麗/湧傑牙材 YONG CHIEH/翊達產業股份有限公司/高露潔/3M黏著劑/牙線、美白牙膏、美白藥劑/同鼎。
OEEC Today is tired ,will…share about went to product factory in afternoon . I and old coworker need see product problem .we driving car to Taipei
11/05/2010 台北旅展在今天開始了。 有超過十年以上工業設備的參展經驗了。 所以接到協會通知是否可以去展場幫忙時。 心理想的,嘴巴講的第一反應:沒興趣! 協會說人手不夠,來幫忙吧。 我想好吧,那就去幫忙一天。   今早到了會場外,才想到都沒問一下是要幫那些忙。 不過自己認為
創創早餐會,每週一次的線上聚會,由 EiMBA 校友會發起,藉由創業家們交流經驗,開啟更多的機會。此次分享者為 Impact Hub Taipei 的共同創辦人 Rich,熱情分享精采的創業經驗,以及 B 型企業要怎麼申請認證。
///2024/7/26(五)~7/29(一)亞洲生技大展/// 力邀全球知名生醫科學家、企業家、投資人彙聚一堂 黃軒醫師 Dr. Ooi Hean 以台灣醫療專家 受邀出席 蒞臨大會 接待馬國重要官員及領域的優秀人才 ,進行專業對話與交流 是名副其實的醫療外交官
對話十字路口:將商務談話引向正確方向 請依據如下的會議開場致詞,從選項中挑出適合的應答(可能不只一個) The scene takes place at a bustling trade exposition. A is the CEO of a technology company, B is
對話一 Business Manager: Good morning, Ms. Chen. Thank you for meeting with me today. I understand you're looking for a venue for your company's annual
對話一【開啟機遇:在工作博覽會探索零工經濟】 Situation: In the bustling Nangang Exhibition Center, Taipei's gig economy is on full display at the annual Gig Jobs EXPO. The
The annual trade show was in full swing, and the floor was crowded with eager buyers and sellers. As David, the marketing manager for a leading fi
牙材展的所見所聞記錄、一些有用的知識還有如常的「看人生」。dentall診所管理顧問/瑞麗/湧傑牙材 YONG CHIEH/翊達產業股份有限公司/高露潔/3M黏著劑/牙線、美白牙膏、美白藥劑/同鼎。
OEEC Today is tired ,will…share about went to product factory in afternoon . I and old coworker need see product problem .we driving car to Taipei
11/05/2010 台北旅展在今天開始了。 有超過十年以上工業設備的參展經驗了。 所以接到協會通知是否可以去展場幫忙時。 心理想的,嘴巴講的第一反應:沒興趣! 協會說人手不夠,來幫忙吧。 我想好吧,那就去幫忙一天。   今早到了會場外,才想到都沒問一下是要幫那些忙。 不過自己認為
創創早餐會,每週一次的線上聚會,由 EiMBA 校友會發起,藉由創業家們交流經驗,開啟更多的機會。此次分享者為 Impact Hub Taipei 的共同創辦人 Rich,熱情分享精采的創業經驗,以及 B 型企業要怎麼申請認證。