【🛫】每日30個英文單字 ㉓

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🦔 By-pass ratio

字根、字首、字尾: By- (side), -pass (passage), ratio (比率)

解釋: 旁通比

例句: The engineer calculated the by-pass ratio to optimize engine efficiency.

🦔 Buoyancy theory

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 浮力原理

例句: Buoyancy theory explains why objects float or sink in fluids.

🦔 Ground handling

字根、字首、字尾: Ground (地面), handling (處理)

解釋: 地勤作業

例句: Ground handling personnel ensure the safe and efficient movement of aircraft on the runway.

🦔 Visibility

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 能見度

例句: Pilots need good visibility to navigate safely during adverse weather conditions.

🦔 Reconnaissance

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 偵察

例句: The military conducted reconnaissance missions to gather information about enemy positions.

🦔 Atmospheric turbulence

字根、字首、字尾: Atmospheric (大氣的), turbulence (亂流)

解釋: 大氣亂流

例句: Pilots use advanced systems to predict and navigate through atmospheric turbulence.

🦔 Accident

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 失事

例句: The investigation determined that the plane crash was due to a technical malfunction, not human error.

🦔 Stratosphere

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 平流層

例句: Commercial aircraft typically fly in the lower levels of the stratosphere.

🦔 Bernoulli’s theorem

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 白努利定理

例句: Bernoulli's theorem explains the relationship between airspeed and air pressure in flight.

🦔 Stratoliner

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 同溫層客機

例句: The stratoliner is designed for high-altitude, long-range flights.

🦔 Structure damage

字根、字首、字尾: Structure (結構), damage (損傷)

解釋: 結構損傷

例句: The aircraft underwent extensive repairs after experiencing severe structure damage.

🦔 Flight test

字根、字首、字尾: Flight (飛行), test (測試)

解釋: 試飛

例句: The new aircraft model is undergoing rigorous flight tests to ensure safety and performance.

🦔 Maintenance

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 維護

例句: Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping aircraft in optimal condition.

🦔 Corrosion

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 腐蝕

例句: Corrosion-resistant materials are used to prevent damage to the aircraft's structure.

🦔 Hydraulic system

字根、字首、字尾: Hydraulic (液壓的), system (系統)

解釋: 液壓系統

例句: The hydraulic system powers various aircraft components, including landing gear and brakes.

🦔 Cargo door (hatch)

字根、字首、字尾: Cargo (貨物), door (門), hatch (艙口)

解釋: 貨艙門

例句: The ground crew secured the cargo door before takeoff.

🦔 Vortex

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 渦旋

例句: Pilots are trained to avoid flying into the vortex created by larger aircraft.

🦔 Turbofan

字根、字首、字尾: Turbo- (快速), -fan (風扇),

解釋: 渦輪扇發動機

例句: Turbofan engines provide efficient propulsion for many modern commercial airplanes.

🦔 Turbojet

字根、字首、字尾: Turbo- (快速), -jet (噴射)

解釋: 渦輪噴射

例句: Turbojet engines were widely used in early jet-powered aircraft.

🦔 Turboprop

字根、字首、字尾: Turbo- (快速), -prop (螺旋槳)

解釋: 渦輪螺旋槳

例句: Turboprop aircraft combine the efficiency of propellers with the speed of jet engines.

🦔 Cabin pressure

字根、字首、字尾: Cabin (客艙), pressure (壓力)

解釋: 艙壓

例句: Maintaining proper cabin pressure is essential for the comfort and well-being of passengers.

🦔 Free tread zone

字根、字首、字尾: Free (自由), tread (行走), zone (區域)

解釋: 自由貿易港區

例句: The airport established a free tread zone to facilitate international trade and commerce.

🦔 Free tread zone enterprise(s)

字根、字首、字尾: Free (自由), tread (行走), zone (區域), enterprise(s) (事業)

解釋: 自由貿易港區事業

例句: Free tread zone enterprises enjoy special benefits and exemptions for conducting international business.

🦔 Admission

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 入境許可

例句: Passengers must go through passport control for admission into the country.

🦔 Disembarkation

字根、字首、字尾: Dis- (離開), -embarkation (上機)

解釋: 下機

例句: Disembarkation is a quick and orderly process after the aircraft lands.

🦔 Embarkation

字根、字首、字尾: Em- (進入), -barkation (上機)

解釋: 上機

例句: Passengers proceed to the gate for embarkation onto the aircraft.

🦔 Intermediate holding position

字根、字首、字尾: Intermediate (中途的), holding (等待), position (位置)

解釋: 中途等待位置

例句: Aircraft must stop at the intermediate holding position before entering the runway.

🦔 Declared distances

字根、字首、字尾: Declare (宣布), distances (距離)

解釋: 公布距離

例句: Pilots rely on declared distances to determine takeoff and landing requirements.

🦔 Primary runway

字根、字首、字尾: Primary (主要的), runway (跑道)

解釋: 主跑道

例句: The primary runway is equipped to handle the largest aircraft in the airport.

🦔 Public authorities

字根、字首、字尾: Public (公共), authorities (當局)

解釋: 主管當局

例句: Public authorities ensure the safety and regulation of aviation activities within their jurisdiction.

🦔 Ground equipment

字根、字首、字尾: Ground (地面), equipment (設備)

解釋: 地勤設備

例句: Ground equipment includes vehicles and machinery used for aircraft maintenance and handling.


Google News 追蹤
最近與女友一起聊到了情緒價值這個話題,她覺得我缺乏這個,一開始我也還沒意識到這個的重要性,於是我開始去查詢資料有得出以下結論 與愛人的情緒價值心得 在跟女友在一起的這段時間,我發現情緒的價值真的很重要。每一次的互動、分享和理解,都是我們感情中的一部分。這裡有幾個我深刻體會到的點: 1. 情緒的共
🛫一切的開端是… 自從高一暑假後已經四年沒有出國,經歷學測、疫情、打工及實習後,終於敲定家人們的時間、排好了行程,由五人團展開激動人心的釜山七天六夜之旅拉!旅途中的我們充滿期待、遇到許多小插曲,逛了許多想再去一次的景點及品嘗各式食指大動的美食。來吧!跟隨我們的腳步,一同探索釜山的道地美食與風景吧!
最近與女友一起聊到了情緒價值這個話題,她覺得我缺乏這個,一開始我也還沒意識到這個的重要性,於是我開始去查詢資料有得出以下結論 與愛人的情緒價值心得 在跟女友在一起的這段時間,我發現情緒的價值真的很重要。每一次的互動、分享和理解,都是我們感情中的一部分。這裡有幾個我深刻體會到的點: 1. 情緒的共
🛫一切的開端是… 自從高一暑假後已經四年沒有出國,經歷學測、疫情、打工及實習後,終於敲定家人們的時間、排好了行程,由五人團展開激動人心的釜山七天六夜之旅拉!旅途中的我們充滿期待、遇到許多小插曲,逛了許多想再去一次的景點及品嘗各式食指大動的美食。來吧!跟隨我們的腳步,一同探索釜山的道地美食與風景吧!