3C直播 FB 3C直播 Hyt 3C 3C蝦皮直播

2021/07/13閱讀時間約 36 分鐘
#3C直播 #蝦皮直播
#FB3C直播 #Hyt3C #3C直播 #家電直播 #LED直播 #魚眼直播 #上衣直播
#H4魚眼直播 #外掛式霧燈 #直播 #Hyt-3C充電線 #LED魚眼大燈 #YT麥克風
#H4頭燈 #T恤 #手遊散熱器 #直播設備 #PD充電器 #PD快充線 #QC5
#單軸穩定器 #隱藏式看護攝影機 #測速器罰單終結者 #行車記錄器 #手機散熱器
#蘋果PD充電線 #USBCTOLightning #LED日行燈 #DRL #燈條 #LED手電筒
#PD車充 #LED小燈 #韓式風包包 #男斜背 #女雙肩包 #女斜背包
#美國吉爾登原廠授權代理直播 #鉛酸電瓶充電器 #機車充電器 #汽車充電器
#QC快充 #USBC測試器 #USB測試器 #演講雷射筆 #抬頭顯示器 #洗車機
#冷氣機 #機車緊急啟動電霸 #汽車緊急啟動電霸 #急救電霸 #農機LED
#越野車LED #貨車LED #叉車LED #LED照明 #洗車用品 #小暖機
#4K超高速SD存儲卡 #電霸啟動夾 #ALTIS油電濾芯 #汽車雨刷
3C直播 FB 3C直播 Hyt 3C VVV3C
#PD充電線 #車用LED
#監視器 #50W無線秒充 #200W快充 #100W充電線 #原廠快充 #原廠充電線 #測速器 #行車記錄器 #ALTIS油電濾芯 #雨刷 #直播散熱器 #外掛式霧燈 #T恤 #手機散熱風扇 #直播麥克風 #穩定器 #單反麥克風 #小燈 #啟動汽車電霸 #啟動電源 #機車啟動電源 #行車記錄器 #蘋果PD充電線 #汽車充電器 #機車充電器 #洗車機 #日行燈 #DRL #燈條 #手電筒 #韓式包 #男包 #女包
這些都是需要照明 !! 您會需要我們的商品﹐提高您的安全度
應避免流動快速 / 買家如有需要的物品﹐
若有郵寄、貨到付款,或是任何 iphone、QC&PD快速充電問題,歡迎來詢問,
(會盡快第一時間回覆您,謝謝 )
====================良好的溝通 .才有愉快的交易==========
USB-IF協會推出了USB Type-C線纜和接口標準v2.1版本,將原來的USB PD3​​.0內容歸到標準功率範圍(Standard Power Range,簡稱SPR)裡面,最大功率保持100W不變;同時增加了擴展功率範圍(Extended Power Range,簡稱EPR),最大功率由100W擴展到240W。
從PD5V / 7.5W 到 240W,USB PD快充在十年間徹底成為“頂流”,而正在普及的100W便是最重要的轉折點。
#保證可持續升級蘋果iPad2018的iOS或Android繼續使用 #原廠充電線 #原廠規範充電線 #USBPD3.0 #USBPD3.0PPS #5V3A #20V2.25A #20V3A #20V5A #PPS3.3V-5.9V3A #3.3V11V3A #3.6V16V3A #3.3V21V3A #3.3V21V5A #EPR28V5A #36V5A #48V5A #48V8A #AVS15V28V #15V36V5A #15V48V5A #AVS240W充電線 #EPR140W充電線 #EPR180W充電線 #EPR240W充電線 #USB3.1PD充電線
#67W #65W #22.5W #45W #55W #120W #160W #150W #240W #USBTypeC #低壓超級快速充電短線
#HUAWEI P30 Pro #小米10至尊紀念版 #50W無線秒充 #小米200W有線快充 PD3.0、QC2.0、QC3.0、QC4.0+、AFC、FCP、SCP #100W級別的大功率快充充電線 #15V28V5A
#QC3.0 #QC5.0 #9V2A18W #QC5.0 #32W #三重充電 #QuickCharge5.0
#QC4+5V3A #9V3A #3.3-5.9V/3A #3.3-11V2.4A(27W)
#USBPD3.0(PPS) #QC2.0 #QC3.0 #APPLE2.4A,BC1.2
#USBPD USBPD2.0 USBPD3.0, QC4+PPS BC1.2 #SCP PPS 3.4V-12V超級快充 #電荷泵20V1.25A/2A
USB C Power Delivery(PD) to Apple Lightning 8Pin
Type C -Apple Lightning 8Pin Type C to Micro轉USB C Power Delivery 轉 USB C
#手機散熱風扇 #手遊散熱器
#檳榔攤便宜小冷氣 #直播工廠冷氣
#小冷氣 #迷你冷氣 #超省電冷氣
#比家用冷氣省電一半 #炸攤冷氣
