"Connections across time and space "

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    Hiram ip is determined for world peace. You are welcome to share with me more ways to help world peace. Maybe I will write it in the article later.
    Hiram Ip 的其他內容
    Recently, I have begun to think about the meaning of life and the importance of pursuing inner peace. In the modern busy society, we are often bus
    Stepping into this coffee shop again, I felt a warm and familiar atmosphere. Every time I visit, this place always brings me infinite surprises an
    Recently I embarked on a journey of rethinking, a reflection and reorientation of myself and my life. I realized that the ideas and perceptions of
    As someone who loves to explore food, I recently had the pleasure of embarking on a journey in search of the original countryside. I was pleasantl
    I've been in a mood swing lately, always hovering between the past and the future. So I decided to take some time to look back and look to the fut
    Hello everyone! This time, I take you to the gastronomic paradise of Southeast Asia, Thailand! Thailand is known worldwide for its unique flavor a
    Recently, I have begun to think about the meaning of life and the importance of pursuing inner peace. In the modern busy society, we are often bus
    Stepping into this coffee shop again, I felt a warm and familiar atmosphere. Every time I visit, this place always brings me infinite surprises an
    Recently I embarked on a journey of rethinking, a reflection and reorientation of myself and my life. I realized that the ideas and perceptions of
    As someone who loves to explore food, I recently had the pleasure of embarking on a journey in search of the original countryside. I was pleasantl
    I've been in a mood swing lately, always hovering between the past and the future. So I decided to take some time to look back and look to the fut
    Hello everyone! This time, I take you to the gastronomic paradise of Southeast Asia, Thailand! Thailand is known worldwide for its unique flavor a
    Google News 追蹤
    這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
    #回家 At Home with/in Myself 回到台灣,重新適應喧囂便利城市中稍嫌太擁擠紛擾的生活裡,住家附近的菩薩寺,總像是及時沙漠中的綠洲,優雅靜緻地提供一方空間,隨時能幫助自己身心安心返家,回到最舒適和從容的閒適平衡狀態。...
    This article introduces the approximate sailing time from important ports in Taiwan to ports of different destinations and the shipping companies and
    #芭比 風正盛: 「芭比」(barbie)真人電影&「芭比核心風尚」(barbiecore) 「芭比核心風尚」(barbiecore)早已如火荼在全世界粉紅性感蔓延開來。根據美國時尚雜誌柯夢波丹,針對「芭比核心風尚」所下的扼要定義:它的主要美感精華元素,包含了:亮粉色、晶亮閃爍質地、以及趣味風情點綴
    低調平穩度過又一個九月不blue的Monday之後,昨天下午休憩時間,發現幾個美麗無比的藍色新鮮/掀貨,讓擁擠在星期四+月底不前不後的我的混濁心情,跟著澄清開闊起來。 在美國龍蝦生產大本營的緬因州,近日有漁夫捕獲罕見的藍色龍蝦,全身上下是一致性滿是熠熠寶藍色(royal blue)...
    第一站來到六角堂。禮佛後,想起出發前博威的提醒,要在這裡買御朱印帳,於是先選了一本御朱印帳,同時寫下御朱印的第一番,心想:「啟程了啊!」滿心歡喜。 忙碌生活讓我們常在不知不覺與心失去連結, 所以我們會慌、 會亂、會不安。當你與心重新連結的時候,正確的人事物出現時,你會知道。就是這樣。 ž
    今天寫程式連結資料庫,遇見這樣的錯誤 環境 .NET Core 6 / VS 2022 解決方法:DB連結字串 ConnectionString 需要額外加上 TrustServerCertificate=true。不然會出現錯誤 以 appsettings.json 設定檔為例
    Connection Pool中文為連線池,是位於DB前面的緩衝區。 假如我們只是要一個簡單的query功能,下了一個簡單的查詢SQL,可是卻花了很多時間執行,而且每次都要花這麼多時間,這樣豈不是很浪費嗎? 然而,花時間的地方可能不是你SQL效能的問題,而是你沒使用connection pool。
    這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
    #回家 At Home with/in Myself 回到台灣,重新適應喧囂便利城市中稍嫌太擁擠紛擾的生活裡,住家附近的菩薩寺,總像是及時沙漠中的綠洲,優雅靜緻地提供一方空間,隨時能幫助自己身心安心返家,回到最舒適和從容的閒適平衡狀態。...
    This article introduces the approximate sailing time from important ports in Taiwan to ports of different destinations and the shipping companies and
    #芭比 風正盛: 「芭比」(barbie)真人電影&「芭比核心風尚」(barbiecore) 「芭比核心風尚」(barbiecore)早已如火荼在全世界粉紅性感蔓延開來。根據美國時尚雜誌柯夢波丹,針對「芭比核心風尚」所下的扼要定義:它的主要美感精華元素,包含了:亮粉色、晶亮閃爍質地、以及趣味風情點綴
    低調平穩度過又一個九月不blue的Monday之後,昨天下午休憩時間,發現幾個美麗無比的藍色新鮮/掀貨,讓擁擠在星期四+月底不前不後的我的混濁心情,跟著澄清開闊起來。 在美國龍蝦生產大本營的緬因州,近日有漁夫捕獲罕見的藍色龍蝦,全身上下是一致性滿是熠熠寶藍色(royal blue)...
    第一站來到六角堂。禮佛後,想起出發前博威的提醒,要在這裡買御朱印帳,於是先選了一本御朱印帳,同時寫下御朱印的第一番,心想:「啟程了啊!」滿心歡喜。 忙碌生活讓我們常在不知不覺與心失去連結, 所以我們會慌、 會亂、會不安。當你與心重新連結的時候,正確的人事物出現時,你會知道。就是這樣。 ž
    今天寫程式連結資料庫,遇見這樣的錯誤 環境 .NET Core 6 / VS 2022 解決方法:DB連結字串 ConnectionString 需要額外加上 TrustServerCertificate=true。不然會出現錯誤 以 appsettings.json 設定檔為例
    Connection Pool中文為連線池,是位於DB前面的緩衝區。 假如我們只是要一個簡單的query功能,下了一個簡單的查詢SQL,可是卻花了很多時間執行,而且每次都要花這麼多時間,這樣豈不是很浪費嗎? 然而,花時間的地方可能不是你SQL效能的問題,而是你沒使用connection pool。