Xero Set Up Guide

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SMEs require cloud solutions that are simple to manage, yet complete in their functionality. Although there are plenty of solutions to choose from, it is often difficult for new users to use them effectively. In this article, we look to provide practical advice on how to make best use of Xero, one of the most popular cloud accounting solutions available. Through our Xero set up guide, we will discuss how the Xero set up process, and how FastLane can assist you in adopting and using this cloud accounting solution.

What You Will Learn
1. How to set your company details
2. How to set your financial settings
3. How to add your company’s branding
4. How to establish your chart of accounts
5. How to set up your bank account feed
6. Set Up Your Payroll
7. Add Payment Services
8. Set Payment Reminders
9. Add Users
10. Basic Reports
11. Integrating with Other Apps
12. Enhancing Your Cloud Accounting With FastLane
1. How to set your company details
In order to start using Xero, you will first need to input all your business information and relevant contact details. All the information inputted will then be displayed on any invoices your company issues going forward.

To set your company details, go to Settings → Organization Details

The following information should then be inputted:
  • Display name
  • The company’s legal / trading name
  • Company email
  • Company registration number
  • Organisation description
  • The company’s physical address
  • The company’s registered address
  • Organisation type
  • The company’s phone and fax numbers
  • Company logo
  • Company website address

2. How to set your financial settings
In order to track your company’s finances, you must input your company’s financial details via Settings → Advanced Settings → Financial Settings

At this stage, you can input your company’s financial year-end date, base currency and any conversion balances your company may utilise. This will help make sure that your company’s year-end financial statements will be accurately produced.
3. How to add your company’s branding
To add a personal touch, Xero users are able to incorporate their various branding schemes onto their invoices. Doing so will display your company logo on all invoices generated by your company.

After you’ve successfully incorporated your company’s branding, you can then insert additional information fields which allow you to customise the documents even further. These documents can then be saved as templates, saving your company time when drafting similar documents going forward.

To set up your various branding schemes to create various templates, go to Settings → Invoice Settings
4. How to establish your chart of accounts
Chart of accounts are a financial organisation tool that lists out all accounts a company has in their general ledger. For many new Xero users, they are making the transition from another accounting system and need to import their chart of accounts from their previous accounting system into Xero.

To make changes to your chart of accounts, go to Accounting → Chart of Accounts

For those who do not have a financial background and are unfamiliar with accounting concepts, the FastLane Group can help make sure that your Chart of Accounts and other relevant accounts are properly set up.
5. Set Up Your Bank Account Feed
To get the most out of Xero’s accounting features, companies should take full advantage of the Direct Bank Feed feature. By doing so, your bank of choice and Xero will work together by sending information over a secure connection to be made available directly onto Xero.

In order to establish a direct bank feed, you will need to first make sure that your bank supports direct bank feed functionality. Once you have determined that it can, you should go to Accounting → Bank Accounts → Add Bank Account. After doing so, you will be taken to your bank’s website to login.

Once Xero recognises that you have added a bank, you can then confirm the dates from which you would like your transactions to begin importing.
6. Set Up Your Payroll
Users of Xero often comment on Xero Expenses, an add-on for the Xero platform that helps users monitor their staff costs. This add-on allows companies to manage all their payroll related tasks in one place, rather than having to manage it separate from their accounting system.

To acquire this feature to help with your payroll tasks, go to Payroll → Payroll Overview.
7. Add Payment Services
If you want to simplify how your customers settle their invoices, you can consider linking any active payment services, such as PayPal or Stripe, to your Xero account. Doing so will truly turn Xero into a one-stop solution for managing all aspects of your company’s invoicing activities.

To do this, go to Settings → Invoice Settings → Payment Services
8. Set Payment Reminders

Maintaining a healthy cash flow for your business is dependent on your customers being able to settle their invoices in a timely manner. Payment reminders are often a fantastic way to ensure that your clients do not accidentally forget to settle their outstanding payment obligation to you.