#直播補光燈 #直播麥克風 #youteber麥克風 #iPhone用麥克風 #手機直播支架 #桌面支架 #雲台 #小雲台 #手機支架 #手機背夾 #小雲台 #手機手柄 #穩定器 #穩定桿 #三軸穩定器 #單軸穩定器 #單眼快裝板 #單眼豎拍板 #Lightning轉接頭 #快裝板螺絲 #三腳架 #桌面支架 #錄音室直播錄影金屬托盤 #自動追蹤雲台 #錄影補光燈 #單反專業級麥克風 #自動跟隨平台支架 #汽車直上用LED #汽車加裝燈 #LED機車用直上LED #機車加裝燈LED #外掛式用加裝燈LED #農用加裝燈LED #貨車用加裝燈LED #山貓用加裝燈LED #垃圾用車加裝燈LED #夾車加裝燈LED #夾子車加裝燈LED #吊桿車加裝燈LED #抓斗車加裝燈LED #瓜子車加裝燈LED #鉗夾車加裝燈LED #夾斗車加裝燈LED #密封壓縮式垃圾車加裝燈LED #框式貨車加裝燈LED #小貨車加裝照明LED #傾卸式附加吊桿抓斗車 #17噸框式傾卸式附加吊桿抓斗車 #30噸混凝土車 #泥頭車 #挖掘機 #挖土機 #香港雞頭 #掘泥車 #台灣怪手 #履帶式掘鑿機 #拆卸式挖掘機 #皮卡 #SUV裝LED #普通卡車 #重型動力機械 #堆高機 #起貨機或叉式起重車 #倉儲用燈 #倉庫用燈 #貨物裝卸燈 #混凝土泵車 #9噸夾斗車及貓機連炮 #架橋機 #鋪軌機 #吊車 #塔吊 #天車 #行車 #混凝土攪拌車 #稱預拌混凝土車 #水泥車 #砼車 #田螺車 #隧道掘進機 #全斷面隧道鑽掘機 #潛盾機 #盾構機 #推土機 #壓路機 #裝載機 #自卸車 #鑽機 #弄斗 #旋轉挖斗夾鉗 #管路挖斗 #油壓旋轉夾 #大鋼爪 #破碎機 #油壓粉碎機 #大鋼剪 #電磁盤 #鑽掘機 #液壓振動錘 #鏈球 #巨型樹木修剪機照明LED #割草機LED #長手LED #伸縮臂LED #滑臂LED #雙臂式作業機LED #平板車LED #泥車LED #HIAB #泥夾LED #Hino #平板車加裝LED #Copma高馬60.2 吊機車加裝LED #Copma高馬240吊機加裝LED #Copma高馬360吊機加裝LED Copma #高馬638吊機車加裝LED #Copma #高馬78吊機加裝LED #Copma高馬 820 #吊機加裝LED #Copma高馬950 #9吊機車加裝LED #Copma高馬950吊機加裝LED #Copma高馬1150.10吊機加裝LED #Copma高馬2088.9吊機車加裝LED #商用車加裝LED #貨車加裝LED #霧燈加裝LED #LED #LED頭燈 #取代HID #取代原廠燈 #原廠大燈 #原廠LED #24噸車加裝LED #20噸吊車加裝LED #4捷機加裝LED #24噸車加裝LED #17噸吊車加裝LED #6捷機加裝LED #30噸車加裝LED #33噸吊車加裝LED #8捷機加裝LED #30噸車加裝LED #45噸尾加裝LED #9捷機加裝LED #吊運出倉入倉提貨燈加裝LED #38噸FMX加裝LED #泥頭車加裝LED #砂石車加裝LED #鑽機或稱鑽井架加裝LED #攤鋪機加裝LED #夜市用燈
#越野車加裝LED #SUV霧燈加裝LED #保險桿加裝LED霧燈 #沙灘車加裝LED #海灘車加裝燈LED #高球車或高爾夫球車加裝LED #載貨使用照明加裝LED #Yamaha車加裝LED #機車加裝LED #四輪驅動車加裝LED #發光二極管LED #LED燈泡 #Cree #LED照明 #高功率發光二極管燈利用取代石英燈 #緊急照明LED #室外LED #室內照明LED #LED洗牆燈 #12V #LED #24V #LED12V-85V #攤販省電LED #攤販燈 #聯結車加裝LED #柴油車用LED #Ford福特汽車車用LED #Toyota汽車車用LED #Mazda馬自達汽車車用LED #現代Hyundai汽車車用LED #Isuzu汽車車用LED #mitsubishi三菱汽車車用LED #VOLVO汽車車用LED #BENZ車用LED #BMW車用LED #本田Honda車用led #lexus汽車車用led #Mahindra Pick-up汽車車用LED #Mahindra KUV 100汽車車用LED #Mini汽車車用led #Nissan汽車車用LED #Peugeot汽車車用LED #Porsche汽車車用LED #Skoda汽車車用LED #Subaru汽車車用LED #Suzuki汽車車用LED #Volkswagen Amarok汽車車用LED #福斯車用LED
#Toyota Hilux車用LED #Ford Ranger汽車車用LED #2.0 Bi-Turbo Wildtrak車用LED #Ford Ranger 2.0 Bi-Turbo Wildtrak汽車車用LED #Ford Mustang汽車車用LED #BMW 2汽車車用LED #Toyota 86汽車車用LED #Lexus LM汽車車用LED #Honda Odyssey汽車車用LED #Lexus UX汽車車用LED #Suzuki Vitara汽車車用LED #Nissan Kicks汽車車用LED #Honda HR-V汽車車用LED #Toyota Sienta汽車車用LED #Toyota Alphard車用LED #Toyota Granvia車用LED #Porsche Cayman車用LED #Toyota GR Supra車用LED #Mazda MX-5車用LED #Toyota Corolla Altis車用LED #Hybrid Altis H4 LED #Toyota RAV4車用LED #Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid旗艦H4 LED #Toyota Auris車用LED #Toyota Land Cruiser Prado車用LED #Toyota Prius Alpha車用LED #oyota Prius c Crossover車用LED #Toyota Previa車用LED #Toyota Camry 2.5 Hybrid車用LED #Toyota Yaris車用LED #Toyota Vios車用LED #Toyota C-HR車用LED #奧迪Audi車用LED #Ford Focus 5D ST #Alfa Romeo車用LED
