每日英語 #088: Peer Review 同儕審查

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Peer Review 同儕審查

When we read about scientific research, we often hear the term “peer review.” Peer review is the process of taking a piece of scientific research, usually in the form of a written article, and sending it to knowledgeable people in the same field to get their advice on whether the research is “sound” (based on good research) and should be “published” (printed for others to read).


Peer review is often used by “scientific journals,” which are publications containing professional and/or research articles published regularly–monthly, “quarterly” (every three months), “biannually” (two times a year) or “annually” (each year). Peer review is also used by “conference” (professional meeting) organizers to determine whether a presentation is appropriate for that conference and of a high quality. “In theory” (the way it is supposed to work), peer review makes sure that only good research is published or presented, so that it can gain the attention of other people in the field and/or the “media” (news organizations).


For peer review to work well, it is best to have “blind review,” which is when an article or written presentation is sent to reviewers without the name of the author(s) on it. (Sometimes, other identifying information within the article is also taken out.) This way, reviewers can’t be influenced by the name of the author, his or her “affiliation” (organization that he or she works for or is connected with), or any other factors not associated with the quality of the research and the article itself.


Although peer review is widely used, it is far from a perfect system. However, it is considered the best method researchers have to “cull” (separate) good research from bad. Keeping in mind that peer review and blind review aren’t perfect, however, we can all be better “consumers” (readers; receivers) of scientific research.



  • Peer review 同儕審查 /pɪər rɪˈvjuː/
  • Sound 健全的 /saʊnd/
  • Published 出版的 /ˈpʌblɪʃt/
  • Scientific journal 科學期刊 /ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk ˈdʒɜːrnəl/
  • Quarterly 每季的 /ˈkwɔːrtərli/
  • Biannually 每半年一次的 /baɪˈæn.ju.ə.li/
  • Annually 每年的 /ˈæn.ju.ə.li/
  • Conference 會議 /ˈkɒn.fərəns/
  • In theory 理論上 /ɪn ˈθɪə.ri/
  • Media 媒體 /ˈmiːdiə/
  • Blind review 盲審 /blaɪnd rɪˈvjuː/
  • Affiliation 隸屬關係 /əˌfɪl.iˈeɪ.ʃən/
  • Cull 篩選 /kʌl/
  • Consumers 消費者 /kənˈsuːmərz/
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