
2023/06/27閱讀時間約 4 分鐘
Dear Leonardo William DiCaprio,

I am writing this confession to express my profound admiration for you. This is not a declaration of romantic love, but rather a testament to the immense respect and awe I hold for you. Your talent and dedication have left an indelible mark on the world, making you one of the most esteemed actors of our time.

To encapsulate my admiration, I have created a portrait that represents my deep reverence for you. Through this artwork, I hope to convey the admiration and inspiration your performances have instilled in me. Each role you undertake showcases your unparalleled acting skills, captivating audiences and transcending boundaries.

Your ability to immerse yourself in diverse characters, from dreamers to historical figures, is nothing short of extraordinary. The passion and commitment you bring to each portrayal are truly awe-inspiring. It is your relentless pursuit of excellence that has touched the hearts of millions, including mine.

Beyond your craft, your unwavering dedication to environmental conservation has further cemented my admiration. Your advocacy for sustainable practices and the protection of our planet is commendable. You have utilized your platform to raise awareness and instigate meaningful change, embodying the role of a true global citizen.

Leonardo, your impact reaches far beyond the silver screen. You serve as an icon of inspiration, reminding us all of the power of art, compassion, and responsibility. Your artistic brilliance and unwavering dedication have ignited a fire within me, Hong Han Chen, to pursue my own passions fearlessly.

Thank you for being a guiding light in the realm of acting, and for inspiring countless individuals, including myself, to strive for greatness. Your talent, humility, and commitment to making a positive impact are qualities I deeply admire.

With heartfelt admiration,

Hong Han Chen
Come from Taiwan

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