來到了這次旅程的最後一站,要從瑞士出發到義大利,中間要經過轉運站-Domodossola 轉車,Domodossola這個名字聽起來真是有趣。我們下車到鎮裡面逛逛順便等車。一轉眼就到了Stresa
We have come to the last stop of this journey, starting from Switzerland to Italy, and passing through the transfer station - Domodossola. The name Domodossola sounds really interesting. We got off the car and walked around the town while waiting for the bus. We arrived at Stresa in a blink of an eye民宿:住的是Airbnb, 房間好大又有廚房跟客廳。整個很溫馨,老闆不會說英文所以全程用翻譯機溝通,我打破了一個花瓶 (真的要對玻璃的東西很小心),好險老闆沒有要我賠 (鬆了一口氣)。
B&B: I stayed in an Airbnb. The room was huge and had a kitchen and living room. The whole place was very cozy. The boss didn't speak English so he used a translator to communicate throughout the process. I broke a vase (you have to be careful with glass things), but luckily the boss didn't ask me to pay for it (I was relieved)
Ristorante Pizzeria Mamma Mia
Address: Via Principe Tommaso 11, 28838, Stresa Italy
之後就到海邊逛逛順便看看明天要登島的票,有分私人跟公家,其實票價沒有差太多,大概看到就可以買了。一般來說就是一定登三個島:三個島總體叫做Borromean Islands,這些島嶼是屬於Borromean,他們在16世纪和17世纪擁有土地。有分成三個島:ISOLA BELLA,ISOLA MADRE,ISOLA DEI PESCATORI。
After that, I went to the beach to take a look at the tickets for the island tomorrow. There are private tickets and public tickets. In fact, the ticket prices are not much different. You can buy them as soon as you see them. Generally speaking, you must visit three islands: the three islands are collectively called Borromean Islands. These islands belong to the Borromean, who owned land in the 16th and 17th centuries. It is divided into three islands: ISOLA BELLA, ISOLA MADRE, ISOLA DEI PESCATORI.
船行駛的路線會先到ISOLA BELLA,ISOLA BELLA有個很大的皇宮或是住所,裡面都是Borromean 家族的收藏,花園裡還有好多白色孔雀跟藝術雕像。中午我們到ISOLA DEI PESCATORI吃午餐,基本上這個島全部都是餐廳,風景很美,食物好吃。最後再去ISOLA MADRE看花園。
The boat's route will first go to ISOLA BELLA. ISOLA BELLA has a large palace or residence, which contains the collection of the Borromean family. There are many white peacocks and art statues in the garden. At noon we went to ISOLA DEI PESCATORI for lunch. Basically, the island is full of restaurants. The scenery is beautiful and the food is delicious. Finally, go to ISOLA MADRE to see the gardens.
At dinner time, we went to the supermarket and bought some things we wanted to eat, then went back to the B&B to eat, and then this European trip was about to end.
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