09-Belly Full of Turkey

閱讀時間約 5 分鐘


  1. It's a time for giving of yourself, for thinking of your fellow man.
  2. A fun and delicious new novelty drink I invented.
  3. Cranberry juice, potato vodka, and a bouillon cube.
  4. Your cops are called "Mounties."
  5. I think I'm going to a homeless shelter, serve food.
  6. Marshall was the runt of the Eriksen clan.
  7. Barney, we need you out front. There's a logjam on the stuffing line.
  8. you and your girlfriend can help sort through these donations.
    - sift through
  9. Court-mandated community service?
  10. Oh my God, you're on probation?
  11. I have 40 hours left on my community service and now I've gotta spend it spearing trash on a freaking median strip.
  12. Okay, personal effects.
  13. And don't take this the wrong way, but I don't want to be exactly like your family either.


  1. A time when the unforgiving city becomes a little kinder.
  2. You guys are the world's leader in handgun violence, your healthcare system is bankrupt, and your country is deeply divided on almost every important issue.
  3. Look at all these people, giving up their Thanksgiving to help their fellow man.
  4. Guys, okay, look. I don't advertise it, but I volunteer here.
  5. Every Sunday, all year long.
  6. Can you ever really have enough unpaid help?
  7. Okay, well, I'd better get back out there. There's a lot of food to give out.
  8. Okay, Lily, we're putting you on salad duty.
  9. Man, the way the faces of the less fortunate light up
  10. Hey, Barn, what do you say you let us sub in for you, scoop stuffing for a little bit?
  11. When did it get so hard to do charity work?
  12. How's that little project coming along?
  13. Why are we even talking about this? This is like way down the road.
  14. I embarrassed myself in front of your family, and now I'm celebrating Thanksgiving in probably the most depressing place ever.
  15. Just a little joke to lighten up the mood.
  16. In the fight against cancer, I'm on the side of cancer.
  17. I never joke about the sublime art of burlesque entertainment.
  18. You said you wanted to see the look of joy in someone's eyes.
  19. It's the rough parts that make you thankfull that you have people to share it with.
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      『公爵的寶貝』回復了『約翰.吉安卡洛』的貼文:「崽崽呢?你不愛嗎?」   『約翰.吉安卡洛』回復了自己的貼文:「啊…愛,都愛!但是最愛你」
    到家後先洗澡,一邊洗著自己的身體,不知道為什麼又想起K的妹妹,摸摸已經及肩的頭髮想說該去剪了,卻想像是在撫著她的長髮。 “如果她喜歡的人是我就好了。” 我被自己這種想法嚇到,趕緊沖淨身體想讓自己冷靜下來,擦乾全身後做點運動看看能不能快點睡著別再亂想,躺在床上的我身體是累了無力,但腦袋很混
    我只要專心喜歡你就可以了 好像沒有比這個更簡單的事情了 對吧 我只要專心喜歡你就可以了 而不是陷在怎麼做才會被你喜歡的患得患失 對吧
    我在想會不會自己一直在正確理解的 並不是跳而是跳舞 我沒跳過舞 不知道舞的形成 為什麼用跳來詮釋
        因為不想吃退燒藥,持續地坐在椅子上清醒著,體溫沒有到太高,大約三十七度七上下而已,目前都還是正常的反應,沒有太足的力氣在身體清醒時 一切都慢下來,感覺到平時吸氣和吐氣胸腔的起伏所需要的力氣,直立或坐立所需要的力氣,都慢了下來,移動和說話 沈重之餘感覺時隔的慢半拍間,自己在靜悄悄的移動 和說話
    原來,靜默是可以選擇的。 「達利,你準備保持沉默嗎?」 達利凝視著王警官,沒有表情、也沒有回答。
    本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 https://reurl.cc/VNYVxZ 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
      『公爵的寶貝』回復了『約翰.吉安卡洛』的貼文:「崽崽呢?你不愛嗎?」   『約翰.吉安卡洛』回復了自己的貼文:「啊…愛,都愛!但是最愛你」
    到家後先洗澡,一邊洗著自己的身體,不知道為什麼又想起K的妹妹,摸摸已經及肩的頭髮想說該去剪了,卻想像是在撫著她的長髮。 “如果她喜歡的人是我就好了。” 我被自己這種想法嚇到,趕緊沖淨身體想讓自己冷靜下來,擦乾全身後做點運動看看能不能快點睡著別再亂想,躺在床上的我身體是累了無力,但腦袋很混
    我只要專心喜歡你就可以了 好像沒有比這個更簡單的事情了 對吧 我只要專心喜歡你就可以了 而不是陷在怎麼做才會被你喜歡的患得患失 對吧
    我在想會不會自己一直在正確理解的 並不是跳而是跳舞 我沒跳過舞 不知道舞的形成 為什麼用跳來詮釋
        因為不想吃退燒藥,持續地坐在椅子上清醒著,體溫沒有到太高,大約三十七度七上下而已,目前都還是正常的反應,沒有太足的力氣在身體清醒時 一切都慢下來,感覺到平時吸氣和吐氣胸腔的起伏所需要的力氣,直立或坐立所需要的力氣,都慢了下來,移動和說話 沈重之餘感覺時隔的慢半拍間,自己在靜悄悄的移動 和說話
    原來,靜默是可以選擇的。 「達利,你準備保持沉默嗎?」 達利凝視著王警官,沒有表情、也沒有回答。