Engaging Indoor Activities for Small Dogs

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A little dog in your house can keep you on your toes with all its activities, but keeping it active and engaged even indoors can be quite a fun challenge. Whether the rain is pouring down outside the cold is biting, or just to stop your furry friend from getting bored, there are plenty of things that you can do. At Sweetground, we believe that a happy pet is a healthy pet, which is why we have designed an array of products that will help you make indoor playtime for your pet a lot better. Here are some invigorating indoor activities great for small dogs, all easily accommodated by Sweetground's pet supplies.

Indoor Fetch with a Twist

    • Fetch is a classic game that can be adapted for indoor play. Use a soft toy or a small, lightweight ball to avoid damaging your furniture. To make this more interesting, add some training elements:
    • Soft Plush Toys: Any from our selection of plush toys, make them safe for indoor use. Their bright colors and fun sounds help capture your dog's interest and keep them entertained.
    • Obstacles can be added: Again, with cushions or boxes, create mini-obstacles that make the game a bit challenging.

Hide and Seek

    • Dogs love using their noses to find hidden treasures. Hide some of your dog's favorite treats or toys around the house and encourage them to see them:
    • Treats and Snacks: Our wide selection of healthy, tasty treats will make the game even more rewarding for your pup.
    • Interactive Toys: Our line even has interactive toys that hold treats, so the play is exciting.


    • Tug-of-war is such a great game to keep your dog engaged in strength and energy that:
    • Durable Rope Toys: Our tough rope toys are up for a game of tug-of-war. Durable and designed for even the toughest tugs and pulls, these toys can withstand hours of fun.

Puzzle Toys and Brain Games

    • A dog's mind is as active as his physical body; therefore, mental exercise is just as important as physical work. Puzzle toys and brain games work to keep your dog engaged and mentally sharp:
    • Puzzle Toys: Check out our selection of puzzle toys that challenge your dog's problem-solving skills. Many of these involve hiding treats, making the game engaging and rewarding.

Obstacle Course

    • Make an indoor obstacle course for your dog:
    • Mini Agility: Use our mini agility equipment to set up an indoor course. Small hurdles, tunnels, and weave poles can provide an entertaining and motivating set-up for your dog.
    • Household Items: You can also use household items like chairs, cushions, and blankets to create a DIY obstacle course.

Training Sessions

    • Indoor activities can be fun and resourceful; training your dog is no exception. Learning new tricks or solidifying already known commands can help give your dog some mental stimulation:
    • Training Aids: Our clickers, treat pouches, and training guides will help you train your dog correctly. Positive reinforcement with Sweetground treats makes training time fun and productive.

Dog Toys

    • Making dog toys can be a fun activity for both of you:
    • Making Toys: There are DIY toy kits that include what you need, with instructions, to make excellent and safe toys for your dog. It keeps not only the dog busy but also offers you a creative experience in bonding with the dog.

Snuffle Mats

    • Snuffle mats encourage natural foraging:
    • A snuffle mat hides treats amongst fabric, challenging your dog to find them using their nose. It's fun and rewarding entertainment.

Indoor Ball Pit

    • An indoor ball pit can be pretty fun and engaging for small dogs:
    • Ball Pit Toys: Put up a small ball pit using our toys. Fill the pit with soft balls and a few treats or toys hidden inside, of course.

Virtual Playdates:

    • Connect with other dog owners so that even in this lockdown, your dog can socialize and have fun.
    • Community Platform: Join the online community of pet owners, get in touch with them, plan a virtual playdate, share tips, or find a new friend for your furry one.

Keeping your small dog busy and active indoors is significant for his health and overall well-being. Sweetground offers a variety of products that are sure to make indoor playtime enjoyable, fun, and exciting. Toys, treats, training aids, and agility equipment: our product range will help you create the most enriching environment for your furry friend. Browse our collection now and discover new ways to keep your pet happy and active—no matter what the weather's like outside.

This article was provided by SweetGround, one of the biggest online pet stores in the US.
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「設計不僅僅是外觀和感覺。設計是其運作的方式。」 — Steve Jobs 身為一個獨立文案,許多人會以為我們的生活只需要面對電腦,從無到有,用精巧的文字填滿空白的螢幕,呈現心目中獨具風格的作品。 ——有的時候可以如此,但其實這是我們夢寐以求的偶發日常。 更多的時候,白天的工作時間總被各種繁雜
我們很高興地宣布,Metalinq 與 Indorse 正式合作,Indorse 是一家由加密 OG 和營銷專家組成的開創性區塊鏈公司,構建 Web3 社區和產品。Metalinq 將依靠 Indorse 在軟件開發、營銷方面的專業知識及其廣泛的網絡繼續建設其核心技術基礎設施。 與下面的團隊聯繫!