D20@3 Jun 2021 Plain Covid Diary in Taiwan

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added 415 local cases, 17 deaths. 3 Jun 2021 (Thu)
39 workers were confirmed yesterday in Miaoli. Seriously, if the world wants to buy electrical equipment, order them in three days as quickly as possible.
Taiwan provides over 60% of chips for the whole world. The semiconductor industry has a close connection to Hsinchu Science Park, which is the heart of technology industries in Taiwan, aka in the world. The government has tracked 7300 workers to recall them to get tested.
If the situation can't be controlled well, the world will be soon lacking components to assemble electrical things. So, buy cars, laptops, cameras.. as soon as possible.
I don't reckon it would soon be fine, the infected workers were not Taiwanese. Those workers are one of our deep concerns. I should've got a more polite way to put this, but I have no idea for now.
Two great things will arrive in Taiwan tomorrow. A typhoon, and 1.24 million doses of AZ vaccines from Japan.
And China has no tomorrow.


Vsy的沙龍 的其他內容
I have no idea which one is tougher, the virus or the people.
I Just want to share memes that were spread on Twitter after John Cena had apologised for calling Taiwan a country.
All the war propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.
I hope the rain can last longer, at least one week.
My eldest daughter wanted to make a return visit to the dentist to strengthen her tooth, I deterred her.
The online shopping services have been postponing terribly, it takes more than a week even ten days to receive the things we buy.
I have no idea which one is tougher, the virus or the people.
I Just want to share memes that were spread on Twitter after John Cena had apologised for calling Taiwan a country.
All the war propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.
I hope the rain can last longer, at least one week.
My eldest daughter wanted to make a return visit to the dentist to strengthen her tooth, I deterred her.
The online shopping services have been postponing terribly, it takes more than a week even ten days to receive the things we buy.
Google News 追蹤
台灣電子產業是全球科技領域中不可或缺的一部分,其影響力和競爭力遍及世界各地。憑藉卓越的技術創新、高效的生產能力以及完善的供應鏈,台灣在半導體、電腦及週邊設備、電子零組件和光電產品等多個領域中佔據了領先地位。 這些產業不僅推動了台灣經濟的快速增長,也在全球科技市場中占有舉足輕重的地位。 從全球
COVID-19是世界衛生組織WHO為這個疾病的正式命名,而SARS-CoV-2則是其病毒株名字 寫這篇主因是台灣當時宣布「口罩禁出口令」,引發cMoney版友大論戰,很多人說台灣政府太政治,沒有「人道主義」精神,本蛙說你別搞錯,台灣醫療口罩還都是中國進口的,萬一疫情在台灣爆發,你瞬間不能「人道」
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目前因景氣不確定因素客戶都下急單比較多,比較不願意下一年以上的長期訂單。 台林切入電動機車市場以台灣市場為主。 在熊本半導體設備展接洽的日本設備商可能有新契機,四月會與客戶進行合作計畫洽談。 2023年毛利率成長動能來自於製程自動化、客戶技術服務及ODM製造。 庫存水位顯著下降,若客戶持續下
2024年是全世界大選年,大約有七十多國會有大選,包括台,美,印度,印尼,墨西哥,俄,烏,英和歐盟這幾個關鍵選舉。選舉結果攸關世界陣營的走向: 往左或往右? 首場由台灣總統大選拉開序幕。台灣再度站上國際政治舞台的焦點C位。 近年來選舉的主軸政見都離不了「定義與中國大陸的關係」,
Electrical connectors are essential components in a wide range of electronic devices, from consumer electronics to industrial equipment. They are used
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台灣電子產業是全球科技領域中不可或缺的一部分,其影響力和競爭力遍及世界各地。憑藉卓越的技術創新、高效的生產能力以及完善的供應鏈,台灣在半導體、電腦及週邊設備、電子零組件和光電產品等多個領域中佔據了領先地位。 這些產業不僅推動了台灣經濟的快速增長,也在全球科技市場中占有舉足輕重的地位。 從全球
COVID-19是世界衛生組織WHO為這個疾病的正式命名,而SARS-CoV-2則是其病毒株名字 寫這篇主因是台灣當時宣布「口罩禁出口令」,引發cMoney版友大論戰,很多人說台灣政府太政治,沒有「人道主義」精神,本蛙說你別搞錯,台灣醫療口罩還都是中國進口的,萬一疫情在台灣爆發,你瞬間不能「人道」
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Why Choose Taiwan Computer Parts Manufacturers and Suppliers? In the global market, Taiwan is renowned for its exceptional manufacturing capabilities
Exploring the Best Taiwan Electronic Wire Manufacturers and Suppliers In the dynamic world of electronics, choosing the right components is crucial f
Top 10 Taiwan computer parts manufacturers suppliers Taiwan is a major hub for the computer hardware industry. The island is home to a number of
目前因景氣不確定因素客戶都下急單比較多,比較不願意下一年以上的長期訂單。 台林切入電動機車市場以台灣市場為主。 在熊本半導體設備展接洽的日本設備商可能有新契機,四月會與客戶進行合作計畫洽談。 2023年毛利率成長動能來自於製程自動化、客戶技術服務及ODM製造。 庫存水位顯著下降,若客戶持續下
2024年是全世界大選年,大約有七十多國會有大選,包括台,美,印度,印尼,墨西哥,俄,烏,英和歐盟這幾個關鍵選舉。選舉結果攸關世界陣營的走向: 往左或往右? 首場由台灣總統大選拉開序幕。台灣再度站上國際政治舞台的焦點C位。 近年來選舉的主軸政見都離不了「定義與中國大陸的關係」,
Electrical connectors are essential components in a wide range of electronic devices, from consumer electronics to industrial equipment. They are used
Unveiling Excellence: Taiwan Electrical Connector Manufacturers In the realm of electrical connectors, Taiwan has emerged as a hub for innovation a