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「貝塔拉‧因陀羅之子(救世主),將手持真理三叉戟領導戰鬥。在她庇護下的人成為勇士,戰鬥卻沒有軍隊,力量強大卻沒有武器。」 隨著我們繼續探索虔誠的普拉布·賈亞巴亞國王的預言,我們發現一些令人驚訝的詩句,似乎與世界歷史上的此時此刻有關。讓我們來看看下面的詩節,摘錄自著名爪哇宮廷詩人維吉爾王子一世撰寫的《賈亞巴亞國王預言書》。
此外,清海無上師還要求無上師電視台播放相關節目,以告知公眾此類疾病與食肉之間的關聯。她還透過頻繁的會議,針對我們的擔憂和未知情形開示解惑,提供靈性洞見及切實可行的預防措施和解決方案,以幫助我們克服這一新的災難性大流行病。「事實上,新冠病毒源自那個生鮮市場的野生動物。確實是來自武漢。我在內邊向天堂和掌管疫情的眾神查證。純素世界將帶來永久的世界和平,將帶給眾生慈善的能量,人類也含括其中,將因而不再得這種病。即使人類目前必須經歷這場疫病,如果他們轉而持純素,未來將不再有任何大流行病或流行病。」「我們吃可怕的東西,很多可怕的東西。不僅僅是飼養的動物,農場養的動物,甚至還吃野生動物,因此而生病。愛滋病,大家都知道,蔓延到全世界的愛滋病;是從人們吃叢林裡的猴子開始的。現在我們又有另一種病。一種不治之症,各種怪病接踵而來。我們無法逃離業障,意思是我們行為的後果。」「我喜歡衣索比亞的法令:若在公共場所不戴口罩,必須入獄兩年,也許還要罰鍰。我們需要這種強有力的領導人,能為人類的福祉著想。政府必須下令,讓廠商或製造商製作新式衣服。民眾能穿著外出、生活。」「天神說:『靠疫苗防疫,致死率恐高於防治率,直到…』我問:『屆時有多少人會被感染而死亡?必須找到更好的方法。』這是影子宇宙的受害者天神。祂告訴我:『染疫者大約三十多億人。染疫而亡者將有數百萬。(哇。)四百廿多萬人。』『不只新冠肺炎,還有其他災難,將重創地球和人類。懲罰將更嚴厲。』」「(師父能否告訴我們,師父的打坐如何幫助新冠疫情的問題?)不然,如果我不打坐,情況可能更糟。(是,師父。)(明白。)全世界的人都會喪生。(噢,天啊。)既然你們問,我就講。(是的,謝謝師父。)我打坐也幫助這個星球免於被摧毀或扔進黑洞。(噢!真想不到。)黑洞是地獄。(噢。)有形、可見的地獄。(噢。)(是,師父。)如果我們的星球不夠謹慎,沒有足夠的加持和保護,它就會飛進黑洞,或是被吸進黑洞。(噢。)(哇。)其中一個黑洞離我們很近。我不知還有多久時間。要看情況。我們彼此爭戰的方式,以及殺害數十億、數兆的動物,每年像這樣下去,不用多久就會得到一樣的命運。我不知道還能做些什麼來警告人類。我只能打坐和祈禱。我希望有一天,我們將返回我們自己的仁慈本性,其存在於所有人類和生靈中。我們甚至不知道苦這個字,更別說讓自己受苦了。願上帝保佑大家,阿門。」 以下詩節再次強調了師父的訊息—按照天堂之指令,世界正在經歷「大清洗時期」。然而,總的來說,如預言所述,那些有覺知、誠心懺悔的人和純素者有資格獲得保護。
「如果他們能夠回頭,當然多少會有更多保護。但也取決於他們有多少功德。(了解,師父。)因此,綜合他們的前世功德與誠心,還有他們的虔誠禱告與懺悔,多少會有幫助。(了解,師父。)如果染疫的話,至少病情會比較輕微,病情會減輕。倘若他們往生,我就找得到藉口,幫助他們的靈魂上天堂。」「染上新冠肺炎的人,如果該往生,就往生。我會幫助他們的靈魂,幫我能幫的任何靈魂。如果他們懺悔。如果他們在內心祈求。我確信,值此世界困頓之際,他們在臨終之時,會祈禱和懺悔。這樣也好。我幫他們會比較容易些。(是,師父,謝謝您。)對,幫助他們的靈魂。這點更為重要。往生是遲早的事,但是靈魂能解脫最好。」 「沒有臉孔的眾生發出許多古怪的聲音。不可見、無形的惡靈軍隊正在列隊,惡靈爭相站隊。」
這段詩文似乎指的是之前提到的無形的躁進鬼魅,長期以來,他們不斷加劇世界的困境。「這世界滿滿惡魔、鬼和邪靈。只是你們看不到。他們到處誘惑人們,引誘人做壞事,他們才能從中牟利。他們才能控制這世界。他們不想放手。他們不想讓靈魂自由。他們希望靈魂永遠不停地輪迴,這樣他們才有人可控制。佔有慾。(是的,師父。)領土權。」 這節詩文的結尾如下:
