一群後期才加入的RD、長官群們又在唱高調,問說為什麼我們不直接這麼做A?為什麼我們不那麼開發B?為什麼我們不跟C合作? 我只想說這些我們老早都想過了啦!當我們都無腦嗎?答案就是沒錢、沒人、沒時間啦!平時都已經在加班無薪做功德了,不要再發這些87mail來QA大家,浪費大家更多的時間寫信回答你們這些高官們的問題啦!!!
Some members who joined the R&D team later have recently raised many questions, wondering why we do not choose to implement certain strategies, such as directly adopting plan A, developing project B, or collaborating with company C.
What I want to express is that we have already considered these suggestions. It is not because we lack insight or capability. In fact, the main limiting factors include funding, manpower, and time. Our team has been working overtime, doing our best to push the project forward. Therefore, receiving these somewhat repetitive inquiry emails unavoidably makes us feel that these discussions are somewhat redundant and also occupy our precious time. We hope everyone can understand that we are doing our utmost to move forward.