Someone is selling 1.5 billion Facebook user data on a hacke

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As many as 1.5 billion Facebook users' personal data, including their names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers, have been put up for sale on a hacker forum, Sputnik news agency reported Monday.
In late September, someone posted on the forum claiming to have data on 1.5 billion Facebook users. There were also offers -- one potential buyer offered $5,000 per million user data. That means the total value of the user data held by the "seller" is $7.5 million, Sputnik said.
The compromised user data included name, email address, location, gender, phone number and user ID.
Privacy Affairs, a website focused on data Privacy and Internet security, also noted that the latest facebook user data leak appeared credible because, compared with previous breaches, it was not old data for resale, but new data.
However, several users on the forum revealed that they did not receive any Facebook user data after sending money to the posters, suggesting that the so-called "leak" could be a hoax or due to a delay in delivery by the data holder.

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我持續與一個賣掉他 FB 帳號的人持續有在聯絡,我想要知道他到底想要做什麼,他賣掉他的帳號是因為我是在她的朋友裡面,而我剛剛發現了他在10月27號之前的所有檔案全部消失 ,被他全部刪除了,而且之後很多很多的發言都只部分的人看,這代表什麼?為什麼我突然想到他,是因為我記起來了一些事情,他跟一個一群人開
近期,聯合新聞網披露,有駭客在國外論壇 「Breach Forums」上出售 20 萬條台灣民眾個人資訊,並聲稱擁有台灣 2300 萬民眾的詳細資訊,其中國民黨員、宜蘭縣縣長林志妙的個人資訊也在其中。 10 月 21 日早上,海外論壇「Breach Forums」出現一篇文章,一名ID為「OK
我持續與一個賣掉他 FB 帳號的人持續有在聯絡,我想要知道他到底想要做什麼,他賣掉他的帳號是因為我是在她的朋友裡面,而我剛剛發現了他在10月27號之前的所有檔案全部消失 ,被他全部刪除了,而且之後很多很多的發言都只部分的人看,這代表什麼?為什麼我突然想到他,是因為我記起來了一些事情,他跟一個一群人開
近期,聯合新聞網披露,有駭客在國外論壇 「Breach Forums」上出售 20 萬條台灣民眾個人資訊,並聲稱擁有台灣 2300 萬民眾的詳細資訊,其中國民黨員、宜蘭縣縣長林志妙的個人資訊也在其中。 10 月 21 日早上,海外論壇「Breach Forums」出現一篇文章,一名ID為「OK