013021 Regulate& 調節

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Looks messy at the very first sight, duo to quite prosperous the trees are.
Close the eyes for seconds, deep breath few rounds,…
Now, through the space between the tress, we see the far, where the mountains are located under the bright sky.

The aged trees well filter the scene, exactly as how they regenerate the oxygen for the human being’s upgrading. Clearly Yours, ~ Love365**

林木們, 各自樹形雖不同, 默契極佳全員向上, 茁壯地;
枝條們, 乍看似雜亂無序, 實則韻律感極佳地, 舞動著;
綠葉們, 也稠密也疏稀的, 適量低調妝點樹叢, 稱職地.
靜下心, 透過樹木間空隙看; 原混沌迷濛景象, 清楚了.
Love365的沙龍 的其他內容
Fluffy clouds, seems like fishes swimming. Lovely gift, awarded by the nature, after super-cautiously driving in the high mountains. The narrow hill
The aged tree, with great trunk, at the right side. So meaningful the tree barks, as the experience and knowledge she had. The young tree, with tal
NATURE herself, travels at the earth, from spring, summer, autumn, to winter. Informing us her arrival, by various flowers’ blooming, time of sunris
SUN, in the early afternoon, during the winter, quietly reminds me: “ Slow down, my love, as possible as you could.” SUN says. “ Yes! Mentor! ”I say
Fluffy clouds, seems like fishes swimming. Lovely gift, awarded by the nature, after super-cautiously driving in the high mountains. The narrow hill
The aged tree, with great trunk, at the right side. So meaningful the tree barks, as the experience and knowledge she had. The young tree, with tal
NATURE herself, travels at the earth, from spring, summer, autumn, to winter. Informing us her arrival, by various flowers’ blooming, time of sunris
SUN, in the early afternoon, during the winter, quietly reminds me: “ Slow down, my love, as possible as you could.” SUN says. “ Yes! Mentor! ”I say
Google News 追蹤
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
Australia's healthcare system is built on the foundation of patient safety and effective treatment. Central to maintaining these standards is the robu
AI policy navigates the balance between innovation and regulation, tackling challenges like data privacy, bias, and ethics. The EU's strict framework
Introduction Since the legalization of cannabis in Canada on October 17, 2018, a comprehensive regulatory framework has been established to manage it
The legal status of cannabis has undergone significant transformations globally, reflecting changing societal attitudes and increasing recognition of
Introduction The Canada Cannabis Act, which came into effect on October 17, 2018, has transformed the legal landscape of cannabis use in Canada. Whil
#誠實書寫練習 #Day202 電影《我的完美日常》片尾所留下「木漏れ日」(こもれび),意思是「陽光從樹葉縫隙中灑落洩漏的樣子」。 而我也習慣每天一早出門仰望著天空。 經過大樹下抬頭仰望從樹木之間流洩的光影。 就靜靜地仰望,自己與自己同在,與大自然同在。 攝於:樹林藝文中心 寫於202407
走進一座森林 我靜默地深呼吸 良久 我才緩緩地吐出氣來 悠悠地纏綿了一整個世紀 眼前 走進一座森林 一座充滿奇異地無法想像的森林 在其中岔滿了古木的參天 刻滿情人們的天誓地諾 心無旁騖地 唸起一則則愛情的故事 那一則不忍足睹的往事 這我才有點明白 我已迷失在此中─愛情森林
走進一座森林 我靜默地深呼吸 良久 我才緩緩地吐出氣來 悠悠地纏綿了一整個世紀 眼前 走進一座森林 一座充滿奇異地無法想像的森林 在其中岔滿了古木的參天 刻滿情人們的天誓地諾 心無旁騖地 唸起一則則愛情的故事 那一則不忍足睹的往事 這我才有點明白 我已迷失在此中─愛情森林
茂密的森林插畫,色彩豐富,樹木多樣,植物繁多,營造出自然的場景。 這張影像捕捉了森林的多樣性,前景中樹葉和植物的細節,高大的樹木輪廓增加了背景的深度。其中一棵大樹建立一間樹屋,帶有一種異想天開的感覺,一棵大而多節的樹,有拱形木門,懸掛的燈籠,藤蔓,鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠葉,柔和的光線透過樹葉,迷濛的樹林,高大
茂密的森林插畫,色彩豐富,樹木多樣,植物眾多,營造出大自然景象。這個畫面捕捉了森林的多樣性,前景中有樹葉和植物的細節,高大的樹木輪廓增加了背景的深度。 工具: Bing,Dall-E3,Copilot
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
Australia's healthcare system is built on the foundation of patient safety and effective treatment. Central to maintaining these standards is the robu
AI policy navigates the balance between innovation and regulation, tackling challenges like data privacy, bias, and ethics. The EU's strict framework
Introduction Since the legalization of cannabis in Canada on October 17, 2018, a comprehensive regulatory framework has been established to manage it
The legal status of cannabis has undergone significant transformations globally, reflecting changing societal attitudes and increasing recognition of
Introduction The Canada Cannabis Act, which came into effect on October 17, 2018, has transformed the legal landscape of cannabis use in Canada. Whil
#誠實書寫練習 #Day202 電影《我的完美日常》片尾所留下「木漏れ日」(こもれび),意思是「陽光從樹葉縫隙中灑落洩漏的樣子」。 而我也習慣每天一早出門仰望著天空。 經過大樹下抬頭仰望從樹木之間流洩的光影。 就靜靜地仰望,自己與自己同在,與大自然同在。 攝於:樹林藝文中心 寫於202407
走進一座森林 我靜默地深呼吸 良久 我才緩緩地吐出氣來 悠悠地纏綿了一整個世紀 眼前 走進一座森林 一座充滿奇異地無法想像的森林 在其中岔滿了古木的參天 刻滿情人們的天誓地諾 心無旁騖地 唸起一則則愛情的故事 那一則不忍足睹的往事 這我才有點明白 我已迷失在此中─愛情森林
走進一座森林 我靜默地深呼吸 良久 我才緩緩地吐出氣來 悠悠地纏綿了一整個世紀 眼前 走進一座森林 一座充滿奇異地無法想像的森林 在其中岔滿了古木的參天 刻滿情人們的天誓地諾 心無旁騖地 唸起一則則愛情的故事 那一則不忍足睹的往事 這我才有點明白 我已迷失在此中─愛情森林
茂密的森林插畫,色彩豐富,樹木多樣,植物繁多,營造出自然的場景。 這張影像捕捉了森林的多樣性,前景中樹葉和植物的細節,高大的樹木輪廓增加了背景的深度。其中一棵大樹建立一間樹屋,帶有一種異想天開的感覺,一棵大而多節的樹,有拱形木門,懸掛的燈籠,藤蔓,鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠葉,柔和的光線透過樹葉,迷濛的樹林,高大
茂密的森林插畫,色彩豐富,樹木多樣,植物眾多,營造出大自然景象。這個畫面捕捉了森林的多樣性,前景中有樹葉和植物的細節,高大的樹木輪廓增加了背景的深度。 工具: Bing,Dall-E3,Copilot