晚上,我回到酒店時,順道在大堂找找一些Local Tour 的資料,看看到底這Bora Bora 嘉年華到底是個什麼樣盛會。
出乎我意料之外,整個酒店Local Tour Bar 竟然沒有這個嘉年華的資料。於是我找大堂經理請問,更奇怪的是他含糊其詞,說是有聽過這個嘉年華,不過是當地居民的一些家族傳統聚會,不是旅遊機構舉辦的公眾活動。一般遊客不會專程來參與,所以酒店也沒有什麼宣傳。大家可以去看看,但強調要注意安全,最好有本地熟人一起去會比較好。
10 Nov 1862, We will go no where. Lots warriors were killed on the way. God please show your mercy.
(1862 年 11 月 10 日,我們哪兒也去不了。 許多戰士在途中被殺。 上帝請憐憫大家。)
22 Dec 1862, Christmas was near. So sad, we were attacked by Ti Ping army in the early morning, while we were rushing into Cong Ming Island, then were attacked by Qings in the afternoon.
( 1862 年 12 月 22 日,聖誕節臨近。 真可悲,清晨我們進入崇明島時被大平軍襲擊,下午又被清軍襲擊。)
25 Dec 1862, I was requested by the Winter to search around for vessels. He said we have no choice but to leave the island immediately. We started sailing.
(1862 年 12 月 25 日,冬官丞相要求我幫忙召集船隻。 他說我們別無選擇,只能立即離開該島,我們航入大海。)