每日英語 #138: Travel Agency

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Travel Agency

When booking a tour, it’s important to make sure the “travel agency” (the company that creates and leads the tour) is a “reputable” (with a good reputation) business. You can do this by reading about its services, speaking with people who have used its services in the past, and contacting the “Better Business Bureau” (a government agency that keeps track of complaints about businesses and their services).


Once you have found a reputable travel agency, research the types of tours it offers. Does it offer tours to the places you’re most interested in? Do those tours focus on historical information, cultural information, “extreme sports” (dangerous but fun physical games), or other things that you’re interested in? How often are the tours offered, and are those times “compatible with” (working well with; in alignment with) your “itinerary” (travel plans and schedule)? You’ll also want to know whether the tours are “within your budget” (not costing more than the amount of money one has available for a specific purpose).


If you have any “special needs” (requirements that most people don’t have), such as “food restrictions” (limitations on the kinds of food one can eat) or “disabilities” (things that one’s body cannot do), can the travel agency accommodate those needs? Other factors to consider include the tour guide’s experience and “depth of knowledge” (how much someone knows about something). The “tour group” (the people who participate in a tour) is important, too. Is there a minimum and maximum number of participants? Are there age restrictions? You might not want to be the youngest or oldest person in the tour group, so find out all you can about the other participants.



  • 1. Travel agency /ˈtræv.əl ˈeɪ.dʒən.si/ 旅行社
  • 2. Reputable /ˈrɛp.jə.tə.bəl/ 有聲譽的
  • 3. Better Business Bureau /ˈbɛt.ər ˈbɪz.nɪs ˈbjʊə.roʊ/ 商業改進局
  • 4. Itinerary /aɪˈtɪn.ə.rer.i/ 行程表
  • 5. Budget /ˈbʌdʒ.ɪt/ 預算
  • 6. Special needs /ˈspɛʃ.əl niːdz/ 特殊需求
  • 7. Food restrictions /fuːd rɪˈstrɪk.ʃənz/ 飲食限制
  • 8. Disability /ˌdɪs.əˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/ 殘疾
  • 9. Depth of knowledge /dɛpθ ʌv ˈnɒl.ɪdʒ/ 知識深度
  • 10. Tour group /tʊər ɡruːp/ 旅行團
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