2020-12-31|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘

貴族專用 ! / Blue Blood Only !

    Hi guys, I am so happy I could update my blog at office because the pandemic in Hong Kong is getting worse, I don’t dare go out for lunch with my colleagues, therefore I simply order to go and have my lunch at office.
    大家好,今日好開心可以早少少更新遊記, 由於香港疫情持續惡化,我唔敢出街食飯,所以我就買賣外返公司食啦.
    Yesterday I took my mom to Kowloon City to take a walk, actually I planned to go alone because I didn’t want she takes any risk, but she said she would like to join me, then I took my mom as well. 琴日我帶左我媽出去九龍城行一轉,其實本來我打算自己出去行架咋,我唔想我媽咪冒中招既風險,不過佢話想跟埋我去,咁我就恭敬不如從命啦.
    We were lucky, we didn’t have to wait so long for the bus, it took us only 5 minutes then we were able to get on bus, our first destination is Kowloon City Plaza, but there is no bus directly reach there, so we could only drop off nearby Dumbarton Road.
    Different to Mong Kok, you won’t see any one on the street during weekend, this area is the traditional luxury house (not apartment) in Kowloon side, they have got many so-called noble schools are stationed there (also Kowloon Tong, another traditional luxury house), therefore you can feel it is super quite during weekend, I dare you won’t regret to stay there to enjoy your relax weekend there.
    同旺角唔同,週末既時候你係呢到係唔會見到有人, 呢頭係九龍區傳統既豪宅洋房 (唔係公寓), 佢地有好多所謂貴族學校係區內 (仲有九龍塘,另一個傳統豪宅洋房區), 所以一到週末你係到會感受到格外既寧靜.我可以寫包單,你如果有機係呢到渡過你既週末,你一定唔會後悔.
    To be honest, I didn’t plan to take pictures of the street nor introducing here to you guys, as I think it’s not realistic to introduce the super luxury houses which are talking about HK$ 50 million + (US$ 6,400,000 +) but my mom said no harm to do so, dream big, maybe someday we can move in there.
    坦白講,我一開始冇諗住影呢條街同介紹呢到, 因為我覺得介紹一啲講緊幾千萬港紙既洋房 (約640萬美金) 比大家好離地,不過我媽咪話介紹下都無妨,做人要有夢想,話唔定有一日可以搬入黎住呢!
    The fees of every schools ncluding kindergartens are bloody expensive there.
    Can you feel the luxury from the church there? 感唔感受到連教堂都氣派過人?
    I will introduce some so-called noble schools to you guys and the Carpenter Road Park in my next post, my boss is calling for a meeting, I need to stop here for today. Have a nice day, cheers.
    下一帖我會介紹一下啲所謂貴族學校同埋一個幾大既公園比大家, 腦細叫開會啦,我要寫到呢到停囉.
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