更新於 2021/02/19閱讀時間約 8 分鐘



工作忙到一半,突然有個老外打電話來,如果開場白也講完了,對方開始講一些不是重點的對話,感覺想要閒聊一下而你卻沒有這樣的美國時間,這時你可以用下面的例句,讓對方講重點: Bringing the conversation back to the main subject of the call
1. So, what can I do for you? 所以,有什麼需要我為您服務? 2. Was there something you wanted to discuss? 是否有什麼事本來想與我討論? 3. Can you say it again what is this call about? 可以再告訴我一次,這通電話的目的嗎? (雖然,對方可能從頭到尾都沒提到為何打來,不過,這種說法相當婉轉,也會讓對方可以直接切入主題,不浪費彼此的時間。) 4. Can I ask what it's regarding please? 可以請教這是關於什麼呢?

倘若對方問了一些目前市場狀況,或提出某些 不方便回答的問題,此時便可運用下面幾種句型,將話語的內容拉回重點 : Moving the conversation to the main subject of the call
1. Anyway, are you happy with the figures? 總之,您還滿意剛剛那些數字嗎? 2. Alright, getting back to what we were talking about, ... 好,回到剛剛談的重點 …. 3. Let's get back to the main subject. 讓我們回到剛剛談的主題

或者,轉移話題也是一個避免回答尷尬問題的好方法。最推薦轉移話題方式,通常都與提問有關。這些提問常圍繞在對方的興趣上,比如對方的親人、新工作,或上次與對方碰面時的情形,甚至是流行事物等。下面的例句,不妨參考一下: Changing the topic
1. By the way, how’s Mary getting along? 對了,瑪麗近來如何? 2. Didn’t your daughter get married recently? How was the wedding? 你的女兒不是剛結婚嗎,婚禮辦得如何? 3. Hey, the last time I saw you, weren’t you looking for a new job? How’s that going? 上次我見到你時,你剛剛要換新工作,後來呢?

最後一種情況,就是當你真的很想掛電話,不過對方卻滔滔不 絕,該怎麼說英文才不會失禮,給人感覺急著掛電話? Bringing the conversation to an end
1. Well, it has been good talking to you. 好吧,很高興和你通了電話。 2. There is an important call just coming in on another line. 正好我有另一通重要電話要接。 3. I’ll let you go now. 我就讓你去忙了。

另一方面,在講電話的過程中,如果想附和對方,只會說 yes 也 很無趣,或者你有不同意見想要表達。下面的幾個例句,正好可以派上用場:
1. That’s interesting. 這很有趣 2. Yeah, I heard about that too. 是啊! 我也有聽說 3. That sounds like a fun trip. 這聽起來是個很好玩的旅程 4. That sounds like an intense sport. 這聽起來像是個很激烈的運動 5. People keep asking me that question. 別人也問了我同樣的問題

這個符號 # 稱為 pound sign。常在會議中心或語音留言裡聽到下面的句子 “please press the pound sign after the tone” (請在嗶聲後按下井字鍵)。 這個 * 符號稱為 star sign 或者 asterisk。 打電話到銀行或某些單位時,語音系統會指示你按下此按 * 鍵。
九宮格學英文 - 電話禮儀之如何成功轉移話題

下面為一個簡單的電話對白,可以練習一下, 兩個主角 Carl 和 Alison 通上電話 :
Carl: Hello, Carl Bauer speaking. Alison: Hi Carl, this is Alison. How are you doing?
Carl: Oh, you know. Busy with the usual projects. Alison: I hope the new boss isn’t working you too hard.
Carl: Actually, she’s been great. So, what can I do for you? (Carl 很顯然在忙,所以為了讓 Alison 快點說重點,也就用了今天練習的句型)Alison: Well, I just wanted to discuss your projected sales figures for next month. By the way, how's Mario getting along in his new position? (Alison 不想那麼快說到數字,因此轉了話題,問候了 Carl 的同事)
Carl: He’s doing fine. Alison: Is he getting on well with the rest of the team? I know he can be a bit of an office clown sometimes.
Carl: Actually, he’s fitting in just fine. Anyway, are you happy with the figures? (此時,Carl 又將對話拉回正題上) Alison: Yes, I think that on the whole they’re reasonable for this time of year. But I think the figure for projected sales is a little optimistic in the current economic climate.
Carl: OK, I’ll have another look and revise it. Well, it’s been good talking to you, and ... (因為Carl 正忙,所以談完正題,就暗示要掛電話了) Alison: Yes, we must go out for a drink sometime and catch up.
Carl: Sounds good. Alison: And I hear there’s this great new bar that's just opened on Church Street. You'll really like it.
Carl: Alison, there's an important call just coming in on the other line. I really have to go. (此時因為暗示沒用,Carl 只好客氣的告知,我得掛電話了) Alison: Oh, OK then. Speak to you soon. Bye.
版權所有 © 2021 Deborah Chiang Copyright © 2021 Deborah Chiang
作者介紹 黛芭拉 Deborah 英國牛津大學TESOL 高階認證 美國教師協會 TESOL 高階認證 多益 TOEIC 近滿分 曾擔任知名外商行銷主管十多年 出版過商用英文書籍與相關文章 現從事英語教學

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