The Good Place, a Brilliant Philosophy Comedy

更新於 2021/10/04閱讀時間約 9 分鐘

3 Reasons Why You Should Watch the Show (No Spoilers)

Group photo of NBC’s fantasy comedy The Good Place 
Have you seen NBC's philosophy fantasy comedy “The Good Place”? Yes, you usually won't see philosophy and fantasy in the same sentence. Not only does it have witted and funny lines, also does it full of good twists! All credit goes to the brilliant Michael Schur, writer of this show. Now I’d like to share 3 reasons why I think you should watch the show and fall in love with it likeI do.

1. Funniest Philosophy Drama Ever

From the very beginning, I’m fascinated by the philosophy debates popping up now and then throughout all 4 seasons. It’s amazing that so many hilarious gags and thought-provoking lines can co-exist and not making you overwhelmed by the usual philosophical doctrine! It’s basically “Sophie’s World” in sitcom realm, using amusing scenarios to introduce philosophical concepts in our daily life. And the discussion about afterlife can also relate to popular open-course lectures “Death” by Yale professor Shelly Kagan, the show sets forth to some notions that you may reflect on more deeply.

2. Good Old Heaven vs Demon Battle

Enough about philosophy, do you like to watch the good old heaven vs demon battle? “The Good Place” won’t let you down, it is now my favorite together with David Tennant and Michael Sheen’s bromance fantasy “Good Omens” of the same topic. I have to say, the 2 casting directors did an outstanding job to gather all these brilliant actors and actresses, and all the supporting roles are just spotted-on. You have to watch all 4 seasons to know how genius they are.

3. Dreamy Setting that Makes Life Great Again

Probably because I watched this show in the unspeakable 2020, a year when there are too many sad stories and new-normal still seems hard to swallow. The colorful afterlife scene and forking-great costumes setting successfully created a surreal universe that makes everything hopeful again. “The Good Place” presented in a heavenly-cute tone that I haven’t seen for years since the 2007 “Pushing Daisies” (still remember how disappointed I was when it got cancelled). Art Design and Production Design team, as well as Costume Designer Kirston Mann really pulled it off!
Did I mention the show has good ending too? Rest assured that you won’t want to smash your screen at the last episode like “Game of Thrones”. Now, pour yourself a drink, find a nice place to relax your leg, and enjoy the season 1 trailer below.📺 (Spoil alert: the show is way better than the trailer!)

Background Information of The Good Place:

Disclaimer: Copyright of the poster shot in this article goes to NBC.

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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
桌面上的透光屏幕詢問我要不要同步接受重大新聞,我按下同意。 圖:取自Billie Eilish facebook
我一直認為能對一齣劇或一本書陷入著迷,可說是像極了愛情,必須要在天時地利人和之下,你才能邂逅它。尤其是那些劇情慢慢鋪層,開始有些沉悶、有些普通,可能曾給過它一些時間,最後還是不了了之,卻在某次機緣再度來訪時,突然開竅般理解並喜愛它。美劇《The Good Doctor》(台譯:良醫墨非)對我來說就是
本週閱讀的書有「美好生活」,然後開始對作者產生興趣,HELEN & SCOTT NEARING身為社會科學家和音樂家結合的這對夫婦,提供了許多想要過自給自足生活的園藝知識與建築上的建議,當然身處亞熱帶台灣的我們,在建造居住的石屋上可能會有困難,不過倒是引起了我的興趣,上網搜尋了許多影片,看起來頗為療
有劇透,請小心! 說主角們在的good place (天堂) 其實是bad place (地獄) ,一開始到看不出來,即使女主角自告奮勇(??)地承認architecture搞錯了,她應該下地獄的,還是有點看不出來那
《良善之地》是一部美國奇幻情境喜劇影集。共四季,每季12–13集,每集約20分鐘,全劇已完結,在網飛上可以收看。 第四季是《良善之地》的最終季。我非常非常喜歡本劇的結尾,應該是我看過最好的結尾沒有之一 — — 既捨不得、又覺得必須放手;既傷心、又欣慰。我很少感受到那樣激動與平靜同時存在的情緒狀態。
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
桌面上的透光屏幕詢問我要不要同步接受重大新聞,我按下同意。 圖:取自Billie Eilish facebook
我一直認為能對一齣劇或一本書陷入著迷,可說是像極了愛情,必須要在天時地利人和之下,你才能邂逅它。尤其是那些劇情慢慢鋪層,開始有些沉悶、有些普通,可能曾給過它一些時間,最後還是不了了之,卻在某次機緣再度來訪時,突然開竅般理解並喜愛它。美劇《The Good Doctor》(台譯:良醫墨非)對我來說就是
本週閱讀的書有「美好生活」,然後開始對作者產生興趣,HELEN & SCOTT NEARING身為社會科學家和音樂家結合的這對夫婦,提供了許多想要過自給自足生活的園藝知識與建築上的建議,當然身處亞熱帶台灣的我們,在建造居住的石屋上可能會有困難,不過倒是引起了我的興趣,上網搜尋了許多影片,看起來頗為療
有劇透,請小心! 說主角們在的good place (天堂) 其實是bad place (地獄) ,一開始到看不出來,即使女主角自告奮勇(??)地承認architecture搞錯了,她應該下地獄的,還是有點看不出來那
《良善之地》是一部美國奇幻情境喜劇影集。共四季,每季12–13集,每集約20分鐘,全劇已完結,在網飛上可以收看。 第四季是《良善之地》的最終季。我非常非常喜歡本劇的結尾,應該是我看過最好的結尾沒有之一 — — 既捨不得、又覺得必須放手;既傷心、又欣慰。我很少感受到那樣激動與平靜同時存在的情緒狀態。