An odd flag, dressed up in the Presidential Hall, came from nowhere in MYJ’s second term inauguration.
Could it be a kind of secret communication like that between the US President Kennedy and the USSR President Khrushev, in the film “Thirteen Days”?
The spokesperson of Presidential Hall said it was just creativity of designers; however, a netizen Natsume pointed out that this is in fact a flag draft of Taiwanese People Party (TPP) in 1929.
Question remains: why did MYJ raise, in a tacit way, TPP in his inauguration ceremony? Did he mean to remind us of TPP’s anti-Japan endeavors, or its agitation of class movement? revised at 1100
1928 年 7 月 26 日,「台灣民眾黨」第六次中央常務委員會始有「黨旗」與「黨章」的制定計劃;1929 年今日,於台北本部事務所,召開第九次中央常務委員會,會中進行了黨旗、徽誌的討論。黨旗選定常置委員會所提供仿中國國民黨旗的圖案,由蔣渭水說明黨旗包含的意義:
1929 年 10 月 6 日,蔣渭水在第 11 次中央常務委員會,提出修改的黨旗圖案;這次修訂,成了「台灣民眾黨」正式黨旗。「黨旗左上角旗面四分之一處為藍地,意即黑夜,藍地中有三顆星,代表黨的三大綱領;而其餘四分之三的旗面為紅色,意即熱血。全體的意思即以熱血要求解放。」