#Household appliances
#Live #Hyt-3C charging cable
#Live Equipment
#PD Charger
#PD快充线 #QC5
#Single axis stabilizer
#Concealed care camera
#Speedometer Ticket Terminator
#行车录器 #Mobile phone radiator
#Apple PD charging line #USBCTOLightning
#LED日行灯 #DRL #灯条
#LED手电灯 #PD车充 #LED小灯
#韩式风包包 #男斜背
#女双肩包 #Female cross-body bag
#United States Gilden original authorized agent live broadcast
#Lead acid battery charger
#電车CHAR##Car charger
#QC快充 #USBC tester
#USB测试器 #Speech laser pointer
#Air conditioner
#Locomotive emergency start electric bully
#Automobile emergency start electric tyrant #emergency electric tyrant
#Off-road vehicle LED
#Truck LED #Forklift LED
#LED lighting #car wash supplies #小warm machine #4K ultra-high speed SD memory card #Electric tyrant starter clip #ALTIS油电滤芯#Auto wiper
3C live FB 3C live Hyt 3C VVV3C
#PD Charging Line #Car LED
# Monitor#50WWireless Second Charger#200W快charge#100W Charging Line#原厂快charging#Original Factory Charging Line#测速器#Dashing Recorder#ALTIS油电滤芯#雨刷#直播Radiator#外挂式雾灯# T-shirt#mobile phone cooling fan#live microphone#stabilizer#SLR microphone#小灯#start car electric tyrants#start power supply# locomotive start power supply# driving recorder# apple PD charging line# car charger# locomotive charger# car washing machine #日行灯#DRL #灯条#手电筒#韩式包#男包#女包
Do you often feel that the headlights of cars and motorcycles are not bright enough at night
If you often run at night, run mountain roads, farm machinery, drive at night, bike heavy users
These all need lighting!! You will need our products to improve your safety
For safety, please use our LED fisheye
For safety, please use our fisheye headlights
For you, this is a lighting paradise, many discounts are super low, and [new products] will be launched from time to time
LED fisheye H4 headlight
Remind you: To avoid missing private messages, omissions, etc.,
Avoid fast-moving  /  if the buyer needs items,
So as not to miss out on discount opportunities
We will ship as soon as possible after placing the bid. Please feel free to place the bid
If you have any other questions, please ask and answer questions, or call, I will reply to you one by one when I come back, thank you!
