每日英語 #085: New Spins on Internet Dating 網路約會的新玩法

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New Spins on Internet Dating 網路約會的新玩法

Everybody knows about Internet dating. If you are “single” (not married) and want to meet someone for a romantic relationship, you spend hours writing a “profile” (brief information about oneself) and selecting the right picture to “upload” (transfer information using a computer) to the dating company’s website for others to see. Then, you spend even more hours looking at other online profiles and waiting for responses to your own.


But maybe you’re “old-school” (like to do things the old-fashioned way) and try to meet other singles in the traditional way by going out to places where singles might be and trying to talk to and meet people face to face. Both Internet dating and trying to meet singles in person have their “appeals” (attractive points). What if you could bring together “the best of both worlds” (the best parts of each method)?


Recently, “a slew of” (many) new dating companies are trying to do exactly that. One company allows you to have an online profile on its website and to direct people to it if you want to, keeping your contact information private until you want to release it. This company gives you cards with “intriguing” (interesting, with a little mystery) messages like this one: “Look up. You might miss something.” Below this message are the words “find me,” a “code” (set of numbers or letters that give you access to something), and the address of a website for singles. When you visit the website and put in the code, you’ll see the profile of the person who gave you that card.


Another company with a similar service specializes in “flirty” (behaving in a way to attract other people, usually in an amusing way) with messages such as:


  • “I’m looking forward to our first date.”
  • “I am “totally” (very much) “cooler” (better, more interesting) than your date.”

With these cards, when you see someone you like, perhaps someone in a crowd, all you need to do is to hand the card to this person and walk away. If that person is interested, he or she will “check you out” (find out more about you) online.



  • Single 單身 /ˈsɪŋɡl/
  • Profile 個人檔案 /ˈproʊ.faɪl/
  • Upload 上傳 /ˈʌp.loʊd/
  • Old-school 老派的 /ˈoʊld.skuːl/
  • Appeal 吸引力 /əˈpiːl/
  • Intriguing 吸引人的 /ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ/
  • Code 代碼 /koʊd/
  • Flirty 調情的 /ˈflɜːr.ti/
  • Totally 完全地 /ˈtoʊ.t̬əl.i/
  • Cooler 更酷的 /ˈkuː.lər/

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