Tim Burtonish Murder Romance -Pushing Daisies

更新於 2021/10/04閱讀時間約 9 分鐘

Say hello to puppy face Ned and ultimate optimist Chuck when they solve crimes with one touch.

Pushing Daisies poster in front of Ned’s restaurant Pie Hole
Actor Lee Pace posted some behind the scenes photos on Instagram yesterday from his 2007 ABC production “Pushing Daisies” and brought me back all the good memories. On the list of my favorite TV shows, “Pushing Daisies” is definitely Top 1 in the romance genre, sadly it’s also one of the shortest, as it got cancelled after merely 2 seasons.

The story of “Pushing Daisies” is about a puppy face pie-maker Ned (Lee Pace) who has a super power to bring the dead to life with one touch. When working with private investigator Emerson (Chi McBride) to solve murder cases, he accidentally woke up his childhood crush Chuck (Anna Friel). Since then, Ned is busy building relationship with Chuck without touching (the downside of his ability is that the waking dead will be dead again after a second touch), and dealing with his lovesick neighbor/employee Oliver (Kristin Chenoweth).
Ned the pie-maker from ABC’s Pushing Daisies. Who can refuse such a smile?
The plot is quite simple, so if you only watch the trailer (link at the end of this article) or the short intro, you would think it’s nothing but another murder-mystery drama with some romance elements to attract female audiences (ok, a disclaimer here, I was among many girls who were once totally charmed by Ned’s smile), but only take you another episodes or two, you’ll realize how charming the show really is!
Bryan Fuller, who is maybe now better known as the writer of Hannibal and Star Trek: Discovery, is the talented creator who blended a bit of mystery, some drama, quite many romance, and a lot of exotic ingredients into the show. I haven’t seen such a lovable show ever since its cancellation in 2009 (NBC’s “The Good Place” may come close, can see my review here)
Who wouldn’t love this dreamy tone? From Pushing Daisies Season 2 Episode 1 “Bzzzzzzzzz!”
With a master producer team including Dan Jinks and Bruce Cohen, who were also the producers of Tim Burton’s fantasy drama movie Big Fish, no wonder people say “Pushing Daisies” is very classic Tim Burton style. Nevertheless, I would say “Pushing Daisies” has its own “white Tim Burton” vibe, given the technicolor tone throughout the show has outlined a whimsical world full of bright and positive energy. And sometimes that’s all we need, a bit of shininess and colors to make life promising again.
The hopeless romantic scenes between good-old Ned and optimistic Chuck are another highlight of the show. Just as those great love stories in history, the couple who can’t be together by destiny almost always make it a compelling read. In the show Ned and Chuck are set to be never able to touch each other, so they find their own creative way to express their love; either it‘s a plastic wrap kiss, a side by side hand-holding in the back, or a backscratcher-surrogate for touch. They just can’t be any sweeter!
Fans’ unforgettable kiss in Pushing Daisies, love will always find its way!
All in all, I’m glad to hear from the show after so many years. Thanks to the recent heat in streaming service, many classic shows are coming back, and it’s always such a delight to see these familiar faces. For those of you haven’t experienced the young Lee Pace charm or am a fellow fan of fantasy drama, click the trailer below before solving crimes with a pie-maker on HBO Max.
Disclaimer: copyright of all the pictures in this article goes to ABC.

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20 多年前,因為公司業務需要,第一次踏上北國加拿大的土地。準備為期半年的專案。那時為了準備差旅,申請了良民證,工作准證 (Work Permits),等各式各樣的文件,最重要的禦寒衣物居然沒帶夠。記憶中從,多倫多從 10 月份開始下雪 ( 人生遇見的第一場雪!),隨著雪越下越大,氣溫越來越低...
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很不錯的T3移動線。做成回測 ,勝率、淨利 都不錯。 唯一缺點就是,等待時間很長。有時候長達半年到一年。
Tim Cook繼任過世的Steve Jobs成為Apple執行長已經十年。這十年來,他帶領著Apple穩定前進、持續成長,讓它成為一家產品暢銷、市值超過2兆美元的成功企業。當然,跟任何領導者一樣,Cook功過都有;本文是作者評論Cook成績的系列文章上篇。
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
Trong thời đại công nghệ số, việc tìm kiếm công việc đã trở nên dễ dàng hơn bao giờ hết. Tuy nhiên, để có thể nắm bắt được cơ hội việc làm phù hợp nhấ
遊戲場設計的七大原則 - Seven Principles of Playground Design by Tim Gill 原文出處:https://rethinkingchildhood.com/.../02/20/playground-design/
20 多年前,因為公司業務需要,第一次踏上北國加拿大的土地。準備為期半年的專案。那時為了準備差旅,申請了良民證,工作准證 (Work Permits),等各式各樣的文件,最重要的禦寒衣物居然沒帶夠。記憶中從,多倫多從 10 月份開始下雪 ( 人生遇見的第一場雪!),隨著雪越下越大,氣溫越來越低...
相信在大家的生活中,或多或少都會有拖延的情況發生,小至日常生活,大至人生目標。明明很簡單的問題爲什麽我們總是不願意去開始行動?今天來分享一則Tim Urban 所發表的Ted演講《Inside the mind of a master procrastinator--拖延症大師的内心深處》。
很不錯的T3移動線。做成回測 ,勝率、淨利 都不錯。 唯一缺點就是,等待時間很長。有時候長達半年到一年。
Tim Cook繼任過世的Steve Jobs成為Apple執行長已經十年。這十年來,他帶領著Apple穩定前進、持續成長,讓它成為一家產品暢銷、市值超過2兆美元的成功企業。當然,跟任何領導者一樣,Cook功過都有;本文是作者評論Cook成績的系列文章上篇。
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