救世主秉承「真理三叉戟」的力量,即真理與光的力量,領導對抗魔王在人間殘存力量的戰鬥。「我命令二千多金剛天神,將躁進鬼魅全都拖走。若數量較少就不夠力量。『把不好的無形眾生也拖去地獄。所有亡靈、惡鬼,甚至鬼魂,都得離開。所有惹禍精都必須離開,全部離開。各得其所,不能留這裡,這裡只能留善良的天使、守護者、聖賢和所有無害的眾生。一切有害的眾生必須在三天內離開。』我對Ihôs Kư說。那天是五月三日。天堂現在想要清除他們。並非只有我而已。並非只有我在清除這些邪靈和惡魔,現在天堂也在這麼做。」
這段預言也提到,在她庇護下的人成為勇士,他們沒有任何武器,卻力量強大。我們認為這是指清海無上師的徒弟,她教導徒弟成為崇尚和平的純素食者,絕不使用暴力或神通。他們以她所注入的明師力量和道德為武裝,齊心致力於清海無上師啟迪人心的志業,為眾生帶來正義與和平,尤其是藉由推廣慈悲的純素主義。「吃素、環保,來救地球!」「吃素、環保,來救地球!」「歡迎收看無上師電視台,建設性的節目締造和平的世界。」還有更多… 《賈亞巴亞國王預言書》另一部分提到拉圖‧阿迪爾最終的勝利:
哇!這則預言確實應驗了!二○一九年十一月,清海無上師將魔王拘禁在地獄。僅接著數個月之後,她也分階段處理了許多魔王的部下和惡魔。她賜予他們全體懺悔與跟隨她的機會,一如賈亞巴亞國王的預言所示。「對了,你們知道嗎?魔王消失了!讓我欣慰不已。現在,否定力量消失了,魔王消失了,永遠被拘禁在地獄,至少從此,長長久久。無限永久被拘禁。不過,別謝我。我不過是總司令而已。要感謝所有天神,所有宇宙高靈,祂們集中一切力量;不然不會奏效。我重複了三次,『祢們全體,集中所有力量,集中全力摧毀魔王。現在就去!』我召喚原本宇宙及以上的所有天神以及宇宙高靈。我說:『必要時,借用我的部分力量。甚至可從萬能儲藏區取用部分力量,萬能力量儲藏區。儘管取用!需要什麼儘管取用。馬上摧毀那傢伙就對了!』噢,祂們行動迅速!我問祂們『完成了?』祂們說:『是。』祂們都雀躍不已,還有全宇宙,噢,一望無際的無數眾生。只能看到前面一部分雀躍不已、喜極而泣:『魔王消失了,魔王沒了,魔王完蛋了!』他們歡欣鼓舞,喜極而泣。」「躁進的鬼魅來告訴我:『請寬恕躁進的鬼魅。』(是,師父。)我說:『好,最後一次。最後一次,你們任何人若是懺悔,將可去第四界。反對的,會去地獄。』(哇。)至今,浪子回頭的有十五萬一千三百廿六個,而且去第四界了。(哇!)我到目前還沒再查看。剩下的已被拖去地獄,陪伴他們的魔頭,去地獄見他們的魔王老闆。暫時留在第四界的那些會被清洗、淨化,然後去靈性新樂土,一段時間以後會去。(哇!感謝師父。)」Multi-part Series on Ancient Predictions about Our Planet
Prophecy of the Golden Age Part 120 - King Jayabaya's Vision of the Queen of Peace and Justice
Language:Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia)
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“The Son of Betara Indra (the Savior) will lead the fight holding the Trident Vedha. Those in Her care become warriors, fighting without troops, very powerful without any weapons.” As we continue exploring the prophecies of the pious Javanese King Prabu Jayabaya, we turn to some astonishing verses that appear to be about this very moment in our world’s history. Let’s look at the following stanza from “Serat Jangka Jayabaya” (“Book of King Jayabaya’s Prophecies”), by the famous Javanese royal poet Pangeran Wijil I.
“Many people, bitten by mosquitoes, die. Many people, bitten by ants, die.”
