Controlling Your Operational Cost

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I’ve seen some foreign companies when they come to Asia to set up a new company, the common mistake is their initial operational expense setting too high, they didn’t try harder to spend the money wisely.
It could be the following reasons:
1) They didn’t make the research about the local market price standard.
2) They want to look elegant and high-class compare to the Asian company.
3) They have lots of money to spend without returning back to the investor.
4) They want to keep their HQ office standard.
5) They want to focus on marketing rather on sales.
6) Their ego is too high.
I would kindly suggest if you could consider minimizing your operating cost at the beginning with a reasonable amount. For example, it is important to give your expat employee good accommodation, this will help them to stay in overseas longer, but if you let them stay in the best accommodation in that country, they will have a wrong impression that they are very successful already, so they don’t need to try harder.
With careless budgeting and low-margin profit on sales could lead your new branch close sooner than earning.
If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
Originally published at on December 6, 2018.
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    後來我把這些漂亮的木板子們切割開,畫了幾塊寫了些波希米亞象徵精神的手繪藝術英文字,其中一塊寫著Your Vibe attract your Tribe掛在客廳的一面主牆上,當時在寫這些話的時候還不能明白其中的深意,也不太能將這少少幾個字翻譯明白,後來才發現,這句話可以說是共享公寓的核心精神。
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    🎵 youra - Best regards 거기 누구 있나요? 那裡有誰在嗎? 또 쉬이 목을 매나요? 又是輕易的試圖結束生命嗎? 어떤 우울이 우리를 흔들겠어요 是什麼樣的憂鬱能使我們動搖 힘들었나요? 疲倦了嗎? 뭉툭한 너의 수화기 속에 在你粗短的電話聽筒之中 거저 주어지는 마른
    I see a colorful butterfly Rising in your eyes You catch my sight Tie me through day and night Ask you why No response but getting tight 看見 問妳
    Your Power 釋出日:2021.04.29 lyrics& composition: Billie Eilish、Finneas O'connell 她說這是她最喜歡的一首歌,同時也是來自她的經驗。我很感謝願意分享自己經驗的人,尤其不是好的經驗,要分享出來更是不容易。 現場版點這
    入股後隨著時間的推進,我面臨到的不單是收入始終保持在一個水位,如魚力爭上游,不進則退,面臨到的是家人,我來自相對保持的鄉下家庭,父母心中還是保有玩股票傾家蕩產的思想,不只一次跟我說還是去工作,當然我能靠股市收入活下來他們也看在眼裡。  並非如想像中引發家庭革命,我心中的叛逆因子隨著年紀增長,轉化成以
    常常不知道自己是自卑還是自傲。也許說穿了只能二者取一。 對於到底該怎麼衡量自己在他人心中的重量,總是很難拿捏。尤其是做於創作者而言,不夠自信,是無法找到自己的語言的。太過自信,卻又失去了語言另一端希望達到的接收者。沒有抱持希望,失望不存在。不會後悔的決定,只能存在當下。 做決定而後悔的那一刻,好好保