2021-03-25|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 1 分鐘

032521a Elegance& 優雅

    Elegance from the ordinary, extraordinary indeed.  Smoothly Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 俐落的配色, 簡單裝著; 以真誠熱情, 打扮;  自在地, 端莊地; 氣定神閒的, 雍容大度的.
    Elegance from the ordinary, extraordinary indeed. Smoothly Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 俐落的配色, 簡單裝著; 以真誠熱情, 打扮; 自在地, 端莊地; 氣定神閒的, 雍容大度的.
    Share what I got, from the NATURE. ~ 隨遇而拍, 順心飛翔, 提筆如意. Ps. Movies I Enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtmDGNyd1s9YWm_PPF7jrYXZZQI6mhFwh
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