The prophecy says that many people will die from being bitten by mosquitos and ants. Especially during this modern time of climate change, globalization and urbanization, diseases carried by mosquitoes and other small insects have been increasing, such as dengue fever, malaria, Zika virus, and West Nile virus. Many people have sadly lost their lives. “We have news tonight about the explosion of the West Nile virus.” “There is a growing outbreak of a mosquito-borne virus that is linked to birth defects.” “Ten days ago, residents of West Canton, California began flooding local hospitals, showing what appeared to be flu-like symptoms. They were later diagnosed with malaria, a potentially deadly mosquito-borne illness.” Moreover, we also wonder whether the “mosquitoes” and “ants” could be referring to even tinier deadly agents such as viruses that have wiped out large parts of the human population in this past century. These include the Spanish flu, Asian flu, Hong Kong flu, HIV/AIDS, Ebola, SARS, avian flu, swine flu, MERS, and of course, the current COVID-19 virus.
Recently, Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed a frightening truth about the COVID-19 virus in particular: that they bear the souls of murdered animals. Could it be more than a coincidence that the prophecy speaks of “ants” and “mosquitoes”? “The COVID-19 virus, they have souls in them. That’s why they’re so smart, so versatile and so difficult to catch and to cure. These are the souls of the massacred and abused and tortured animals that the humans have been consuming.” “Other diseases are not like this. The heavy karma of our world has made the disease become more life threatening. These viruses have souls. They belong to the animals that were brutally slaughtered before. So, they are allowed to return to settle the karmic retribution. Understand? (Understand.) So, this is a very serious situation, which is very difficult to contain.”
With unabated concern and compassion, Supreme Master Ching Hai has arranged millions of US dollars in loving donations to help the most vulnerable victims of the COVID-19 pandemic in countries worldwide. Etc… Supreme Master Ching Hai is “deeply grateful to the beloved GOD for all the financial help, comfort and support to the afflicted and needy and/or any good cause over the years, as a humble vessel for Hiers (neutral term for His/Hers) compassion and love toward Hiers precious children.”
In addition, Supreme Master Ching Hai requested related programs to be aired on Supreme Master Television to inform the public about the link between such diseases and meat-eating. And through frequent conferences, She has also been addressing our fears and unknowns, providing spiritual insights as well as practical precautions and solutions to help us overcome the devastating new pandemic. “The truth is COVID-19 stemmed from the animals, wild animals, from that wet market. And exactly from Wuhan. I checked inside with Heaven and with the Gods of Epidemic. World Vegan will breed lasting World Peace, will breed benevolent energy for all beings, including humans, and then they won’t get such sickness again. Even if they have to go through this sickness now, if they turn vegan, in the future we don’t have pandemics or epidemics anymore.” “We are the ones who eat terrible things, many terrible things. Not just domestic animals, farm animals, but even eat the wild lives, and get sick because of that. AIDS, you know AIDS, spreading all over the world; it began from eating some monkeys of the jungles. And now we have another. One incurable sickness, one strange sickness after another. We cannot run away from our karma, meaning the consequence of our action.” “I like it like in Ethiopia: If you don’t wear a mask in the public, you will be jailed for two years and maybe fined also. We need such a strong leader like that, for anything that is good for humanity. The governments have to order people or the companies or the manufacturers to make new kinds of clothes. Something so that people can go out, live their lives.” “And They (Godses) said, ‘Driven for vaccine, kills more than help, till …’ I said, ‘How many infected and die till then? Must find better way.’ So, this is the God of Victims, in the Shadow World. He told me. ‘Infected around billions, around 3 billion plus. And die will be millions, (Wow.) 4.2 plus.’ ‘Not just COVID-19, other catastrophes will ravage Earth and people. Punishment will be more severe.’” “(Master, could You tell us how Master’s meditation has helped the COVID-19 problem?) Otherwise, if I don’t meditate, it would be worse. (Yes, Master.) (Understand.) That the whole world would die. (Oh my gosh.) Since you ask, I tell you. (Yes, Master. Thank You.) It [Master’s meditation] helps also so our planet will not be destroyed or flung into the black hole. (Oh! Wow.) A black hole is hell. (Oh.) It’s a physical, visible hell. (Ooh.) (Yes, Master.) And if our planet is not careful enough, and doesn’t have enough blessing and protection, it’s going to fly or get sucked into the black hole. (Oh.) (Wow.) One of the black holes that’s nearby us. I don’t know how long. It depends. The way we are warring with each other and killing billions, trillions of animals every year like this, it doesn’t take long to have the same fate. I don’t know how else to warn humans. I can only meditate and pray. I hope one day we will return to our own benevolent nature inherent within all humans and all beings so that we don’t ever know the word suffering, let alone suffer ourselves. May God bless us all. Amen.” The following stanzas reiterate Master’s message that the world is undergoing a “big cleaning time,” as mandated by Heaven. However, in general, those who are aware, repentant, and vegan are “qualified” – as the prophecy says – to be protected.
“The human population is gone, half in number, while those who can still live, who are truly qualified, are safe from danger, purified from danger, those who read all signs of the times. It has been said by Jayabaya that human life is like a blade of grass in the forest, or as in a field. Indeed, many will die, but if one asks for guidance, one is spared from the field rake, then he is safe.”
