12-The Wedding

閱讀時間約 9 分鐘


  1. Sitting next to your girlfriend, or hitting on a bridesmaid?"
  2. I was an optimist.
  3. That's like bringing a deer carcass on a hunting trip.
  4. Ted, it's a simile.
  5. I felt bad, though. He was pretty bummed.
  6. He can put his platinum card on a fishing line and reel in ten chicks hotter than you.
  7. I think my feelings for Robin may be resurfacing.
  8. Oh, please-- they were buried in a shallow grave.
  9. Oh, yeah. Okay, that's a pretty fair assessment of our two arguments.
  10. I mean, I've hooked up with the odd lass who was beneath my level of attractiveness
  11. Yeah... how was that manicure yesterday?
  12. Invigorating, thanks.
  13. If you had checked "plus one," I would have called you to get the name of your guest, so I could have the place cards printed up.
  14. First of all... I have been laying groundwork all afternoon.
  15. Totally subtle, totally cool, not pushing, not even nudging, just: the theme of today is, "Ted rocks."
  16. I don't know... it's going to be a tough sell.
  17. This morning at the rehearsal, Claudia called our seven-year-old flower girl a whore.
  18. Ah! So you admit it-- the groom should have an equal say.
  19. Ted, for all I know, you did me the biggest favor anyone's ever done me.
  20. No, I do-- this whole thing has made me realize I miss being single.
  21. I miss staying out late, and making messes and not cleaning them up.
  22. Two souls, of equal levels of attractiveness, both fitting together like two pieces of a very attractive puzzle.
  23. if I catch you even so much as breathing the same air as her, I will take those peanuts you're trying to pass off as testicles, and I will squeeze them so hard your eyes pop out, and then I'll feed them to you like grapes!
  24. So where did we land on the whole plus one thing?
  25. It took three more vodka cranberries to subdue Claudia, but, eventually, she graciously agreed to let me bring Robin.
  26. We just wanted to get a picture with the woman who almost ended our relationship.


  1. every wedding invitation presents a strange moment of self-evaluation:
  2. "Will you be bringing a guest, or will you be attending alone?"
  3. If I don't bring a date, a $200 piece of chicken/salmon will go uneaten.
  4. We never really clicked.
  5. Ah, don't beat yourself up.
  6. What I don't get is why is Claudia marrying Stuart?
  7. We can't get anywhere with our wedding plans
  8. Okay. I'm just saying that it's my wedding, too, and I should have a say in it.
  9. Yes, but I'm the bride, so I win.
  10. You know, I've always found that the best way to get over a failed relationship is to celebrate someone else's successful one.
  11. Oh, you're gonna wanna bring your "A" game.
  12. I'll bring it so hard, the bride's gonna look like a big white bag of crap.
  13. Whoa! Did you see how fired up she was?
  14. Ted, you're going to have to find another gender for yourself, 'cause I'm revoking your "dude" membership.
  15. Do you see how your story is full of holes?
  16. Isn't there room for just one more person?
  17. And she's picking up what I'm laying down.
  18. So, don't take it personally, she's just a little stressed.
  19. You went around the bride.
  20. Crap, she bought some expensive shoes. She's really looking forward to this.
  21. Ted and I will go and try to talk some sense into Stuart.
  22. Did she seem pissed at me?
  23. Looking at that girl and knowing she's all you really want out of life, that should be the easiest thing in the world
  24. Marshall and Ted set me straight.
  25. Yeah, stay out as late as you want.
  26. The whole world full of endless possibilities.
  27. For whatever reason, I had let myself believe that this night would be a turning point, that this was the night my life-- my real life-- would finally begin.

