在靈氣的世界中,曾經多次嘗試準確地描繪靈氣的歷史。不幸的是,在我更完整的整合並描述完整的歷史後其中只有少部分的證據是被確定。我們在西方世界擁有的靈氣歷史最初來自於高田女士,雖然我們尊重她是讓靈氣在世界範圍內保持活躍並流行的人,但她所教授的靈氣史包含許多細節,這些細節已被證明不是真實的。例如,在她的靈氣故事中,她說臼井老師曾是日本京都同志社大學的校長(president of Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan.)。當我在 1989 年成為靈氣大師時,我很好奇我們可能能夠了解更多有關創始人的任何其他事蹟。因此,基於相信高田女士所說的故事,我給同志社大學寫了一封信,詢問他們是否有一位校長臼井甕男。我想知道他們是否有關於他的任何其他信息,可以增加我們對他是什麼樣的人的理解。 (說實話,我想知道為什麼以前從來都沒有人這樣做過。)他們給我回信解釋說他們已經對他們的所有記錄進行了非常徹底的搜索,可以肯定地說這個人從來沒有擔任過大學校長,也沒有當過教員,甚至沒有作為學生註冊過,他們知道 對他一無所知。(2)這些信息讓我非常痛苦。 如果高田講述靈氣歷史的故事中最核心的想法之一是錯誤的,那麼有可能其他的什麼想法也是錯誤的。 這讓我感到困擾,以至於我懷疑是不是高田編造了整個事情,包括靈氣本身的概念與想法。
這些研究與靈氣的詳細歷史考究都可以在線上書籍《靈氣,觸碰的治療(Reiki, The Healing Touch)》在線發布版本中。 只要使用完整的文章並且不添加、更改或刪除任何內容,任何人想要將其複制並粘貼到其網站上的人都可以使用本在線版本。
參考文獻 References
1 Charles Busha and Stephen P. Harter, Research Methods in Librarianship: Techniques and Interpretations (Academic Press: New York, NY, 1980).
2 Some said that he might have used a different name or that the university records might have been lost during the war, but additional research included the examination of a list of all the presidents of Doshisha University, the periods of time they were president and biographies of each. There were no periods of time for which there was no president listed and none of the biographies were similar to that of the life of Mikao Usui. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doshisha_University.
3 Mrs. Takata Speaks, The History of Reiki, CD and transcript (Southfield, MI: Vision Publications, 1979).
4 This is the organization Usui Sensei started in April 1922 to practice and promote Reiki.
5 Tadao Yamaguchi, Light on the Origins of Reiki (Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press, 2007), 66.
6 See Reiki News Magazine (Spring 2011), 18 for a photo of Usui Sensei and all twenty Shihans he trained that includes a statement in the photo in Japanese indicating that each is authorized to teach in the same way as Usui Sensei. The exception is Wantanabe who recieved Okuden from Usui Sensei and was given Shinpiden from Ushida after Usui Sensei passed.
7 Walter Lubeck, Frank Arjava Petter, William Lee Rand, The Spirit of Reiki (Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press, 2003), 17. This page contains a list of the presidents of the Gakkai and the fact that the first four had been trained by Usui Sensei.
8 Hiroshi Doi, Gendei Reiki-ho (Southfield, MI: Vision Publications, 2013). Previously published but out of print; new addition available Fall 2013.