題目會給我們一個陣列target,問我們從整數串流中1~n之中,如何透過stack 的 push和pop來模擬生成target指定的形式?
Example 1:
Input: target = [1,3], n = 3
Output: ["Push","Push","Pop","Push"]
Explanation: Initially the stack s is empty. The last element is the top of the stack.
Read 1 from the stream and push it to the stack. s = [1].
Read 2 from the stream and push it to the stack. s = [1,2].
Pop the integer on the top of the stack. s = [1].
Read 3 from the stream and push it to the stack. s = [1,3].
Example 2:
Input: target = [1,2,3], n = 3
Output: ["Push","Push","Push"]
Explanation: Initially the stack s is empty. The last element is the top of the stack.
Read 1 from the stream and push it to the stack. s = [1].
Read 2 from the stream and push it to the stack. s = [1,2].
Read 3 from the stream and push it to the stack. s = [1,2,3].
Example 3:
Input: target = [1,2], n = 4
Output: ["Push","Push"]
Explanation: Initially the stack s is empty. The last element is the top of the stack.
Read 1 from the stream and push it to the stack. s = [1].
Read 2 from the stream and push it to the stack. s = [1,2].
Since the stack (from the bottom to the top) is equal to target, we stop the stack operations.
The answers that read integer 3 from the stream are not accepted.
1 <= target.length <= 100
1 <= n <= 100
1 <= target[i] <= n
is strictly increasing.建造一個迴圈,每次迭代讀入一個整數,並且push到stack頂端。
假如這次迭代當下的整數是需要的,就留下來,並且更新target index。
最後,當target index已經走到最後一個位置,到表已經模擬生成出整個target陣列。
中間stack操作所記錄的"Push", "Pop"字串就是最終答案。
class Solution:
def buildArray(self, target: List[int], n: int) -> List[str]:
target_idx, cur_read_num = 0, 1
stack_operation = []
while target_idx < len(target):
# Push current read number
if target[target_idx] == cur_read_num:
# Current read number is what we need, keep it and update target index
target_idx += 1
# Pop out unnecessary element
# current read number always +1 after each iteration
cur_read_num += 1
return stack_operation
時間複雜度: O( n)
從整數流中模擬target array建造,最長迭代次數和n一樣長。
空間複雜度: O(n)
從整數流中模擬target array建造,target array最長和n的大小一樣長。
熟悉stack push 和 pop的操作,結合1~n的整數流,進行陣列生成模擬。
[1] Python O(t) sol by simulation [w/ Comment] - Build an Array With Stack Operations - LeetCode