The Good Place, a Brilliant Philosophy Comedy

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3 Reasons Why You Should Watch the Show (No Spoilers)

Group photo of NBC’s fantasy comedy The Good Place 
Have you seen NBC's philosophy fantasy comedy “The Good Place”? Yes, you usually won't see philosophy and fantasy in the same sentence. Not only does it have witted and funny lines, also does it full of good twists! All credit goes to the brilliant Michael Schur, writer of this show. Now I’d like to share 3 reasons why I think you should watch the show and fall in love with it likeI do.

1. Funniest Philosophy Drama Ever

From the very beginning, I’m fascinated by the philosophy debates popping up now and then throughout all 4 seasons. It’s amazing that so many hilarious gags and thought-provoking lines can co-exist and not making you overwhelmed by the usual philosophical doctrine! It’s basically “Sophie’s World” in sitcom realm, using amusing scenarios to introduce philosophical concepts in our daily life. And the discussion about afterlife can also relate to popular open-course lectures “Death” by Yale professor Shelly Kagan, the show sets forth to some notions that you may reflect on more deeply.

2. Good Old Heaven vs Demon Battle

Enough about philosophy, do you like to watch the good old heaven vs demon battle? “The Good Place” won’t let you down, it is now my favorite together with David Tennant and Michael Sheen’s bromance fantasy “Good Omens” of the same topic. I have to say, the 2 casting directors did an outstanding job to gather all these brilliant actors and actresses, and all the supporting roles are just spotted-on. You have to watch all 4 seasons to know how genius they are.

3. Dreamy Setting that Makes Life Great Again

Probably because I watched this show in the unspeakable 2020, a year when there are too many sad stories and new-normal still seems hard to swallow. The colorful afterlife scene and forking-great costumes setting successfully created a surreal universe that makes everything hopeful again. “The Good Place” presented in a heavenly-cute tone that I haven’t seen for years since the 2007 “Pushing Daisies” (still remember how disappointed I was when it got cancelled). Art Design and Production Design team, as well as Costume Designer Kirston Mann really pulled it off!
Did I mention the show has good ending too? Rest assured that you won’t want to smash your screen at the last episode like “Game of Thrones”. Now, pour yourself a drink, find a nice place to relax your leg, and enjoy the season 1 trailer below.📺 (Spoil alert: the show is way better than the trailer!)

Background Information of The Good Place:

Disclaimer: Copyright of the poster shot in this article goes to NBC.

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Google News 追蹤
小說改編的故事,會注意到是因為有幾位巨星演出,但多少也知道評價不算好,反正還是抽空看了。 果然不算好…… 或者說,故事呈現的價值觀有點錯亂,雖說最近很多八股作品都喜歡強調什麼善惡沒有絕對之的膚淺想法,但這部算是把這種膚淺放大到破壞整個故事邏輯了。 是這樣的,很多作品喜歡端出善惡相對論,或者人沒
這篇文章深入探討了人生中的選擇和思考對於我們未來的影響,並且以科幻驚悚片《人生複本》中的劇情為例,呈現了一個新的哲學思考角度。通過深呼吸放空腦袋,我們能夠進入一個平靜的世界,從而影響我們的生活和心靈。 作者通過自身的經歷與小說劇情相對應,體會到了這個觀念在日常生活中的重要性。
最大的重點:這本書裏頭有很多好笑的笑話。 其次,《編劇,我想當個好人》介紹了西方頂尖哲學家們對道德的見解,以及如何成為一名真正好人的完整指南。如果你老是聽人說善良是一種選擇,但不確定要怎麼選的話,這本書可以幫上你的忙。
我曾經分享過網飛影集《睡魔》(The Sandman)的心得,我覺得那可以算是自己在奇幻領域更深一層的啟蒙,先撇開哈利波特與魔戒,或是世界觀宏大堪與漫威比擬的布萊恩山德森作品。尼爾蓋曼的故事核心同樣別出心裁獨具一格,近期開始品味他的短篇故事集與代表作《好預兆》(Good Omens),我非常喜歡他筆
近年來看到最喜歡最好笑的喜劇就是《荒唐分局》Brooklyn 99和《良善之地》The Good Place,陪我渡過疫情的影集的製作人Michael Schur寫了一本書那當然要找來看看。就是《編劇,我想當個好人》。
《良善之地》是超乎預期的喜劇! 主角Eleanor死後來到了The Good Place,一個好人才能去的地方。據社區的建築師Michael所說,Eleanor生前是人權律師,且幫助了很多的弱勢族群。殊不知Eleanor其實是個自私自利、尖酸刻薄的爛人,並任職於賣假藥的詐欺公司。
小說改編的故事,會注意到是因為有幾位巨星演出,但多少也知道評價不算好,反正還是抽空看了。 果然不算好…… 或者說,故事呈現的價值觀有點錯亂,雖說最近很多八股作品都喜歡強調什麼善惡沒有絕對之的膚淺想法,但這部算是把這種膚淺放大到破壞整個故事邏輯了。 是這樣的,很多作品喜歡端出善惡相對論,或者人沒
這篇文章深入探討了人生中的選擇和思考對於我們未來的影響,並且以科幻驚悚片《人生複本》中的劇情為例,呈現了一個新的哲學思考角度。通過深呼吸放空腦袋,我們能夠進入一個平靜的世界,從而影響我們的生活和心靈。 作者通過自身的經歷與小說劇情相對應,體會到了這個觀念在日常生活中的重要性。
最大的重點:這本書裏頭有很多好笑的笑話。 其次,《編劇,我想當個好人》介紹了西方頂尖哲學家們對道德的見解,以及如何成為一名真正好人的完整指南。如果你老是聽人說善良是一種選擇,但不確定要怎麼選的話,這本書可以幫上你的忙。
我曾經分享過網飛影集《睡魔》(The Sandman)的心得,我覺得那可以算是自己在奇幻領域更深一層的啟蒙,先撇開哈利波特與魔戒,或是世界觀宏大堪與漫威比擬的布萊恩山德森作品。尼爾蓋曼的故事核心同樣別出心裁獨具一格,近期開始品味他的短篇故事集與代表作《好預兆》(Good Omens),我非常喜歡他筆
近年來看到最喜歡最好笑的喜劇就是《荒唐分局》Brooklyn 99和《良善之地》The Good Place,陪我渡過疫情的影集的製作人Michael Schur寫了一本書那當然要找來看看。就是《編劇,我想當個好人》。
《良善之地》是超乎預期的喜劇! 主角Eleanor死後來到了The Good Place,一個好人才能去的地方。據社區的建築師Michael所說,Eleanor生前是人權律師,且幫助了很多的弱勢族群。殊不知Eleanor其實是個自私自利、尖酸刻薄的爛人,並任職於賣假藥的詐欺公司。