Living with Yourself, Another Clone Story?

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Comment on the comedy-drama starring Ant-Man Paul Rudd

Poster of Netflix's comedy-drama "Living with Yourself" starring Paul Rudd
“Living with Yourself” was released in 2019 on Netflix, and starring Ant-Man Paul Rudd. On first glance, it’s a typical sci-fi story. The leading character Miles was a middle-age man struggling with his life. Under the advice of his colleague, he decided to visit a mysterious spa to “be happy” again. But soon he realized, he had been cloned. A happier version Miles was standing right in front of him, optimistic towards everything, and may take over his life, his work, and his wife.

Another Cautionary Clone Story, or Is It?

The plot sounds a bit “Black Mirror”, isn’t it? Actually there was indeed a sentimental clone story “Be Right Back” in “Black Mirror” season 2 episodes 1. Assuming we all remember the 2005 sci-fi thriller “The Island” starring Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson? Or an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie “The 6th Day” in 2010, a time when cloned sheep Dolly was still a phenomenon?
I’m guessing Asian faces and purple tone are common Hollywood techniques to make the scene more “mysterious”. Scene from the top-secret spa in “Living with Yourself”
It’s 2021, we’ve seen so many clone topic films. Then what makes “Living with Yourself” refreshing? For starters, the narratives kept changing to multiple perspectives during the 8 episodes. Second, the director/ writer Timothy Greenber gave audience a tricky question, does the new one must outweigh the old? Finally, Paul Rudd really took out all he got from 27 years of acting up to full strengths. Let me explain more.


The New One Always Win?

This is usually the case when it comes to shopping for new clothes, new electrics, and sometimes in the case of a relationship. The fun thing about “Living with Yourself” is that we see things not only from two Miles’ angles, but also from his/ their wife Kate (starring Ireland actress Aisling Bea, who has a lot Rachel Weisz vibe).
Then it became clear that there was no bad guy. Original Miles, although cynical and uncaring sometimes, was after all a simple guy who just wanted to be happy again. Even though he was provoked to act (ex. finally visited the fertility clinic) after feeling threatened by cloned self. Miles eventually realized what he missed for a long time and found the way to win it back.
New (cloned) Miles is apparently more positive, more creative, and more grateful to everything in life. Hence he seemed to gain more affection immediately by all. However, new Miles was so eager to win over Kate that he even considered killing his original self. In the end, he realized that even with all the memories and better behavior, he couldn’t recreate years of couple chemistry. So he was willing to let it go.
Kate, the wife who was reluctantly dragged into this dilemma, was so convinced that new Miles should be gone when the cloning first came to light. But as original Miles kept disappeared her, Kate “cheated” with new Miles. The twist kicked in, she realized that she couldn’t ask Miles to stay as the man she married, cuz she changed too. The new one isn’t always better. Sometimes all we need is the original one that accompanied us all these times.

Meet Paul Rudd When He’s Not Ant-Man

“Living with Yourself” is Paul Rudd’s first starring TV role. I have to confess, I never knew he can act so well! I first saw Paul Rudd from an old 1995 YA film, “Clueless”, an adaptation from Jane Austen’s famous novel Emma. Later he was known as Phoebe’s boyfriend Mike from “Friends”. He then took a couple supporting roles. From 2015, he became famous again, as Marvel’s Ant-Man.
For a time I saw Paul Rudd as a nice, baby-face guy who seems to be happy to play supporting roles as such. But in “Living with Yourself”, he successfully played every role so well: the younger caring-husband Miles, the old bitter Miles, the growing new Miles, the new Miles pretending to be original Miles. It’s the same actor, nevertheless those roles were all showing completely different characters! That’s brilliant acting.
Who can say no to double Paul Rudd? Scene from Miles and Kate’s home in “Living with Yourself”

The Remaining Questions

Cloning is always a controversial issue. Due to regulation, so far there’s no public human cloning cases. I think it’s good that this topic is filmed. By watching the drama we would feel more relate to, and gets us thinking the moral issues hidden in the comedy. In this sense, “Living with Yourself” is a bit like a philosophy debate in another TV show “The Good Place”. You can find my comment on the show here.
A hypothetical note, in the show the price for making a clone and having fertility treatments was both $50k. Is that the standard prize for making a baby via technical procedure?
Another interesting argument, can we be a happier version of ourselves if we didn’t physically experience all the things happened? Can we be free from the grudge and dissatisfaction via magical technical invention one day? And what’s more important, if answers to both questions are yes, do we wanna?
Finally, I would like to share a quirky fun song in the show that left quite some impression. It was composed by talented British electronica musician Anna Meredith. A bit Hans Zimmer style, but funky in its own way. If you like her music, can check another longer footage covered by NPR Music’s Tiny Desk Concert here.