If you have mailing, cash on delivery, or any iPhone, QC&PD fast charging questions, please feel free to ask.
(We will reply you as soon as possible, thank you)
==================== Good communication. Only a happy transaction ==========
The USB-IF Association has launched the USB Type-C cable and interface standard v2.1 version, which puts the original USB PD3.0 content into the Standard Power Range (SPR), and the maximum power remains 100W. At the same time, the Extended Power Range (EPR) is added, and the maximum power is extended from 100W to 240W.
From PD5V / 7.5W to 240W, USB PD fast charging has completely become the "top stream" in ten years, and the popular 100W is the most important turning point.
In addition to high power, the most powerful part of PD fast charging lies in its strong compatibility, which can provide good support for various devices such as laptops, iPads, and smart phones.
#Ensure that you can continue to upgrade the iOS or Android of Apple iPad2018#Original factory charging cable#Original standard charging cable#USBPD3.0 #USBPD3.0PPS #5V3A #20V2.25A #20V3A #20V5A #PPS3.3V-5.9V3A # 3.3V11V3A #3.6V16V3A #3.3V21V3A #3.3V21V5A #EPR28V5A #36V5A #48V5A #48V8A #AVS15V28V #15V36V5A #15V48V5A #AVS240W charging cable #EPR140W charging cable #EPR180W charging cable #EPR240W charging cable #EPR240W charging cable
#67W #65W #22.5W #45W #55W #120W #160W #150W #240W #USBTypeC #low voltage super fast charging short line
#HUAWEI P30 Pro #小米10至尊记版#50W wireless seconds charge# Xiaomi 200W wired fast charge PD3.0, QC2.0, QC3.0, QC4.0+, AFC, FCP, SCP #100W high-power fast Charging line #15V28V5A
#QC3.0 #QC5.0 #9V2A18W #QC5.0 #32W #triple charging #QuickCharge5.0
#QC4+5V3A #9V3A #3.3-5.9V/3A #3.3-11V2.4A(27W)
#USBPD3.0(PPS) #QC2.0 #QC3.0 #APPLE2.4A,BC1.2
#USBPD USBPD2.0 USBPD3.0, QC4+PPS BC1.2 #SCP PPS 3.4V-12V super fast charge #charge pump 20V1.25A/2A
USB C Power Delivery(PD) to Apple Lightning 8Pin
Type C -Apple Lightning 8Pin Type C to Micro to USB C Power Delivery to USB C
#Mobile cooling fan #Mobile game radiator
#小冷气 #mini air-conditioning #Super power saving air-conditioning
#Half less electricity than household air-conditioning #Fried stall air-conditioning
#It's really a cold air conditioner
#播裝光灯#live microphone#youteber microphone#iPhone用microphones#手机直播架# Desktop support#云台#小云台#手机架#手机背夹#小云台#手机Handle#鎖機條器#鎖設定杆# Three-axis stabilizer#单轴 stabilizer#单眼快装板#单眼立拍板#Lightning adapter#快装板螺#三脚架#desktop bracket#recording studio live video recording metal tray#automatic tracking pan/tilt# video fill light #单反 Professional-grade microphone#Automatic follow-up platform bracket#Auto direct-on LED #汽车加装灯#LED locomotive straight-up LED #Motorcycle additional lamp LED #外挂式用加装灯LED #农用加装灯LED #Truck with additional Mounted light LED #Lynx with additional light LED #garbage car additional light LED #clip car additional light LED #clip car additional light LED # boom car additional light LED # grab car additional light LED # Sunflower car retrofit lamp LED #Clamp car retrofit lamp LED #Clamp bucket car retrofit lamp LED #Sealed compression garbage truck retrofit lamp LED #Frame truck retrofit lamp LED #小车加装Illumination LED #Dumping Attached boom grab truck#17-ton frame dumping attached boom grab truck#30ton concrete car#泥头车#Excavator#Excavator#香港鸡头#捞泥车#台灣怪手# Crawler excavator#Disassembly-type excavator#Pickup#SUV装LED #ordinary truck#Heavy power machinery#Stacker#lifter or fork-lift truck#Warehouse lamp#Warehouse lamp#货装出灯#Concrete Pump truck #9 ton bucket truck and cat machine Lian Pao#架桥机#rail-laying machine#crane#塔吊#天车#行车#Concrete