COVID-19 shut us down five years ago. Here's how its economic impact continues
(COVID-19 五年前讓我們停擺。以下是其經濟影響如何持續)
作者By Canan Sevgili, Paolo Laudani, Alessandro Parodi and Alberto Chiumento
發稿時間March 8, 20252:13 PM GMT+8
March 8 (Reuters) - Five years after the World Health Organization first described the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic, its effects are still being felt on the global economy.(3月8日(路透社)–在世界衛生組織首次表示COVID-19冠狀病毒爆發為全球流行病五年後,其對全球經濟的影響仍在持續。)
COVID-19 and efforts to contain it triggered record government debt, hit labour markets and shifted consumer behaviour. Inequality has increased, while remote work, digital payments and changes in travel patterns have endured. (COVID-19及控制它的努力引發了創紀錄的政府債務,衝擊了勞動力市場並改變了消費者行為。不平等加劇,而遠程工作、數位支付和旅行模式的變化則得以持續。)
Though the immediate shock has passed, COVID-19's legacy continues to reshape global economies and markets. (儘管即時衝擊已經過去,COVID-19的遺留影響繼續重塑全球經濟和市場。)
1. shut down (phr. v.) - 關閉;停業
The government decided to ※shut down all non-essential businesses※ to curb the spread of the virus.
2. impact (n.) - 影響;衝擊
※The economic impact※ of the pandemic has been devastating, leading to widespread unemployment.
3. coronavirus (n.) - 冠狀病毒
Scientists are working tirelessly to develop ※a vaccine for the coronavirus※ to prevent future outbreaks.
4. outbreak (n.) - (疾病、戰爭等的)爆發
※The sudden outbreak※ forced governments to implement strict public health measures.
5. pandemic (n.) - 全球流行病
※The pandemic※ has reshaped the way people work, with remote jobs becoming the new norm.
6. contain (v.) - 控制;遏制
Authorities implemented travel restrictions in an attempt to ※contain the spread of the disease※.
7. trigger (v.) - 引發;觸發
The government's delayed response ※triggered public outrage※ and widespread protests.
8. shift (n.) - 轉變;改變
The pandemic has caused ※a significant shift※ in consumer behavior, with more people shopping online.
9. endure (v.) - 忍受;承受
Despite the hardships, people have learned to ※endure uncertainty※ and adapt to new challenges.
10. legacy (n.) - 遺產;遺留影響
※The legacy of the pandemic※ will shape public health policies for decades to come.