Background Information of “Living with Yourself”:
Number of season: 1 (season 2 is still undecided as of Apr 2021)
• Running time per episode: 21–35 minutes
• Type of the show: Comedy, Drama, Sci-fi
• Distributor: Netflix
• Released in: Oct 2019
• Created by: Timothy Greenber
• Leading actors/actresses: Paul Rudd and Aisling Bea
Disclaimer: copyrights of all the pictures in this article belong to Netflix.

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除非你找到生命的意義,否則你只是重覆著每一天生活的人和事 這句是來自網路文章中作者看完Bill Murray和Andie McDowell的偷天情緣1993年電影。我也很喜歡這部電影看了好幾遍,我想每個人都有相同的共鳴。 那天一如往常的等待早晨六點半發車的公司交通車,看著一樣的隊伍和人群,突然回
科技日新月異的時代,當人的金錢富可敵國,或是對親人突然離世的不捨,若真有複製人,是否讓人延壽甚至永生,複製人沒有靈魂的存在,這會是世界劫難,亦是人間天堂呢! 本片主演(孔劉)飾演前特工(閔基憲),被國家安排執行機密護送(朴寶劍)飾演複製人(徐福),過程因被富商聘請傭兵襲擊追殺,逃亡過程發現複製
你前幾天說了這套戲,所以我昨天晚上租了來看。真的是非常非常好看的一套戲。 Nick Winton的故事其實我以前就在fb看過,但是看電影又是另外一回事。讓人吃驚的是他居然把自己的貢獻keep it as a secret for 50年。。。偉大的人通常都不覺得自己很偉大,不偉大的人卻總是喜歡把自
電影《我的完美日常》由役所廣司主演,描述了一個中老年男人重新開始的故事。文章深入探討了片中角色的生活方式以及其微型聯繫的關係,以及導演溫德斯對於角色刻畫的設想和電影拍攝手法。歌曲《Feeling Good》的詞意被引用,呼應了平山主人公對生活的態度,以及面對生活中種種關係和挑戰時的自己。
《愛情失控點》(Irrational Man)是伍迪‧艾倫(Woody Allen)作品中我最喜愛的一部(沒有之一),本片融合了哲學、愛情、謀殺等人性各種面向的投射,結局更是充滿伍迪式幽默。 「我想不起活著的理由,想到了又沒有說服力。」一位對生活沒有目標的哲學系教授 ─艾比·盧卡斯(瓦
We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one. Tom Hiddleston 我們都有兩種生活。 當我們意識到我們只有一個時,第二個就開始了。 湯姆·希德斯頓,雷神索爾男主角
除非你找到生命的意義,否則你只是重覆著每一天生活的人和事 這句是來自網路文章中作者看完Bill Murray和Andie McDowell的偷天情緣1993年電影。我也很喜歡這部電影看了好幾遍,我想每個人都有相同的共鳴。 那天一如往常的等待早晨六點半發車的公司交通車,看著一樣的隊伍和人群,突然回
科技日新月異的時代,當人的金錢富可敵國,或是對親人突然離世的不捨,若真有複製人,是否讓人延壽甚至永生,複製人沒有靈魂的存在,這會是世界劫難,亦是人間天堂呢! 本片主演(孔劉)飾演前特工(閔基憲),被國家安排執行機密護送(朴寶劍)飾演複製人(徐福),過程因被富商聘請傭兵襲擊追殺,逃亡過程發現複製
你前幾天說了這套戲,所以我昨天晚上租了來看。真的是非常非常好看的一套戲。 Nick Winton的故事其實我以前就在fb看過,但是看電影又是另外一回事。讓人吃驚的是他居然把自己的貢獻keep it as a secret for 50年。。。偉大的人通常都不覺得自己很偉大,不偉大的人卻總是喜歡把自
電影《我的完美日常》由役所廣司主演,描述了一個中老年男人重新開始的故事。文章深入探討了片中角色的生活方式以及其微型聯繫的關係,以及導演溫德斯對於角色刻畫的設想和電影拍攝手法。歌曲《Feeling Good》的詞意被引用,呼應了平山主人公對生活的態度,以及面對生活中種種關係和挑戰時的自己。
《愛情失控點》(Irrational Man)是伍迪‧艾倫(Woody Allen)作品中我最喜愛的一部(沒有之一),本片融合了哲學、愛情、謀殺等人性各種面向的投射,結局更是充滿伍迪式幽默。 「我想不起活著的理由,想到了又沒有說服力。」一位對生活沒有目標的哲學系教授 ─艾比·盧卡斯(瓦
We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one. Tom Hiddleston 我們都有兩種生活。 當我們意識到我們只有一個時,第二個就開始了。 湯姆·希德斯頓,雷神索爾男主角