隨著 Z 世代(18-30 歲)逐漸成為市場消費主力,品牌必須深入了解這群數位原生世代的消費價值觀、決策模式與資訊蒐集習慣,才能有效吸引他們並提高轉化率。根據beBitTECH與Dcard的《Z 世代消費決策白皮書》,Z 世代的消費行為已經從價格導向轉向價值認同,更願意為符合自身價值觀的品牌支付更高價格。此外,他們在做決策時,平均會透過 3.4 個資訊管道 進行蒐集,其中 YouTube、Dcard、電商平台 是影響力最大的關鍵渠道。
本報告將從 Z 世代的消費決策影響因素出發,探討他們的資訊蒐集習慣、熱門消費品類與適合的行銷策略,並針對不同產業提供具體應用建議,幫助品牌有效搶占這群年輕消費者的市場。
▍Z 世代消費決策的關鍵因素
1️⃣ 消費價值觀轉變——不只是滿足需求,更注重個人成長與價值認同
📌 Z 世代的消費不只是購買產品,更是提升生活品質、自我成長、社交互動的延伸。
📌 願意為價值觀相符的品牌支付更高價格(比其他世代高出 10% 以上)。
🔹 行銷應用:
2️⃣ 消費決策的核心影響因素
📌 價格仍然重要,但不再是唯一決策關鍵
📌 社群討論影響力超過親友推薦,成為觸發消費動機的重要因素
📌 Z 世代平均會透過 3.4 個資訊管道來蒐集資料,比其他世代更願意做功課
🔹 行銷應用:
1.社群行銷——加強在 Dcard、YouTube、Instagram 等管道的品牌曝光,並提供實用資訊,如開箱文、產品比較等。
2.KOL / KOC 影響力——與具公信力的內容創作者合作,分享真實體驗,而非強硬廣告式推銷。
3️⃣ 主要資訊蒐集管道與決策影響力
📌 Z 世代的三大資訊蒐集平台:
1.YouTube:動態影片 + 詳細介紹,提升可信度
3. 綜合電商平台(如蝦皮、MOMO):即時價格、優惠資訊
🔹 行銷應用:
1.經營 Dcard 口碑:Dcard 是 Z 世代資訊蒐集、比較、決策的關鍵平台,透過官方帳號、Dcard 認證品牌合作文章,建立信任感。
2.短影音與詳細開箱:YouTube 短影音與長影片並行,提高轉化率。
3.電商平台 SEO & 內容優化:確保品牌在主要電商平台的資訊清楚,並提供完整的產品特色、比較、實拍圖、優惠活動。
4️⃣ 高價商品決策更謹慎,資訊來源更加聚焦
📌 購買高單價商品(超過 1 萬元)時,決策管道縮減,消費者更重視可提供真實評測與使用者反饋的管道,如:
1.YouTube 影片(詳細產品解析)
2.Dcard 討論區(用戶體驗與口碑)
1.提供真實消費者評測 & 體驗內容——透過部落格、Dcard、YouTube,強調使用情境與細節。
2.O2O 體驗策略——線上預約試用、實體店面互動,降低購買風險,提高轉化率。
5️⃣ Z 世代偏好消費品類分析
📌 所有世代消費前三大品類:生活用品、食品、服飾
📌 Z 世代特別關注:
1.情境式行銷——結合娛樂、潮流話題,提升 Z 世代共鳴感(如 Netflix、遊戲聯名)。
🔹 美妝保養 / 服飾品牌
1.Dcard 口碑行銷:與創作者合作開箱、美妝教學,增加信任感。
2.短影音行銷:IG Reels、YouTube Shorts 展示產品特色,如「素顏霜實測」、「防水睫毛膏挑戰」。
3.個性化推薦:利用 AI 推薦系統,提供專屬穿搭或護膚建議。
🔹 3C / 高單價電子產品
1.YouTube 深度開箱:強調實際體驗、競品比較,如「iPhone vs. Samsung 拍照對決」。
2.Dcard 科技討論區口碑:透過 KOL/KOC 分享長期使用心得,建立專業形象。
3.O2O 體驗:提供線上預約實測、虛擬試用功能,降低購買猶豫。
🔹 金融 / 投資理財
1.教育型內容行銷:透過 Dcard、部落格、社群影片,提供簡單易懂的投資知識,如「小資族 ETF 入門」。
2.體驗式行銷:模擬理財計劃,讓 Z 世代提前感受未來財務規劃的重要性。
3.數據導向優化:利用 AI 精準投放個人化金融產品推薦。
🔹 旅遊 / 餐飲品牌
1.Dcard 旅遊、美食看板行銷:推動用戶生成內容(UGC),如「最強台北咖啡廳推薦」。
2.社群挑戰活動:鼓勵用戶在 IG、Dcard 分享旅遊或美食體驗,增加品牌曝光。
3.多元支付優惠:提供電子支付、會員回饋,刺激 Z 世代衝動型消費。
🎯 總結:如何有效吸引 Z 世代?
📌 社群優先:Dcard、YouTube 是行銷戰場,影響力甚至超過親友推薦。
📌 內容行銷:開箱文、影音、社群討論是關鍵,營造「真實口碑」才能轉換消費。
📌 價值共鳴:Z 世代願意為品牌價值買單,建立品牌故事,提高忠誠度。
Z Generation Consumer Decision-Making Report: Key Insights & Marketing Strategies
As Generation Z (ages 18-30) emerges as the dominant consumer demographic, brands must gain a deep understanding of their values, decision-making processes, and information-gathering habits to effectively engage them and drive conversions. According to the Z Generation Consumer Decision-Making Report by beBit TECH and Dcard, Gen Z’s purchasing behavior has shifted from price-driven decisions to value alignment, with a higher willingness to pay a premium for brands that reflect their values.