To set-up payment reminders and organise your credit control systems, go to Settings → Invoice Settings → Payment Reminders
9. Add Users
As your business grows, the number of staff who will require access to your company’s Xero account will likely increase. As a business owner, you will need to be able to provide your accountants, bookkeepers or other important parties with access to your company’s accounting information.

To add users, go to Settings → Users
10. Basic Reports
Once your company has become accustomed to Xero and you have successfully synchronised your account with all your required features, you can begin generic basic reports to learn about the health of your company. Such reports include a Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss.

To see what type of reports are available to you, go to Accounting → Reports
11. Integrating with Other Apps
Xero has a wide range of features designed for their platform, but those looking for a more customisable experience can take advantage of the various third-party applications available on Xero’s App Marketplace.

Many of the applications found on the App Marketplace are designed for specific purposes or with certain industries in mind. Integrating these applications onto your Xero account can help streamline certain repetitive processes in your company.
Enhancing Your Cloud Accounting With FastLane
As a Hong Kong CPA firm and Xero’s Hong Kong Accounting Partner of 2019, the FastLane Group can provide you with an end-to-end solution to help transition your accounting process from offline to online. Xero set up does not need to be difficult. We understand the practical considerations that must be made to use Xero properly, such as data migration, selecting a financial year-end and how to use Xero to prepare for your audit and tax obligations.

We will provide a dedicated person to help facilitate your transition and to ensure an effective delivery and coordination when implementing Xero. In addition, FastLane can customise your system setup process by identifying the most appropriate third-party applications for your account and helping you integrate them onto your Xero account. We can also handle all data migration so that you can review your company’s financial figures anytime.

After helping you implement Xero, FastLane can provide 1-on-1 training for your team to make sure all of your staff are familiar with the system. If you encounter any issues while using Xero, we can act as your support to help you resolve any issues as they arise.

