Mastering UI Design - Five Core Components You Need to Know

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Mastering UI Design - Five Core Components You Need to Know

Mastering UI Design - Five Core Components You Need to Know

In modern User Interface (UI) App and Web design, certain elements are essential for every designer to be familiar with. These components not only enhance the user experience but also make complex information appear concise and clear. Here are five components in UI design that are critical to understand.

  1. Steppers guide users through multi-step processes. This design allows users to move sequentially forward or backward by clicking or tapping. Commonly found in registration processes, surveys, or tasks requiring step-by-step completion, steppers should clearly indicate the current stage and how to navigate to the next one, while also providing the option to return to previous steps.
  2. Bento Menu Named after the orderly and space-efficient Japanese bento box, the bento menu displays options or actions in a grid or tile format. It's ideal for presenting multiple related options without occupying excessive space and is particularly useful for navigation menus in mobile app development and website design, presenting complex choices in a graphical way.
  3. Tooltips provide additional information when users hover over or click on them. Typically appearing as a small overlay or pop-up, tooltips offer explanations for icons, buttons, or other UI elements. Good tooltip design should present information without being intrusive or too prominent, ensuring users can easily access the information they need.
  4. Cards display related content or information in a modular fashion. A card usually contains an image, title, and summary, and can include buttons or other interactive elements. This design is very useful for clearly presenting lists or collections, making the user interface more engaging and easy to navigate.
  5. Accordion elements allow users to expand or collapse content sections within a vertically stacked layout. This design is well-suited for managing large amounts of content, like FAQs or product feature lists. By collapsing sections that are not needed, users can focus on the content that interests them, providing a clear and efficient way to manage information.

These components are foundational for designing efficient, intuitive, and appealing UIs. Whether it's steppers that guide users through multi-step tasks, bento menus that compactly present options, tooltips that provide necessary context, cards that display grouped information, or accordions that help users manage collapsible content efficiently, each component has its unique function and benefit. Skillfully using these UI design elements can not only enhance the user experience but also improve user satisfaction and loyalty towards the product.

I hope this article has been helpful to you. If you would like to learn more about the latest UX/UI website design & app development skills, please feel free to contact us for further information.

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CSS 是控制網頁外觀的語言,應用於網頁設計、UI/UX 設計、電子商務和移動應用開發。主要使用者包括前端開發者、UI/UX 設計師和網頁設計師。CSS 的特性有樣式控制、層疊優先級、響應式設計及分離內容與樣式。
程式設計中不可或缺的一部分 介面是使用者與程式互動的媒介,因此介面的設計會影響使用者的體驗和感受。一個清晰明白、易懂的介面,可以讓使用者輕鬆地使用程式,並獲得良好的使用體驗。 需要與程式設計師密切溝通 設計師需要了解程式的功能和需求,並根據使用者的習慣和需求進行設計。設計師和程式設計師之間的溝
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