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【三顧茅蘆,被看見的美】"請邀請我" 。投射者俱樂部

As a projector, you need space.
Remember what is so important for you as projectors, that you don't have the same kind of capacity to be able to recognize nuance changes in those connections that you have with others. As I described you because of the nature of your aura, because the aura is so focused, you take in this very deep conditioning level. That means that all of that conditioning can be very, very powerful. So when somebody gives you an invitation and the invitation is correct according to strategy and authority, all you're getting is a sort of a larger surface entry point. This is something that says okay, okay you’re going here.
This is all right. However, it's going to turn out but in terms of the tools that you need, to measure that as you go along. If you’re a generator somebody says “would you like to have dinner?” you “aha”. You go to dinner. This is an ongoing process of affirmation or whatever your authority is. As a projector it doesn't work that way. It doesn't. As a projector that invitation simply opens you up to that connection and if you don't have tools, you can't tell really where that's going and you can't tell when it's not correct for you.
This is one of the things to understand about what is to be a projector and what it is to be with other beings you're NOT here to be with somebody ALL THE TIME. This is something really to grasp about being a projector. You need to distance. You can have a nice long term healthy relationship friend, lover whatever the case may be, child whatever the case maybe, but you need to see that you need to have your space and you need to be able to pull back. Because if you don't pull back, your being pulled deeper and deeper into the conditioning field.
Again remember, you don't necessarily have the tools to distinguish when those relationships are getting to a point where you need to pull back. For example PERSPECTIVE (color Personality nodes), the way you look at things. You get an invitation from somebody, you enter into that correctly, but the reality is if you're watching your process during the course of the time you're with them, you'll notice that there'll be a shift to your distraction. You're suddenly being pulled away from what's correct for you and it is in those moments where you need to recognize you’re being conditioned and watch that conditioning. Because this is what it's all about.
And being able to SEE the conditioning, gives you a way out. Very hard for projectors to go like this. It's very hard to say “I need your generating and manifesting but not now” There's this fear that you don't get it back, there's this fear that you lose it. There is this deep deep drive inside to hold onto… that connection no matter how you end up rationalizing that in your design. So it becomes very important for you to begin to see the way in which you are being influenced on an ongoing basis by those beings around you. And remember why we see this. Not to end the relationship. This is not about that. It's not about saying “this person is terrible for me and I never want to see them again”, it isn't about that at all. It's about your potential, to actually SEE them conditioning you. Most people think that you need to have a solution “Let's stop the conditioning and so on… We don't want to stop conditioning. The only time that you can stop conditioning, is when you die. Conditioning ends at death. Until then it's a part of our lives. It doesn't have to be something that's negative. It doesn't. It could be the most fascinating thing in your life.
I have an undefined emotional system. I find emotional people hilarious, even when they're the most screwed up people on the planet. Hilarious “look at that person going through their wave”. If you don't have something, it doesn't have to be your problem in life. It is what you learn, is what you get to see, is what you get to watch, you know is what the movie is all about for you. And gets quality to your development as a conscious being.
What's very important is that, if you trust your strategy and authority, you will see that you have time to fulfill the privilege of why you're here. Which is to be where? It’s just to see. So this is a seeing technique. It’s about allowing you to get to that place in your passenger consciousness where you're watching the conditioning rather than being lost in it. Because you don't have to be lost. When you notice that somebody is changing the way you look at things. Your passenger consciousness is there to smile in those moments: “Look at this. They are changing the way that I'm looking at things”. Isn’t that bizarre. They're actually doing that. They don't even know they're doing that to me. And they're doing that, is not their fault, it’s just their design. They're doing it to me, and when you see that, first of all, all the dilemmas you have with these people stop being so personal.
Because the way anybody impacts you, leads to you as a projector, going into your reasoning trip. When you go into all of this stuff about, what you think, you think you think, you think you recognize! Instead of to see. Instead of being out of the value system. How much are they fucking me up and why. And just seeing this, is what happens when I'm with them. That's all. Now sometimes that'll actually be fun.
Because remember if you're being distracted in the way in which you look at things, this isn’t necessarily bad. I mean some people take their distraction and give you the advantage of having that counterpoint, in the way in which you look at things. There's nothing wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with any of these things that happen to us. It's the way we interpret them. It’s what we do with the interpretation and the way we turn the interpretation into action. “Hey, this is what this person did to me, I'm going to punish him”. Instead of this person did this to me, they were helpless so was I. Interesting movie. And if you don't like what they did to you, don't have anything to do with them. It's so simple and it's not about they’re a jerk and I don't ever want to see them again. It's that things aren’t good when we're together. It just doesn't work. Nothing personal. Take your “just doesn't works” and put it with somebody where it works you know and take it out of my trip. But it's not about saying to them, what lovers love to say to each other. If only you could be different. You could still be my friend. If only you could be different and of course that's not the point. And because projectors recognize, that becomes their trip, right? I recognize that you're like that. If you could be like this, then you and I could be friends. You and I could be lovers. It's not the story.
The only time you're ever going to be free, is if you’re really free. And the only way you're ever going to be free, is if you free everybody else. You free them all. They’re free to be what they are. You don't have to take them home and screw them. You will have to take them home and feed them, you don’t have to look after them, you don’t have to do all of that. There's no rule with all of that. What you can do is see, see and then you get to see who's there for you, who isn’t there for you. You get to see that those beings that are there for you, what happens? Where do they take you? And again it's not about blaming. It's about discovery. It's about finding out how these things work. The deeper and deeper you recognize the mechanics, the easier it is for you to surrender to your life. There's nothing else. I mean, it's not like the frog and the Princess. There's nothing else. This is it! This is the movie. All you can do is exalt the movie through your awareness. You're not going to be able to change the script and the script is written in your design. Literally, literally written in your design!
自學自修實踐及分享 Human Design 人類設計/人設圖/人類圖。
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