Additionally, Gen Z consumers conduct extensive research before making purchasing decisions, utilizing an average of 3.4 information sources. Among these, YouTube, Dcard, and e-commerce platforms are the most influential channels.
This report explores the key factors influencing Gen Z’s purchase decisions, their preferred research methods, top spending categories, and effective marketing strategies across different industries to help brands successfully capture this critical market segment.
▍Critical Factors Shaping Gen Z's Purchase Decisions
1️⃣ Changing Consumer Values—Beyond Needs to Personal Growth & Value Alignment
📌 Gen Z’s purchases go beyond acquiring products—they aim to enhance quality of life, self-growth, and social connections.
📌 They are willing to pay more for brands that align with their values, exceeding other generations by over 10%.
🔹 Marketing Applications:
✔️ Build a compelling brand narrative & foster community engagement—Highlight corporate values such as sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical business practices to attract like-minded consumers.
✔️ Create personalized experiences—Use membership programs and exclusive content to strengthen emotional connections with consumers.
2️⃣ Core Factors Influencing Purchase Decisions
📌 Price remains important but is no longer the primary determining factor.
📌 Social discussions outweigh personal recommendations in triggering purchasing motivation.
📌 Gen Z conducts more research than any other generation, consulting an average of 3.4 information sources before purchasing.
🔹 Marketing Applications:
✔️ Leverage social media marketing—Boost brand presence on Dcard, YouTube, and Instagram, offering valuable content such as unboxings and product comparisons.
✔️ Maximize KOL/KOC influence—Collaborate with credible content creators to share authentic experiences rather than overly promotional advertisements.
3️⃣ Key Information Sources & Their Influence on Purchase Decisions
📌 Top 3 research channels for Gen Z:
🔹 Marketing Applications:
✔️ Strengthen brand reputation on Dcard—As a primary research and decision-making hub for Gen Z, brands should establish official accounts and partner with Dcard-certified content creators to build credibility.
✔️ Invest in short-form and in-depth video content—Utilize YouTube Shorts and long-form videos to enhance engagement and conversions.
✔️ Optimize e-commerce platform SEO & content—Ensure clear product descriptions, feature comparisons, high-quality visuals, and exclusive promotions on key e-commerce sites.
4️⃣ Decision-Making for High-Priced Products is More Selective & Research-Focused
📌 When purchasing high-ticket items (over $10,000 TWD), Gen Z narrows down their research sources, prioritizing:
🔹 Marketing Applications:
✔️ Provide authentic consumer reviews & experiential content—Leverage blogs, Dcard discussions, and YouTube videos to highlight product usage and real-world benefits.
✔️ Implement an O2O (online-to-offline) strategy—Offer online reservations for in-store trials, interactive experiences, and risk-free purchase incentives to boost confidence and conversions.
5️⃣ Gen Z’s Preferred Spending Categories
📌 Across all generations, the top three spending categories remain: household essentials, food, and fashion.
📌 However, Gen Z prioritizes:
🔹 Marketing Applications:
✔️ Scenario-based marketing—Integrate entertainment and trending topics (e.g., Netflix collaborations, gaming tie-ins) to enhance Gen Z’s emotional resonance with brands.
✔️ Educational content marketing—Offer practical knowledge and exclusive discounts for learning-related products, such as subscription-based memberships and student offers.
▍Industry-Specific Marketing Recommendations
🔹 Beauty & Fashion Brands
✔️ Dcard reputation marketing—Collaborate with content creators for product unboxings, tutorials, and reviews to enhance trust.
✔️ Short-form video marketing—Use IG Reels and YouTube Shorts to showcase product benefits (e.g., “Waterproof mascara challenge” or “BB cream durability test”).
✔️ AI-powered personalization—Leverage AI-driven recommendation engines to offer customized styling and skincare suggestions.
🔹 3C & High-End Electronics
✔️ In-depth YouTube unboxings—Emphasize real-world performance and comparisons (e.g., “iPhone vs. Samsung camera showdown”).
✔️ Dcard tech forum engagement—Encourage long-term user testimonials and discussions to establish credibility.
✔️ O2O (online-to-offline) trial experiences—Provide virtual demos, in-store test sessions, and risk-free trial policies to reduce hesitation.
🔹 Finance & Investment Services
✔️ Educational content marketing—Use Dcard, blogs, and social media to explain financial concepts in a simple and engaging manner (e.g., “Beginner’s guide to ETFs”).
✔️ Interactive financial planning tools—Offer virtual budgeting simulations to help Gen Z understand long-term financial benefits.
✔️ Data-driven optimization—Utilize AI-powered personalized investment recommendations to target specific consumer needs.
🔹 Travel & Dining Brands
✔️ Dcard travel & food boards—Encourage user-generated content (UGC), such as “Best Taipei café recommendations.”
✔️ Social media challenges—Create viral campaigns on IG and Dcard to incentivize consumer engagement and organic brand exposure.
✔️ Diverse payment & rewards options—Implement e-wallet integrations and loyalty rewards to stimulate impulse spending.
🎯 Conclusion: How to Effectively Attract Gen Z Consumers?
📌 Prioritize social-first marketing—Dcard and YouTube are the battlegrounds for consumer engagement, surpassing even traditional word-of-mouth recommendations.
📌 Content-driven engagement—Unboxings, videos, and social discussions are essential for building trust and driving conversions.
📌 Align with their values—Gen Z invests in brands that resonate with their beliefs. Craft compelling brand stories to enhance loyalty and long-term retention.
By leveraging the insights and strategies outlined in this report, brands can effectively capture the attention and spending power of Gen Z, securing a competitive edge in this rapidly evolving consumer landscape.