“If they can U-turn, of course they will have somehow more protection. But it also depends on how much merit they have as well. (Yes, Master.) So, combine that with their previous life merit and their sincerity, and their humble prayers and repentance, that would help somehow. (Yes, Master.) At least if they caught the pandemic, it will be milder, it will be lessened. And if they die, I could find an excuse to help their souls to go up to Heaven.” “The people who get COVID-19, if they have to go, they go. And I help their souls, whatever souls I can help. If they’re repentant. If they’re praying in their heart. I’m sure at this time of the world’s trouble and at their time of death, they would be praying and repenting. And this is also good. So it’s easier for me to help them. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) Yes, to help their souls. It’s more important. We die sooner or later, but if your soul is liberated, that is the best thing.” “Many strange sounds without faces. Troops of spirits are lining up, scrambling to enter their ranks, invisible, formless.”
This next verse seems to refer to the previously mentioned invisible zealous demons who have been exacerbating the troubled state of our world for such a long time. “This world is full of demons, ghosts, and bad spirits. It’s just you don’t see it. So they go around tempting people, seducing people to do bad things, so that they can profit. So that they can control this world. They don’t want to let go. They don’t want to let the souls free. They want the souls to continue the cycle forever, so that they always have people to control. Possessive. (Yes, Master.) Territorial.” The stanza then concludes as follows:
“The Son of Betara Indra (the Savior) will lead the fight holding the Trident Vedha. Those in Her care become warriors, fighting without troops, very powerful without any weapons.”
Upholding the power of the “Trident Vedha,” meaning the Truth and the Light, the Savior will lead the fight against all of maya’s forces left on Earth. “I ordered 2,000 plus strong to drag them all out. Because if less, then not enough. ‘Drag them, these bad invisible beings to hell as well. All the dead, the bad, the ghosts even, must go. All troublemakers must go, go, go, go, go. Go where, accordingly, not here, except good angels, protectors, saints, sages and all the harmless can stay. But all the harmful beings must also leave within three days.’ I said to the Ihôs Kư. That was on May 3rd. So this is the time that Heaven wants to clean them all out. Not just me alone. Not just I alone that cleans all the bad spirits and demons out, but here Heavens are also doing that.”
The prophecy also says that those in Her care will become warriors who are powerful without any weapons. We think this refers to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s disciples, whom She teaches to be peaceful vegans, never using violence nor magical power. Armed instead with the Master Power and the virtues She instills in them, they rally around Supreme Master Ching Hai’s inspiring cause to bring justice and peace to all beings, especially by promoting vegan compassion. “Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!” “Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!” “Welcome to Supreme Master Television, constructive programming for a peaceful world.” Etc… Another part of “Serat Jangka Jayabaya” tells of Ratu Adil’s ultimate triumph:
“She defeated maya and demons. Then all the demons and invisible beings lined up to be repentant and follow Her.”
Wow! This prediction too definitely came to pass! In November 2019, Supreme Master Ching Hai locked up maya in hell. Just some months later, She also took care of maya’s many subordinates, the demons, in stages. She gave them all the chance to repent and follow Her, just as King Jayabaya prophesied. “By the way, you know what? Maya is gone! I like that very much. And now, the negative force is gone, the maya is gone, locked in hell forever, at least for now, long, long, long, long, long, long time. Locked. But don’t thank me. I am just the commander-in-chief. Thanks all the Godses, all the Universal Beings, who put all Their power together; otherwise, it won’t work. I repeated three times, ‘All of you, get together all the power, concentrate together and destroy the maya. And NOW!’ I summoned all the Godses from the Original Universe and Beyond and the Cosmic Beings as well. And I said, ‘Borrow some power from me if you have to. Take some from the Almighty Store even, Almighty Store of Energy. Take them! Take anything You need. Just go destroy that guy right now!’ Oh, They were fast! And then I asked Them, ‘Done?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ And They’re all jumping and the whole universe, oh, endless of beings that you cannot even see how many. You can only see some in the front, jumping and crying, ‘Maya is gone, maya is gone, maya is gone!’ And they’re just jumping and crying, happy, very much.” “The zealous ghosts came and told me, ‘Please be lenient with zealous ghosts.’ (Yes, Master.) I said, ‘OK, then one last time. One last time, any of you repent will go to the Fourth Level. Any against me, go to hell.’ (Wow.) Till now, 151,326 repented, and went to the Fourth Level. (Wow!) I didn’t check up to now again. The rest were dragged to hell with their boss, to see their boss there, the maya. The ones that are temporarily in the Fourth Level will be cleaned, cleared and then go to the New (Spiritual) Land some time, later on. (Wow! Thank You, Master.)”