Controlling Your Operational Cost

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I’ve seen some foreign companies when they come to Asia to set up a new company, the common mistake is their initial operational expense setting too high, they didn’t try harder to spend the money wisely.
It could be the following reasons:
1) They didn’t make the research about the local market price standard.
2) They want to look elegant and high-class compare to the Asian company.
3) They have lots of money to spend without returning back to the investor.
4) They want to keep their HQ office standard.
5) They want to focus on marketing rather on sales.
6) Their ego is too high.
I would kindly suggest if you could consider minimizing your operating cost at the beginning with a reasonable amount. For example, it is important to give your expat employee good accommodation, this will help them to stay in overseas longer, but if you let them stay in the best accommodation in that country, they will have a wrong impression that they are very successful already, so they don’t need to try harder.
With careless budgeting and low-margin profit on sales could lead your new branch close sooner than earning.
If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
Originally published at on December 6, 2018.
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關於開店這件事,因為最近期我正在頂讓店面,一直遇到第一次創業,過來看房子,然後跟我談著各種夢想,想怎麼弄怎麼改,要空間大又要便宜租金,跟各種夢幻條件,真的只能說理想總是很豐滿啦! 開店才會讓你賺大錢沒錯,但是全新裝潢,很容易就先吃掉你最一開始的成本,那才是比租金還誇張的不可回收項目。
「不行!與其這樣,倒不如自己開家公司!」 有了這樣的想法之後,我快速的看了網路上關於設立公司的教學,文章裡大多建議讓會計事務所代辦比較快,缺點就是需要多付一點錢。 其實我沒什麼完整的計劃,也沒有太多的資金,手邊能用錢的就2~3萬元。沒錯!就是這麼少。在能省則省的前提下,加上我是會想去弄懂"這
如何降低風險和提升獲利,只是企業必須思考解決的問題之一。然而當企業擴展,員工人數增加,隨之而來就是更多的責任,與可能面臨更多的狀況與問題。 部份企業在管理財務負債與平衡成長的同時,開始考慮建立和管理境外團隊。
本篇文章將與大家一起討論,有關境內公司給付勞務費用給境外公司時,應負擔的稅負問題,本篇文章將會帶大家一起探討關於”營業稅”的問題哦!另外在下篇文章會跟大家分享有關”所得稅”的問題,喜歡或是還不清楚的朋友們,要把握這次機會!   依台灣現行稅務法規之相關規定,在台灣境內無固定營業場所及營業代理人之