Pros and Cons of Being A Cockroach 3.

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"I know it's you. And I'm not shocked at all. For, one, I was secretly joking to myself that if this cockroach was a man, he then is the man I've seen the most.”
"I didn't know you thought of it."- Roach cannot believe he is talking to the lady already.
"One day, I was talking to myself that how nice it would be to have a company, even if he was a cockroach, and it'd be even better if it could talk. I have been thinking this thought since then, and I don't remember for how it's been. Last night, a spirit named herself the Goddess of the Lonely came into my dream, actually I am not sure it was a dream. It's like I was in between sleep and awake."
"She came to you too?"- Roach now believes everything is happening now is real.
"Yes, she told me: 'Anne, tomorrow after the sun comes down and when the moon rises, I'll have the little bug you've been seeing and feeding every night be a human man, to keep you company, to take away your loneliness. But you mustn't let him walk out of your apartment, or both of you will be punished, for the rest of your lives. Do you want it or not?' I didn't get too much time to think, and the answer just popped out so effortlessly. So here we are." -Anne replies.
Anne looks so naïve and innocent, like a 5-year-old girl, so happy to meet the boy just moved to next door and can't wait to play with him. The loneliness that she carried for centuries now is nowhere to be found.
They sit down at the kitchen table which has been here since the last tenant, or maybe many more previous tenants. Anne doesn't like it at all because it is too big for the kitchen, and it's made of glass. Besides, she never has so many guests to fill the seats around the table.
Roach very quickly starts preparing the tea. He knows where the tea is, where the tea pot is, where the cups are, like he has been living here as long as Anne has. Well, remember, when he was the cockroach, he had been through everywhere and everything in this apartment. All Anne has to do is be seated and be served. It's quite an experience, she has been living alone for a long time after all, and it's the first time someone waits on her. Every night Roach shows up, they sit down at the table or they get cozy on the couch in the living room, having their teas and talking through the night.
So Roach gets to know Anne. She's a middle-aged woman. Has seen the world when she was younger. She worked in Europe for years. She's been through a lot of turmoil and ended up alone. She stays at home a lot because all though she worked for some organizations she found her passion for words and languages, and for working solitarily. She spends most of her time doing translation and writing, that's the way she makes living. She doesn't often go out except sometimes when she eagers for fresh air.
They have a great time together. Roach would share his experience as a cockroach, where he has been, what he has seen through the senses of a cockroach, and he tells the secrets he knows about the neighbors upstairs, downstairs, next doors. Anne would laugh, sometimes weep and some other times her jaw falls for how ridiculous things could get and people could be. Sometimes she just can't believe what can happen behind those walls, and listening to what Roach has to say is so much fun, as if she had traveled as a bug with him.
Anne feels consolation. "This man, though actually a cockroach, knows me better and is right here with me more frequently than any friends of mine, or those once boyfriends or lovers, or even the ex-husband."

黃金花枝圈的沙龍 的其他內容
One night when the cockroach falls asleep, a spirit comes into its dream, and the spirit whispers.....
長著獅爪、山羊角與紅眼睛的白馬 瓦爾基麗亞馳騁其上.......
Every night before she goes to bed, she heads to her kitchen to pour herself a mug of hot water and drinks it as a part of the.....
One night when the cockroach falls asleep, a spirit comes into its dream, and the spirit whispers.....
長著獅爪、山羊角與紅眼睛的白馬 瓦爾基麗亞馳騁其上.......
Every night before she goes to bed, she heads to her kitchen to pour herself a mug of hot water and drinks it as a part of the.....
