I'm Terrified of Wanting to Be a Billionaire - Pardis Parker

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Hello. My name's Pardis Parker. I live in Los Angeles, but I'm from Canada.
If you guys want evidence that I'm Canadian, this is a true story. I once had someone ride over my foot with their bicycle, and I said, sorry, and then I said, thank you. It's a true story.
And then we both did shots of maple syrup and then we made out in the snow. It was lovely. I apologize for everything, man.
do shots of 通常是指飲用短小的烈酒 (龍舌蘭或威士忌等)
We did shots of tequila to celebrate the end of the semester.
maple syrup
made out
made out也可以用於其他形式的關係或交流,如人際關係
We made out a great business deal.
在某些情況下,made out可以指一個人成功地做到了某件事情或達成了某個目標
He made out like a bandit in the stock market.
I do. I apologize. The first time a girl told me she loved me, I was just like, sorry.
Here's what's really funny. There's a Canadian city called Surrey. S-U-R-R-E-Y.
It's right next to us. Surrey is filled with Indian and South Asian people. So it has a bunch of Indian South Asian shops, stores, boutiques, the whole bit. This means at least once in history, the following scene has played out. Hey, where'd you get your sorry, surrey. Sorry if you don't like that joke, sorry.
the whole bit
She had a complete makeover - hair, makeup, and the whole bit.
And also, thank you. So I'm from Canada, but I live in Los Angeles. I think the biggest difference between Canada and LA is the extent to which people in LA fetishize wealth. Like, it's to the point where I'm shocked that there isn't a wealth category for adult videos.
the extent to which
fetishize wealth
fetishize (v.)
it's to the point where
It's to the point where his jokes are no longer funny.
But then I thought about it, and I realized that those wealth fetish videos do exist. It's just they're not where you think they'd be. They're not on adult websites.
No, they're on ArchitecturalDigest.com people just touring their massive estates while we sit at home watching on our laptops in the dark going, show me. Show me a closet that's way too big.
Show me a closet so big you could house refugees in it but don't, because then where would you keep your cufflinks?
house (v.) 收容;為....提供住處
refugee (n.) 難民
It will be difficult to house all the refugees.
cufflinks 繫紮衣袖的裝飾性飾品 (圖片)
I'm terrified, man. I'm terrified. That LA is changing me, that I'm becoming one of those people who chase money, who fetishizes wealth, who wants to be a billionaire? When I say that, people get angry. They get defensive. They're like, well, what's wrong with being rich? What's wrong with being a billionaire? What's wrong with being financially savvy? And it's just like, yo, man, if you own a billion of anything, that doesn't make you savvy. That makes you a hoarder.
get defensive
Whenever I bring up the topic of politics with my dad, he always gets defensive and refuses to listen to my point of view.
financially savvy 指對金錢管理和財務事務有知識和技能
He's financially savvy and knows how to make smart investments for his future.
savvy (n.) pratical knowledge and ability
hoarder (n.)
在影片中,講者用 "hoarder" 來形容那些囤積財富或資源的人,暗示他們是病態的囤積狂,無法滿足於擁有適當的財富或資源,而總是追求更多的財富或資源。
There's no episode of Hoarders where they go into someone's house and see a billion pieces of unopened mail and are just like, man, this guy's savvy. What a shrewd collector of unopened mail he is.
shrewd (adj.) 非常精明、機智的
She's a shrewd businesswoman who knows how to make a profit.
I hope he writes a book. People get angry, man. They get defensive.
They're just like, there are valid reasons to be rich. There are valid reasons to be rich. I just want to be rich to build generational wealth.
That's it. I just want to build generational wealth. And it's just like, Yo, man, why would you do that to your kids? Like, no one's favorite kid at school was Bentley Worthington III 【註1】.
Like, no one has fond memories of Cadbury Money Nuts Jr. 【註2】 the famous money nuts clan who made their fortune in shipping. No one needs it, man.
clan (n.)
No one needs it. People get angry. They're like Cadbury Money Nuts Jr., there are personal reasons to want to be rich. Like, the only reason why I want to be rich is to cement my legacy. That's it. I just want to cement my legacy.
cement one's legacy
I want to create a foundation that helps underprivileged children so that I can cement my legacy as someone who made a positive impact on society.
She's like, Yo, man, being rich isn't going to make history. Remember you? Do you know how I know? There are 2668 billionaires on the planet right now. Name them, you can't. And that's why they're still alive.
I mean, there are twelve billionaires in this room right now, and we don't know who they are. They're sitting next to us picking their nose, and we're just like, man, I hope things work out for this guy. Being rich, being a billionaire, that's not going to make people remember you, man.
huddled around a campfire and someone's going to go, you know whose life I really admired? That of Indian steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal. Oh, sure, the world is ending and humanity is doomed. But you know who lived their life the right way? Taiwanese petrochemical zion Liao Long Shin. 【註3】
huddle around
During the winter, my family likes to huddle around the fireplace to keep warm.
steel magnate
business magnate / oil magnate / real estate magnate
petrochemical (adj.) 石油相關的
Oh, who? Me? Oh, I'm just a farmer. Works the soil, and loves his family. I'll be forgotten.
work the soil
Do you know who history will never forget? Italian air conditioning mogul just to be DeLonghi. Being a billionaire, man isn't going to make history remember you. It's not going to leave you a legacy.
mogul (n.) 指在某個領域或行業中擁有權力、影響力或財富的人。
Bill Gates is a mogul in the technology industry, having co-founded Microsoft and amassed a fortune worth billions of dollars.
If you want to leave a legacy, there's only one thing you need to do. You want to leave a legacy. You just need to be the one house on the street that gives out full-size chocolate bars for Halloween.
leave a legacy
The environmentalist's goal is to leave a legacy of a healthier planet for future generations.
That's it. That's it. Legacy cemented.
It's been 30 years since I went trick or treating, and I and my brother still talk about 39 Grenadin Drive. We're like who? Sam and Lucy. Oh, those people were saints.
They were angels. Someone should build a statue in their honor to celebrate their legacy as they enriched people in the audience who were offended by those jokes. I only have one word for you sorry.
in one's honor to
We are donating this library in his honor to commemorate his contributions to the community.
enrich (v.) 增加或豐富某物的內容或品質,或者提高某個人或群體的知識、文化水平、生活品質等。
Reading can enrich your vocabulary and knowledge base.