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現代社會跟以前不同了,人人都有一支手機,只要打開就可以獲得各種資訊。過去想要辦卡或是開戶就要跑一趟銀行,然而如今科技快速發展之下,金融App無聲無息地進到你生活中。但同樣的,每一家銀行都有自己的App時,我們又該如何選擇呢?(本文係由國泰世華銀行邀約) 今天我會用不同角度帶大家看這款國泰世華CUB
如果有個算法是2秒以上很耗時的長任務,希望在執行長任務前後修改state渲染loading畫面,可能會難以達到預期效果,會看到loading畫面一閃而過。 把setState改非同步的方法...
「你真的覺得自由嗎? 因為這一切的最終目的不過是自由。古往今來,無數神秘學都告訴我們,追求靈性成長的理由,除了釋放自己,還是釋放自己。釋放自己的恐懼、釋放限制自我的意識形態、釋放幻覺妄想、釋放痛苦。釋放尚未成為真正的自己的那股焦慮感。 自由。 你感覺到了嗎? 你為了讓自己變得更好、更自由而做
今年到了尾聲之時,我總算把自己的桌面調整至比較滿意的狀態,讓我萌生了分享給更多人參考的念頭。如同我從互聯網獲得有用資訊一樣,我也希望能為這個生態做出一些貢獻。 我會帶大家來看一下我的生產力工具有哪些,更重要的是為什麼我會選擇它,希望這篇文章可以帶給你一些啟發。
摘要 這段內容講述了為人生設定目標的重要性,並解釋了如何以上帝的方式來設定目標,以及這些目標如何影響個人的生活、信仰和品格成長。 重點 - [🎯] 聖經告訴我們,設定目標是為了未來,並引述了耶穌和使徒保羅設定目標的例子。 - [💡] 目標使人有希望、有動力
GPU在ESXI的使用有三種方式: 直通、vGPU、Bitfusion。各有優缺點,簡單講: 直通,與裝在單機意思雷同,一張卡片只能給一台VM使用; vGPU可以單卡分享給不同的vm使用,但需要取得nVidia的授權;bitfusion可以把所有GPU集中成一個大水庫,供需要的VM使用。 在bit
真是個好目標,我也要學習向無理說不。 我上星期去了面試,我覺得表現不錯,就平常心等結果。 明天我會去看阿凡達,其實我極度討厭看3D電影,但今次還是去看3D,更是IMAX,每張戲票要$260,是不是瘋了。 還有,今年新年在1月,即是下下星期就是了,快成這樣,時間就在指縫間流走了。
Cache categories There are two kinds of cache, one is the read-only cache, and the other one is the read-and-write cache.
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月初在 長耳兔心靈維度 桂芳老師的三日工作坊裡,其中一個活動是要寫出自己的「特質」,貼在家庭圖上,再從中挑選6個最重要的,與小組的學習夥伴分享。我緩緩地寫,不知不覺就寫下了10幾個特質。 一個抬頭,發現同組的一位夥伴B竟然寫了「愛現」、「愛說謊」。 我低下頭來繼續寫,沒一會兒,又多補了10個。
現代社會跟以前不同了,人人都有一支手機,只要打開就可以獲得各種資訊。過去想要辦卡或是開戶就要跑一趟銀行,然而如今科技快速發展之下,金融App無聲無息地進到你生活中。但同樣的,每一家銀行都有自己的App時,我們又該如何選擇呢?(本文係由國泰世華銀行邀約) 今天我會用不同角度帶大家看這款國泰世華CUB
如果有個算法是2秒以上很耗時的長任務,希望在執行長任務前後修改state渲染loading畫面,可能會難以達到預期效果,會看到loading畫面一閃而過。 把setState改非同步的方法...
「你真的覺得自由嗎? 因為這一切的最終目的不過是自由。古往今來,無數神秘學都告訴我們,追求靈性成長的理由,除了釋放自己,還是釋放自己。釋放自己的恐懼、釋放限制自我的意識形態、釋放幻覺妄想、釋放痛苦。釋放尚未成為真正的自己的那股焦慮感。 自由。 你感覺到了嗎? 你為了讓自己變得更好、更自由而做
今年到了尾聲之時,我總算把自己的桌面調整至比較滿意的狀態,讓我萌生了分享給更多人參考的念頭。如同我從互聯網獲得有用資訊一樣,我也希望能為這個生態做出一些貢獻。 我會帶大家來看一下我的生產力工具有哪些,更重要的是為什麼我會選擇它,希望這篇文章可以帶給你一些啟發。
摘要 這段內容講述了為人生設定目標的重要性,並解釋了如何以上帝的方式來設定目標,以及這些目標如何影響個人的生活、信仰和品格成長。 重點 - [🎯] 聖經告訴我們,設定目標是為了未來,並引述了耶穌和使徒保羅設定目標的例子。 - [💡] 目標使人有希望、有動力
GPU在ESXI的使用有三種方式: 直通、vGPU、Bitfusion。各有優缺點,簡單講: 直通,與裝在單機意思雷同,一張卡片只能給一台VM使用; vGPU可以單卡分享給不同的vm使用,但需要取得nVidia的授權;bitfusion可以把所有GPU集中成一個大水庫,供需要的VM使用。 在bit
真是個好目標,我也要學習向無理說不。 我上星期去了面試,我覺得表現不錯,就平常心等結果。 明天我會去看阿凡達,其實我極度討厭看3D電影,但今次還是去看3D,更是IMAX,每張戲票要$260,是不是瘋了。 還有,今年新年在1月,即是下下星期就是了,快成這樣,時間就在指縫間流走了。
Cache categories There are two kinds of cache, one is the read-only cache, and the other one is the read-and-write cache.
Introduction Set DDNS on Google Domains To set your DDNS record on Google Domains, just follow this document. ddclient installation ddclient.conf
月初在 長耳兔心靈維度 桂芳老師的三日工作坊裡,其中一個活動是要寫出自己的「特質」,貼在家庭圖上,再從中挑選6個最重要的,與小組的學習夥伴分享。我緩緩地寫,不知不覺就寫下了10幾個特質。 一個抬頭,發現同組的一位夥伴B竟然寫了「愛現」、「愛說謊」。 我低下頭來繼續寫,沒一會兒,又多補了10個。