Google News 追蹤
城市里流传着一个奇怪的传言。 有一些居无定所的流浪汉会偷偷潜进别人的家里,然后像寄生虫一样生活下去。 我知道这不是谣言。 因为我就是这只寄生虫。 更幸运的是,我恋爱了。 我爱上我的宿主。 1 今天是我和林初霁同居的第十天。 一如往常,等她出门上班后,我从床底慢慢爬出来。 我边用初霁
【沒說出口的羈絆】 「這個房子已經六年沒有人住了。」 屋主的男朋友王大哥說。 第一次進到這個房子裡面, 空氣中充滿了霉味, 黑色沙發也長出白色的斑點, 都說明了這個房子有很長一段時間沒人住了。 裝潢並不是那種很高級的裝潢, 但是看得出來是有花很多心思在裡面, 就是那種溫馨小巧的
不出我所料,蚊子、蟑螂、蒼蠅、螞蟻、蛆、蜘蛛、壁虎這些好殺的,我都來了一回…… 蛆的時候最辛苦,要引起她的注意不容易,客廳地板來來回回蠕動爬行了好幾回,才被她用衛生紙捏死。 其他的,附身後,我都懶得躲,大大方方地現身,乖乖地讓她殺。
幾個月前,我的浴室來了一隻長腿蜘蛛, 他待了幾天,對環境感到滿意,便住了下來。 只是苦了害怕蜘蛛的我。 不過他倒也守規矩,只在某一區活動,我們也就相安無事的共用浴室了幾個星期。 某日,在習慣的時間,我探頭望向洗臉台下的牆壁,他不在。 「這傢伙躲哪兒去啦?」
今天早上不到7點,過客就被不速之客給吵醒~蟑螂,蟑螂這生物真是個討厭的東西,房間每天都明明打掃的很乾淨,家裡也不開伙,真搞不清楚這生物從哪裡跑出來的? 還在夢周公的時候,只覺得大腿部分癢癢的,立馬從床上彈了起來,我的老天爺啊!我竟然看到一隻小強,心裡想小叮噹你在哪裡啊!怎麼沒有保護好媽媽呢(小
那一晚,我夢到了她 不知道是單純路過還是和我有淵源的她 在夢中,她很直白的告訴我她是鬼 她說:我不想顯現我的真實樣貌,我怕你會嚇到 我回她:但是妳說妳是鬼的時候我已經嚇到了 再後來,在醒來之前我聽見了 她在我的右邊耳朵叫了我的名字 和第一次在食品公司遇見的男人一樣 緩緩地、輕聲地叫了
城市里流传着一个奇怪的传言。 有一些居无定所的流浪汉会偷偷潜进别人的家里,然后像寄生虫一样生活下去。 我知道这不是谣言。 因为我就是这只寄生虫。 更幸运的是,我恋爱了。 我爱上我的宿主。 1 今天是我和林初霁同居的第十天。 一如往常,等她出门上班后,我从床底慢慢爬出来。 我边用初霁
【沒說出口的羈絆】 「這個房子已經六年沒有人住了。」 屋主的男朋友王大哥說。 第一次進到這個房子裡面, 空氣中充滿了霉味, 黑色沙發也長出白色的斑點, 都說明了這個房子有很長一段時間沒人住了。 裝潢並不是那種很高級的裝潢, 但是看得出來是有花很多心思在裡面, 就是那種溫馨小巧的
不出我所料,蚊子、蟑螂、蒼蠅、螞蟻、蛆、蜘蛛、壁虎這些好殺的,我都來了一回…… 蛆的時候最辛苦,要引起她的注意不容易,客廳地板來來回回蠕動爬行了好幾回,才被她用衛生紙捏死。 其他的,附身後,我都懶得躲,大大方方地現身,乖乖地讓她殺。
幾個月前,我的浴室來了一隻長腿蜘蛛, 他待了幾天,對環境感到滿意,便住了下來。 只是苦了害怕蜘蛛的我。 不過他倒也守規矩,只在某一區活動,我們也就相安無事的共用浴室了幾個星期。 某日,在習慣的時間,我探頭望向洗臉台下的牆壁,他不在。 「這傢伙躲哪兒去啦?」
今天早上不到7點,過客就被不速之客給吵醒~蟑螂,蟑螂這生物真是個討厭的東西,房間每天都明明打掃的很乾淨,家裡也不開伙,真搞不清楚這生物從哪裡跑出來的? 還在夢周公的時候,只覺得大腿部分癢癢的,立馬從床上彈了起來,我的老天爺啊!我竟然看到一隻小強,心裡想小叮噹你在哪裡啊!怎麼沒有保護好媽媽呢(小
那一晚,我夢到了她 不知道是單純路過還是和我有淵源的她 在夢中,她很直白的告訴我她是鬼 她說:我不想顯現我的真實樣貌,我怕你會嚇到 我回她:但是妳說妳是鬼的時候我已經嚇到了 再後來,在醒來之前我聽見了 她在我的右邊耳朵叫了我的名字 和第一次在食品公司遇見的男人一樣 緩緩地、輕聲地叫了