    Brian 的其他內容
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    聽不熟的句子: but in reality, it's always just a big letdown Yeah, that's right-- a limo. Now prepare yourselves for an audio journey into the white-hot
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    聽不熟的句子: It's a time for giving of yourself, for thinking of your fellow man. A fun and delicious new novelty drink I invented. Cranberry juice, pot
    聽不熟的句子: but in reality, it's always just a big letdown Yeah, that's right-- a limo. Now prepare yourselves for an audio journey into the white-hot
    聽不熟的句子: It's my own concoction. Okay, I know that you've all dismissed this theory before. I'll say. She's going out with a billionaire. Why do pe
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    2024 居然已經過了一半?我的新年願望一個都沒有實踐怎麼辦! 下半年開始的七月,我決定重新梳理並制定遲來的目標計畫,設定目標前整理了這篇文章,想和大家分享如何用12週拯救即將又被荒廢一年的新年目標,並結合我自己的做法與個人經驗作為分享。ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
    《12.12:首爾之春》參考曾任韓國陸軍參謀總長鄭昇和曾任首都警備司令部司令張泰琓 這兩位當事人的回憶錄《將軍之夜:韓國雙十二事件》, 《12·12張泰琓手記:反政變失敗的10小時》編寫的劇本, 但更動部分情節、連人名都更改成不像真名。 如果記得過去卸任的韓國總統因瀆職、貪污罪名被判刑入獄,
    過年期間,用瑣碎的時間,看了一堆不用腦袋的劇集 但Netflix的紀錄片《那夜,金曲不朽》卻是讓人看得捨不得睡 從1980年代傳唱至今的歌曲 We Are The World 原來是在這麼倉促之下完成的,但結果卻是不可思議的好,根本是奇蹟 短時間內寫完一首歌、號召如此多的歌手、進而編排歌唱順
    你說當朋友才不會失去彼此 這是你把我綁在身邊的藉口 還是你真的只是不想跟我走散 我也會怕 我怕的是我對你也是一個只能遠觀的人 你說你不是什麼好男生 但為什麼我在你身上看到的只有溫柔單純跟些許狡猾 在大家面前大聲說自己堅持AA制 卻會想找藉口說我們是同學所以要請我吃東西 借我卡片會罵我笨為什
    尼克福瑞收到了瑪麗亞希爾(Maria Hill)緊急通知,希爾緊張的說道:「局長,紐約警局總部被共生體襲擊,有不少警察瞬間變得異常暴力並且進行大肆的破壞。」
    在第(6)輯中已經介紹過演奏樂之后Barry White《Love's Theme》 ,現在輪到『演奏樂之王』出場了。 這首『演奏樂之王』的身份其實有點尷尬,因為它不會『被遺忘』, 甚至在『有人唱』與『無人唱』的流行曲之中,『它』一直成功衛冕 ,六十年來,沒有任何流行曲可以挑戰『它』的王者至尊地位。
    紐時The Daily Podcast 2022年底整理回放的當年度重點新聞 - James Webb太空望遠鏡
      君鴻拉開房門走出來,大剌剌伸著懶腰:「啊~~」因為下大雨的關系,所有人都很有默契地睡到自然醒,這種天氣沒辦法趕路。   就住對面的亦齊,聽聞動靜馬上跑出來,十分八卦地對著君鴻挑挑眉:「腰酸吼…」見自已兄弟守得雲開見明月,自已也是與有榮焉。   「是啊…」君鴻揉揉脖子,一臉的疲憊。  
    週六22:00-00:00 首播、週日15:00-17:00重播 (CST)。FM98.1 News98電台。大台北地區以外請利用線上收聽 www.news98.com.tw 點選「線上收聽」鏈結即可。亦可利用 hiChannel 收聽。 整整50年前,1965年12月3日,The Beatles
    本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 https://reurl.cc/VNYVxZ 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
    2024 居然已經過了一半?我的新年願望一個都沒有實踐怎麼辦! 下半年開始的七月,我決定重新梳理並制定遲來的目標計畫,設定目標前整理了這篇文章,想和大家分享如何用12週拯救即將又被荒廢一年的新年目標,並結合我自己的做法與個人經驗作為分享。ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
    《12.12:首爾之春》參考曾任韓國陸軍參謀總長鄭昇和曾任首都警備司令部司令張泰琓 這兩位當事人的回憶錄《將軍之夜:韓國雙十二事件》, 《12·12張泰琓手記:反政變失敗的10小時》編寫的劇本, 但更動部分情節、連人名都更改成不像真名。 如果記得過去卸任的韓國總統因瀆職、貪污罪名被判刑入獄,
    過年期間,用瑣碎的時間,看了一堆不用腦袋的劇集 但Netflix的紀錄片《那夜,金曲不朽》卻是讓人看得捨不得睡 從1980年代傳唱至今的歌曲 We Are The World 原來是在這麼倉促之下完成的,但結果卻是不可思議的好,根本是奇蹟 短時間內寫完一首歌、號召如此多的歌手、進而編排歌唱順
    你說當朋友才不會失去彼此 這是你把我綁在身邊的藉口 還是你真的只是不想跟我走散 我也會怕 我怕的是我對你也是一個只能遠觀的人 你說你不是什麼好男生 但為什麼我在你身上看到的只有溫柔單純跟些許狡猾 在大家面前大聲說自己堅持AA制 卻會想找藉口說我們是同學所以要請我吃東西 借我卡片會罵我笨為什
    尼克福瑞收到了瑪麗亞希爾(Maria Hill)緊急通知,希爾緊張的說道:「局長,紐約警局總部被共生體襲擊,有不少警察瞬間變得異常暴力並且進行大肆的破壞。」
    在第(6)輯中已經介紹過演奏樂之后Barry White《Love's Theme》 ,現在輪到『演奏樂之王』出場了。 這首『演奏樂之王』的身份其實有點尷尬,因為它不會『被遺忘』, 甚至在『有人唱』與『無人唱』的流行曲之中,『它』一直成功衛冕 ,六十年來,沒有任何流行曲可以挑戰『它』的王者至尊地位。
    紐時The Daily Podcast 2022年底整理回放的當年度重點新聞 - James Webb太空望遠鏡
      君鴻拉開房門走出來,大剌剌伸著懶腰:「啊~~」因為下大雨的關系,所有人都很有默契地睡到自然醒,這種天氣沒辦法趕路。   就住對面的亦齊,聽聞動靜馬上跑出來,十分八卦地對著君鴻挑挑眉:「腰酸吼…」見自已兄弟守得雲開見明月,自已也是與有榮焉。   「是啊…」君鴻揉揉脖子,一臉的疲憊。  
    週六22:00-00:00 首播、週日15:00-17:00重播 (CST)。FM98.1 News98電台。大台北地區以外請利用線上收聽 www.news98.com.tw 點選「線上收聽」鏈結即可。亦可利用 hiChannel 收聽。 整整50年前,1965年12月3日,The Beatles