Philippines Christmas Party

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Recently I have a chance to understand the Philippines working culture from the management aspects with SME size company.
We were in Manila on 14th December, almost every company have their Christmas celebration on this Friday. As Christians are the majority religion in the Philippines, this is a must-have event for Philippine employees, it is like the year-end party for Chinese employees. It’s the best day to have a team building, unite the relationship between managers and employees, encourage employees to recognize themselves to be part of the family, so they can work in the company longer.
This is also my first Philippine office Christmas party experience, although this company was 1 year old, this is also their first annual holiday event, every employee put efforts to discuss and prepare to make this event surprisingly well-organized and professional, with the limit budget. Everyone is so happy working on this date.
After the working hours, everyone gets dressed nicely in their second official dress and makeup nicely that you don’t recognize how they normally look, the office changed to the joyful atmosphere by Christmas decorations.
We have 2 hosts, they are so professional that I wasn’t aware they are also our employees, they promoted everyone to hashtag company name in social media for tonight’s event.
There’s a guest list upon checking will get a coupon for drinks and meal. We outsource the catering, DJ, lighting, singer, dancer, and drummer. The admin team prepared the presentation and awards of the employees. The party starts with 3 drummers loudly get everyone’s attention, 2 African dance, employees starts to get the food.
Later on, there’s a female singer amazed everyone by her beautiful voice. I thought she finished her singing, later, she sang You Raise Me Up, every Philippines employees start to be serious and stand silence, all the managers’ team although are foreigners understood that they need to respect Philippines’ culture stood as well. I thought the serious moment finished, later, she sang the Philippines National Anthem, every Philippines raise up their hand on the chest and sang the song together. This was a great shock for me because I never sing my National Anthem at Christmas party.
To encourage employees to have more motivation for company sales, showing their pride is important. Normally, there is a top 3 employee weekly ranking on the wall. Additionally, with every successful sale in the office, everyone will applause for him or her.
On Christmas party, we reward top 3 employees of the year and top 3 team manager with company certificates that they can put on their table. Other than working performance, we have 2 competitions, team dance and fashion catwalk. We have 4 teams, each of them have a video to show before the dance, showing how do they rehearsal and preparing the dance materials. I found out the employee’s dance could bring more laughs than professional performers. Fashion cloth competition also surprised me how glittering the cloth could be. From the understanding of their culture, it would be lovely to give the last one a little price as well.
I’m pleased to have this honor to attend this event with them, we had so many laughs and great memory together. At the same time, I feel a great responsibility to help the company sustain for longer operation. I believe it will be hard decisions for the owner to decide close a company, as it connects to so many employees to bring money home and make their family happy. Wish all of you a nice Christmas with your loved ones.
If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
Originally published at on December 15, 2018.
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    用不標準文法的句型,跟菲國政府機關人員來來回回寫了幾封email,他終於明白我要什麼。當然也等了一星期,才拿到這一份珍貴的寵物兔輸入菲國需要的檢疫條件 But, 第三條就是一個麻煩事,台灣因為不是疫區,所以基本上兔醫院(非犬貓動物醫院)都沒有在驗這三個流行病,而且又必須在入境30天內有這些血液
    當我知道即將移居菲律賓時,最擔心的竟然是即將成年的E,要自己留在台灣念大學,和沒有自理能力的ttette該怎麼帶去菲律賓。 動物要移居他國時,想到要做得事情有 1、確認他國是否接受該類寵物入境及入境檢疫規定。(貓狗檢疫較沒有問題,其他小動物需要自行確認) 2、確認移居地址附近是否有適合的獸醫,
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    其中菲律賓遊學更是近幾年很熱門的遊學國家選項之一,但一般台灣人聽到要去菲律賓遊學,很多人就眉頭一皺,緊接著滿頭黑人問號丟出許多疑問:到菲律賓遊學?菲律賓人英文好嗎? 菲律賓治安好嗎?…今天新飛編編就將來為大家解惑,菲律賓的真實情況? 菲律賓遊學迷思|菲律賓英文、菲律賓治安…介紹文章