2019-02-10|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

How to Increase Your Network in the Exhibition?

    Recently, I got a chance to help a client to increase the efficiency and scheduling meeting time in attending an international conference. The conference is a good way to networking like-minded people. Sometimes, I even got an invitation in Linkedin to fill up the google form to schedule a time to meet the prospective person, I admired their courage to send me the invitation. If you are interested to increase your professional network, I suggest you could send a friend invitation to those prospective:
    1. the members of the organizer's association
    2. the speakers of the conference
    3. the exhibitors of the conference
    When sending the invitation, please don't forget to send a little message to explain the intention, people will feel you are more sincere. If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or .
    Originally published at http://sofi.lafenice.co on February 10, 2019.
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