mixers#称Premixed concrete truck# cement car#砼车#田螺车# tunnel boring机#全面 Tunnel Drilling Machine# submersible shield machine# shield machine# bulldozer# road roller# loader# self unloading car# drilling machine# Nongdou# rotative excavator clamps# pipe excavation bucket#油压旋夹#大钢爪#碎机#油压碎机#大钢剪#电盘# Drilling machine # hydraulic vibration hammer #链球# Giant tree trimmer lighting LED #mower LED #长手LED # extendable arm LED #滑臂LED #双臂式工作机LED #Flatbed car LED #泥车LED #HIAB #泥夹LED #Hino #Flatbed car with LED #Copma高马60.2 Crane mounted with LED #Copma高马240 Crane mounted with LED #Copma高马360吊机加装LED Copma #高马638吊机车加装LED #Copma #高马78吊机加装LED #Copma高马820 #吊机加装LED #Copma高马950 #9Crane Locomotive retrofitting L ED #Copma高马950 Crane with LED #Copma高马1150.10 Crane with LED #Copma高马2088.9 Crane with LED #Commercial vehicle with LED #Truck with LED #雾灯加装LED #LED #LED头灯#Replace HID #Replace the original factory lamp#原厂大灯#Original LED #24 ton truck with LED #20 ton crane with LED #4捷机加装LED #24ton truck with LED # 17-ton crane with LED #6 Czechoslovakian with LED #30-ton truck with LED #33-ton with crane with LED #8 Czechoslovak with LED #30-ton truck with LED #45-ton with LED #9 Jieji retrofitted LED #lifting out of the warehouse and warehousing delivery lamp with LED #38ton FMX retrofitted LED #泥头车加装LED #Gravel car retrofitted LED #Drilling rig or drilling rig with LED #Pavers Installation of LED #Night market lights
#Off-road vehicle retrofitting LED #SUV fog lamp retrofitting LED #bumper retrofitting LED fog lamp# beach car retrofitting LED # beach car retrofitting lamp LED #高球车 or golf cart retrofitting LED #loading use lighting retrofit LED #Yamaha车加装LED #Motorcycle-mounted LED #Four-wheel-drive car with LED #Light-emitting diode LED #LED bulb#Cree #LED灯#Using high-power light-emitting diode lamps to replace quartz lamps #Emergency lighting LED #Outdoor LED # Indoor lighting LED #LED wash wall lamp #12V #LED #24V #LED12V-85V #街 concerning electricity-saving LED # street sales lamp#Connected car with LED #diesel car with LED #Ford Ford car with LED #Toyota car with LED #Mazda马自达汽车车用LED #Modern Hyundai car car LED #Isuzu car car LED #mitsubishi Mitsubishi car car LED #VOLVO car car LED #BENZ car LED #BMW车用LED #本田Honda车用led # lexus car led #Mahindra Pick-up car car LED #Mahindra KUV 100 car car LED #Mini car car led #Nissan car car LED #Peugeot car car LED #Porsche car car LED #Skoda car car Use LED #Subaru汽车车用LED #Suzuki汽车车用LED #Volkswagen Amarok汽车车用LED #福斯车用LED
#Toyota Hilux Car LED #Ford Ranger Car Car LED #2.0 Bi-Turbo Wildtrak Car LED #Ford Ranger 2.0 Bi-Turbo Wildtrak Car Car LED #Ford Mustang Car Car LED #BMW 2 Car Car LED #Toyota 86 car car LED #Lexus LM car car LED #Honda Odyssey car car LED #Lexus UX car car LED #Suzuki Vitara car car LED #Nissan Kicks car car LED #Honda HR-V car car LED # Toyota Sienta car LED #Toyota Alphard car LED #Toyota Granvia car LED #Porsche Cayman car LED #Toyota GR Supra car LED #Mazda MX-5 car LED #Toyota Corolla Altis car LED #Hybrid Altis H4 LED #Toyota RAV4 car LED #Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid flagship H4 LED #Toyota Auris car LED #Toyota Land Cruiser Prado car LED #Toyota Prius Alpha car LED #oyota Prius c Crossover car LED #Toyota Previa car LED #Toyota Camry 2.5 Hybrid Car LED #Toyota Yaris Car LED #Toyota Vios Car LED #Toyota C-HR Car LED #AUDi Car LED #Ford Focus 5D ST #Alfa Romeo Car LED
黃永騰 Huang Yong Teng
黃永騰 Huang Yong Teng
黃永騰 Huang Yong Teng台灣Taiwan 證明力量 Prove Power 商品/3C團購 linktr.ee/HuangYongTeng 美國智慧散熱風扇設備 #專利汽車電瓶輔助延長壽命 #外掛電霸 #貨車電霸 #機車電霸 #12V鋰鐵電瓶#24V鋰鐵 #LED魚眼