Pros and Cons of Being A Cockroach 2.

更新於 2023/07/09閱讀時間約 8 分鐘
One night when the cockroach falls asleep, a spirit comes into its dream, and yes, humans, a cockroach also dreams, and the spirit whispers:
“Cockroach, I'm the Goddess of the Lonely. I look after all the lonely souls in the world, and I heard you've been wishing from the bottom of your heart that you want to keep company to a lonely one. It touches me. So I'm here to grand your wish. Tomorrow when the moon rises from the horizon, you'll be changed into human form, a grown man. You can be with this lady every night and do whatever you want just exactly like every man else.
But you will return to the cockroach after the Sun comes up, and you are forbidden to set foot outside this woman's home, you can only exist in her apartment and can't let no one see you. Remember, you wish for keeping company with a lonely soul, that's why I'm here, and no other cockroaches ever have this luxury and privilege. Therefore, if you break this rule, there will be punishment, and you will have to live with the consequences for the rest of your life.“ -She warns.
She is not going to elaborate the content of the punishment. But the thing is, when you don't want a thing, of course you wouldn't go break any rules to get it, so the potential punishment or consequences stay potential, meaning, irrelevant. And once you get determined to get that thing, even at the cost to break the rules, the potential punishment or consequences will still be irrelevant because you don't give a shit at all.
“Will you accept my offer and terms?”- The Lonely Goddess wants to know if the potential criminal and victim would fall for her offer.
The cockroach is that kind of I don't give a shit type. It has made its mind. It knows that it wants to stay here in this apartment with the lady. He would do anything to keep her company and enjoys hers too. And, it is merely a low life bug that every human it meets just wants to stomp on and kill. It can die anytime, and now someone is offering an opportunity for it to be a human? What would a cockroach have to lose? It should take it immediately and say thank you.
And that's what the cockroach does. He only thinks for seconds and says yes and thank you. A cockroach can't think too much after all, right?
Next day, when the night falls, the lady, as usual, goes to her kitchen to pour herself a mug of hot water, she sees the cockroach. This time it doesn't dock, it walks along the edges of the cabin to the floor and turns into a human man in front of her. The lady doesn't run away, instead she stands steady right there. The cockroach finds her looking a bit different than before.
"Oh she's not in her pajamas but a dress she has not pulled out from her wardrobe for a long long time." As though she looks pretty, she doesn't look surprised or frightened at all! "My lady, it's me, the cockroach.”- It says with a little withdrawal and uncertainty. Or we should address the cockroach properly as "Roach" because he is a human now.
“I know.”- she replies.
“How do you know? Don't you feel shocked at a total stranger popping out of nowhere in your own house? Let alone this stranger is transformed from a bug!” –Roach kind of yells.
Yes, we have to call him properly since now.
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      雖然這不是一個具有共識的說法,但從這裡要討論的角度來說,現在已經進入了一個Web 2.5(或後2.0)的時代。如果要找一個關鍵詞來說明從Web 2.0到2.5,那個關鍵詞會是「使用者生成內容」(User-Generated Content,簡稱UGC)。
    高中時期的我,一定沒想到,在台灣也能看韓國原創音樂劇!大部分來台灣的音樂劇作品都是耳熟能詳的大製作《貓》、《悲慘世界》⋯⋯等等,還是很感謝C Musical 讓這一切成真,這樣小而治癒的原創作品是我更喜歡的,平日晚間仍然座無虛席。 我總是帶著問號進劇場,而這一齣音樂劇,也同樣讓我帶著些許自我懷疑離
    原蟬 (Prosholidae sp.)   年代:晚侏羅紀至早白堊紀 (Late Jurassic  ~ Early Cretaceous  150 mya~125 mya) 產地:中國遼寧北票市黃半吉溝 (Huangbanjigou, Beipiao of western
    #韓劇#真正勝負#真劍勝負#진검승부#BadProsecutor#韓国ドラマ #koreandrama 劇情簡介: 此劇講述了真正的檢察官陳正(都敬秀飾), 把自己偽裝成弔兒郎當的不良檢察官,為了弱者和受害者,為了實現正義,痛快地粉碎檢察官組織和韓國國內所有腐敗的故事。
    女人的性能量,可療癒跟轉化男人。 我第一次接觸到這個概念,是在看《妳天生就是性愛女神》這本書的時候我也十分有共鳴: 在蘇美人的記載當中,一個女祭司/寺廟娼妓是潔淨、未玷污的。她們能夠透過與男人做愛,將一個狂野充滿獸性的人,轉變成成熟的男人。她幫助男人變得有智慧,並且透過她的性能量讓男人「有如神一般」
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    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    "Golden-Prosperity Street, January 8th" was honored to be included in the 2022 collection
    以1968年的潛水腕錶為設計藍本,結合擁有豐富生態系的沖繩西表島(Iriomote)特色,不鏽鋼錶殼搭配綠色面盤,完美地將日本自然風光與製錶工藝融合。 由SEIKO岩手縣雫石製錶廠製造且手工組裝而成,設計靈感來自SEIKO 1968年潛水錶,錶殼線條俐落堅固。深綠色錶盤中秒針與防水深度指示以金色點
      雖然這不是一個具有共識的說法,但從這裡要討論的角度來說,現在已經進入了一個Web 2.5(或後2.0)的時代。如果要找一個關鍵詞來說明從Web 2.0到2.5,那個關鍵詞會是「使用者生成內容」(User-Generated Content,簡稱UGC)。
    高中時期的我,一定沒想到,在台灣也能看韓國原創音樂劇!大部分來台灣的音樂劇作品都是耳熟能詳的大製作《貓》、《悲慘世界》⋯⋯等等,還是很感謝C Musical 讓這一切成真,這樣小而治癒的原創作品是我更喜歡的,平日晚間仍然座無虛席。 我總是帶著問號進劇場,而這一齣音樂劇,也同樣讓我帶著些許自我懷疑離
    原蟬 (Prosholidae sp.)   年代:晚侏羅紀至早白堊紀 (Late Jurassic  ~ Early Cretaceous  150 mya~125 mya) 產地:中國遼寧北票市黃半吉溝 (Huangbanjigou, Beipiao of western
    #韓劇#真正勝負#真劍勝負#진검승부#BadProsecutor#韓国ドラマ #koreandrama 劇情簡介: 此劇講述了真正的檢察官陳正(都敬秀飾), 把自己偽裝成弔兒郎當的不良檢察官,為了弱者和受害者,為了實現正義,痛快地粉碎檢察官組織和韓國國內所有腐敗的故事。
    女人的性能量,可療癒跟轉化男人。 我第一次接觸到這個概念,是在看《妳天生就是性愛女神》這本書的時候我也十分有共鳴: 在蘇美人的記載當中,一個女祭司/寺廟娼妓是潔淨、未玷污的。她們能夠透過與男人做愛,將一個狂野充滿獸性的人,轉變成成熟的男人。她幫助男人變得有智慧,並且透過她的性能量讓男人「有如神一般」
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