This animal feed is enriched with nutrients, which can improve the animals' health.
It. And also thank you. Let's go make out in the snow.
My name is Pardis Parker. Thank you for coming to my second Ted Talk.
註1:Bentley Worthington III
在影片中提到Bentley Worthington III是因為這個名字代表了一個極端富有的人物,類似於英國貴族,這類人可能被認為是通過家族財富而成為富人,而不是通過自己的努力和才智。文章的作者通過這個例子來表達他對追求財富和建立財富傳承的看法,即追求財富和財富傳承可能導致虛榮和不必要的追求。
註2:Cadbury Money Nuts Jr.
註3:在文章中提到Lakshmi Mittal和Liao Long Shin是作者用幽默的方式強調富有並不能讓人們永遠記住你,即使是像Lakshmi Mittal這樣的全球知名的鋼鐵大亨,也有可能被人們遺忘。文章作者的觀點是,要留下真正的遺產,要做一些對他人有益的事情,例如提供慷慨的慈善捐款或為社區做出積極貢獻,而不是只追求個人財富和成就。

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有朋友好奇問到,為什麼我會選擇到加拿大生活? 所以我決定寫一篇我、加拿大、和當初的決定,來跟大家分享一下想法。
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在溫哥華遇到的人都很健談,等公車可以聊一下,餐廳坐下來也可以閒聊。 每每遇到新朋友,大家都會問「為什麼溫哥華?」 Netflix有一部影集叫做「維琴河」,劇情雖然算不上特別精彩,但風景卻引人入勝。每次觀看的時候,都很喜歡欣賞裡面的風景。 希望自己可以像女主角一樣,放下身邊的東西,然後到一
在我開始分享我在加拿大生活的紀錄之後,最常被問的問題就是「要花多少錢呀?」「溫哥華是全世界最貴的城市耶!」 所以這篇文章就要來揭秘到底生活費有多貴勒!! 註:以下匯率以CA$乘以23.5換算成NT$。 到加拿大前的花費 從開始申請加拿大打工度假(以下均用簡稱:加打),就要開始花錢啦! 抽
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-源起- 疫情期間看到YT網紅就住在加拿大,從溫哥華搬到卡加利,然後看著他們去了卡加利附近的班夫小鎮,才開始知道這個網紅景點… 隨著疫情趨緩,剛好又有認識移民加拿大的朋友,討論了近一年的時間,決定在2024年7月出發~
我、加拿大、和當初的決定的續集篇來囉! 一起來看看我對未來發展的想法吧!
有朋友好奇問到,為什麼我會選擇到加拿大生活? 所以我決定寫一篇我、加拿大、和當初的決定,來跟大家分享一下想法。
這是第一篇酒館小故事,所以簡單說明一下,事情發生的地點可能不一定是在酒館,可能是公車上、餐廳、派對⋯⋯,經由我小小的整理改編之後記錄下來的。 這一系列的文章,會記錄在加拿大與人的對談或聽到的故事分享,所以應該會是比較輕鬆隨意的風格。 泰迪在分享他們移民到加拿大的過程 泰迪是英國人,跟一個紐西
在溫哥華遇到的人都很健談,等公車可以聊一下,餐廳坐下來也可以閒聊。 每每遇到新朋友,大家都會問「為什麼溫哥華?」 Netflix有一部影集叫做「維琴河」,劇情雖然算不上特別精彩,但風景卻引人入勝。每次觀看的時候,都很喜歡欣賞裡面的風景。 希望自己可以像女主角一樣,放下身邊的東西,然後到一
在我開始分享我在加拿大生活的紀錄之後,最常被問的問題就是「要花多少錢呀?」「溫哥華是全世界最貴的城市耶!」 所以這篇文章就要來揭秘到底生活費有多貴勒!! 註:以下匯率以CA$乘以23.5換算成NT$。 到加拿大前的花費 從開始申請加拿大打工度假(以下均用簡稱:加打),就要開始花錢啦! 抽
跳脫原本的舒適圈看看外面的世界,有些事情需要親自體驗! 加拿大 coop 超真實心得分享|國外的月亮有比較圓?