在農曆年假期間,幫助大家詳註以下BBC新聞網站有關歐洲可口可樂公司,下架回收(recall)受汙染(affected)有安全疑慮的飲料。幫助大家在過農曆年期間,如同每日固定攝食的三餐,培養recall,contain,chemical,statement,affected product,distribution,disinfectant,treatment,processing九個TOEIC金色(860–990分)或藍色(730–855分)證照的解題實力。
Coca-Cola recalls drinks over safety concerns
作者Ben King and Faarea Masud
BBC Business reporters
Coca-Cola has recalled its drinks in some countries across Europe because they contain "higher levels" of a chemical called chlorate.(可口可樂公司在歐洲部分國家下架(召回)其飲料,因為它們含有較高含量的氯酸鹽。)
The firm said in a statement that the recall was focused on Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. It added just five product lines had been shipped to Britain, and they had already been sold.(該公司在聲明中表示,此次下架(召回)主要集中在比利時、盧森堡和荷蘭。它補充說,只有五個產品系列運往英國,而這些已經售出。)
Affected products include the Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Tropico and Minute Maid brands, according to the Belgium branch of Coca-Cola's international bottling and distribution operation.(根據可口可樂國際瓶裝和分銷業務的比利時分公司,受影響的產品包括可樂、芬達、雪碧、Tropico 和Minute Maid 品牌。)
Chlorate can be produced when chlorine-based disinfectants are used in water treatment and food processing.(當使用含氯消毒劑進行水處理和食品加工時,可能會產生氯酸鹽。)
以下讓我們用下面詳註深入學習,recall,contain,chemical,statement,affected product,distribution,disinfectant,treatment,processing九個TOEIC金藍色證照核心詞彙。
1. **Recall** (verb) 回收;下架(貨物)(noun) 回收
- The company decided to **recall** the contaminated products from the market.
- The **recall** of the product was necessary to ensure customer safety.
2. **Contain** (verb) 含有
- The bottle **contains** 500ml of pure water.
3. **Chemical** (noun) 化學(製)品
- Exposure to the **chemical** led to severe health issues.
4. **Statement** (noun) 聲明
- The company issued a **statement** regarding the recent incident.
5. **Affected product** (noun) 受感染的產品
- All **affected products** were removed from the shelves immediately.
6. **Distribution** (noun) 分銷
- The **distribution** of the new product will start next month.
7. **Disinfectant** (noun) 消毒劑
- The surfaces were cleaned thoroughly with a disinfectant.
8. **Treatment** (noun) 處理
- Water **treatment** is essential to ensure its safety for drinking.
9. **Processing** (noun) 加工
- Food **processing** involves multiple steps to ensure quality."