Tim Burtonish Murder Romance -Pushing Daisies

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Say hello to puppy face Ned and ultimate optimist Chuck when they solve crimes with one touch.

Pushing Daisies poster in front of Ned’s restaurant Pie Hole
Actor Lee Pace posted some behind the scenes photos on Instagram yesterday from his 2007 ABC production “Pushing Daisies” and brought me back all the good memories. On the list of my favorite TV shows, “Pushing Daisies” is definitely Top 1 in the romance genre, sadly it’s also one of the shortest, as it got cancelled after merely 2 seasons.

The story of “Pushing Daisies” is about a puppy face pie-maker Ned (Lee Pace) who has a super power to bring the dead to life with one touch. When working with private investigator Emerson (Chi McBride) to solve murder cases, he accidentally woke up his childhood crush Chuck (Anna Friel). Since then, Ned is busy building relationship with Chuck without touching (the downside of his ability is that the waking dead will be dead again after a second touch), and dealing with his lovesick neighbor/employee Oliver (Kristin Chenoweth).
Ned the pie-maker from ABC’s Pushing Daisies. Who can refuse such a smile?
The plot is quite simple, so if you only watch the trailer (link at the end of this article) or the short intro, you would think it’s nothing but another murder-mystery drama with some romance elements to attract female audiences (ok, a disclaimer here, I was among many girls who were once totally charmed by Ned’s smile), but only take you another episodes or two, you’ll realize how charming the show really is!
Bryan Fuller, who is maybe now better known as the writer of Hannibal and Star Trek: Discovery, is the talented creator who blended a bit of mystery, some drama, quite many romance, and a lot of exotic ingredients into the show. I haven’t seen such a lovable show ever since its cancellation in 2009 (NBC’s “The Good Place” may come close, can see my review here)
Who wouldn’t love this dreamy tone? From Pushing Daisies Season 2 Episode 1 “Bzzzzzzzzz!”
With a master producer team including Dan Jinks and Bruce Cohen, who were also the producers of Tim Burton’s fantasy drama movie Big Fish, no wonder people say “Pushing Daisies” is very classic Tim Burton style. Nevertheless, I would say “Pushing Daisies” has its own “white Tim Burton” vibe, given the technicolor tone throughout the show has outlined a whimsical world full of bright and positive energy. And sometimes that’s all we need, a bit of shininess and colors to make life promising again.
The hopeless romantic scenes between good-old Ned and optimistic Chuck are another highlight of the show. Just as those great love stories in history, the couple who can’t be together by destiny almost always make it a compelling read. In the show Ned and Chuck are set to be never able to touch each other, so they find their own creative way to express their love; either it‘s a plastic wrap kiss, a side by side hand-holding in the back, or a backscratcher-surrogate for touch. They just can’t be any sweeter!
Fans’ unforgettable kiss in Pushing Daisies, love will always find its way!
All in all, I’m glad to hear from the show after so many years. Thanks to the recent heat in streaming service, many classic shows are coming back, and it’s always such a delight to see these familiar faces. For those of you haven’t experienced the young Lee Pace charm or am a fellow fan of fantasy drama, click the trailer below before solving crimes with a pie-maker on HBO Max.
Disclaimer: copyright of all the pictures in this article goes to ABC.

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他可能看過<天才雷普利 The Talented Mr. Ripley>,原著,當然還有翻拍的電影,他太想知道派翠西亞·海史密斯(Patricia Highsmith)筆下的這個角色如果形象化會長得怎麼樣?麥特·戴蒙(Matt Damon)?或許吧,顏值說不上怎麼讓人過目不忘,但仔細著裝似乎還算
在悲傷中學會愛、學會與自己和解 平時並不常看台劇的我,幾乎是耐著性子看到了第五集,才頓時感受到這部劇的看點,不得不說臺灣戲劇的確擅長捕捉這種小清新氛圍、有點黏乎的愛情卻又不時剖開角色的內心,將人的情感與掙扎展露無遺的戲劇類型。
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
這兩天在Netflix上又重溫了一遍我很愛的一部電影「天菜大廚 Burnt」 男主角是由Bradley Cooper飾演一位原本很有天份的廚師,因為酗酒跟吸毒問題,把自己在巴黎的事業毀了,於是隻身前往紐奧良,給自己定下挖完一百萬顆生蠔後才能離開的目標⋯⋯
這部片的評價很兩極,我前段很喜歡,但是一個收尾往往可以倒扣前面的積分。 電影從連續殺人案講起,受害者家中都有一位14號生日的女孩,現場鑑識都沒有發現外力入侵痕跡,像主動開門讓殺身之禍進門。在懸疑前半段的詭異感營造得有聲有色,靜默又濕冷的調性,類似《私法爭鋒》、《破案神探》之類的展開...
本片簡單概述:馴鹿寶貝是一部由英國喜劇演員理查蓋德(Richard Gadd)自編自演的小品影集,根據其他網路資料來源表示該部作品為理查蓋德的親身經歷改編。內容主要描述主角被一名女性跟蹤、性騷擾、攻擊導致影響他的工作、生活以及親密關係,然而第一集即以倒述的方式,從警察問他:你為什麼不報警?
「蛋治」 a.k.a. 尼古拉斯基治的好評新作《大叔夢中人/夢行者保羅》is quite a funny & A24-styled (?) film,配合蛋治的真實人生,更有玩味 (下有劇透)
《夢行者保羅》(Dream Scenario)是一部由尼可拉斯凱吉主演於2023年上映的超現實主義喜(?)劇片,如果照英文的片名直譯的話就是"夢境場景",也是整部戲的主軸內容,一名在美國大學擔任教授的平凡大叔,突然間出現在所有包含不認識的人的夢境中...
他可能看過<天才雷普利 The Talented Mr. Ripley>,原著,當然還有翻拍的電影,他太想知道派翠西亞·海史密斯(Patricia Highsmith)筆下的這個角色如果形象化會長得怎麼樣?麥特·戴蒙(Matt Damon)?或許吧,顏值說不上怎麼讓人過目不忘,但仔細著裝似乎還算
在悲傷中學會愛、學會與自己和解 平時並不常看台劇的我,幾乎是耐著性子看到了第五集,才頓時感受到這部劇的看點,不得不說臺灣戲劇的確擅長捕捉這種小清新氛圍、有點黏乎的愛情卻又不時剖開角色的內心,將人的情感與掙扎展露無遺的戲劇類型。