032421 Stretch& 伸展

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Get out of the cage, re-locate anytime anywhere, whenever that idea came to the mind. Place near or far, short or long time, it is not the question. It’s clear that the needed abilities and knowledge have been well equipped, to get the right way, and the solution as well. Widely Yours, ~ Love365**

離開一下, 冷卻一會;
清新一會, 沉澱片刻;
透透氣去, 半小時夠.

Love365的沙龍 的其他內容
“ Ready to take photo, dear all?” said the photographer. “ C.”, said by the branch. “ Good Job, my buddy. Congratulations! You do get the lead ch
Input the beauty of the surrounding on your mind. Combine it with your words for the person you respect/appreciate, and write. Words of love, then.
There are different shapes/length of the trees. The lead one, at the center, has done her best, to stand upright as possible as she could. Sincerely
It’s clear that we don’t have every day as the sunny day. That’s why the persons have to assist each other, and why the body could help the mind. Ta
Sometimes, see the whole scene, instead of staring at the main object which generally positioned at the center or takes the most space. It could be a
Passionate as roses, full of love, but not too hot. Lovely as jasmine, seems quite fresh, but smells even mildly. Be all out to devote in part #1/
“ Ready to take photo, dear all?” said the photographer. “ C.”, said by the branch. “ Good Job, my buddy. Congratulations! You do get the lead ch
Input the beauty of the surrounding on your mind. Combine it with your words for the person you respect/appreciate, and write. Words of love, then.
There are different shapes/length of the trees. The lead one, at the center, has done her best, to stand upright as possible as she could. Sincerely
It’s clear that we don’t have every day as the sunny day. That’s why the persons have to assist each other, and why the body could help the mind. Ta
Sometimes, see the whole scene, instead of staring at the main object which generally positioned at the center or takes the most space. It could be a
Passionate as roses, full of love, but not too hot. Lovely as jasmine, seems quite fresh, but smells even mildly. Be all out to devote in part #1/
Google News 追蹤
每個人都會有一段時間很想逃離 現有的環境跟身份; 想找個安靜的地方休息一下; 常常看到文章都說生活中; 偶爾要停下腳步看看‘’身邊的風景‘’ 但面對生活步伐;都忘了停下來看看 只有在壓的喘不氣;才懂的抬頭看 但隨著年級越來越大~ 面對事情很多……
「跳出舒適圈」這個詞,在前幾年很像口號一樣 我也曾經在這裡面一直打轉過 那時候的我一直拼命地 改變東 改變西 好像拼命得要跳脫那個也許本來就不存在的框架 直到後來我才發現 原來我的舒適圈是『一直改變』 所以如果我要跳出舒適圈 那不就等於『什麼都別做』
大部分的時候,總覺得... 被困住了,或許工作、房貸、各種生活壓力... 各種雜念... 好似總是無法自由的想做自己想做的事! 每當這樣的念頭出現,可以試著,在這樣的時刻... 暫停一下,給自己幾秒鐘... 當下,提醒自己,「打斷枷鎖」!
生活實驗 七八二    時間差 可能有點久 久到 跨了一個世紀 設身處地 比較像是被動的際遇 而不是主動的選擇 別人的難處 會原封不動 變成自己的 這樣的話 影響別人 到頭來是 為了自己 試不試 要想清楚 給出去的 我自己OK嗎?
2020.7.11 昨天那種即將前往一個全新的地方的開闊興奮感,今天似乎不見了...開始因為考慮接下來現實生活該怎麼辦而卡住... 在還沒有辦法成為療癒師之前,我到底該用什麼在地球生存呢?
每個人都會有一段時間很想逃離 現有的環境跟身份; 想找個安靜的地方休息一下; 常常看到文章都說生活中; 偶爾要停下腳步看看‘’身邊的風景‘’ 但面對生活步伐;都忘了停下來看看 只有在壓的喘不氣;才懂的抬頭看 但隨著年級越來越大~ 面對事情很多……
「跳出舒適圈」這個詞,在前幾年很像口號一樣 我也曾經在這裡面一直打轉過 那時候的我一直拼命地 改變東 改變西 好像拼命得要跳脫那個也許本來就不存在的框架 直到後來我才發現 原來我的舒適圈是『一直改變』 所以如果我要跳出舒適圈 那不就等於『什麼都別做』
大部分的時候,總覺得... 被困住了,或許工作、房貸、各種生活壓力... 各種雜念... 好似總是無法自由的想做自己想做的事! 每當這樣的念頭出現,可以試著,在這樣的時刻... 暫停一下,給自己幾秒鐘... 當下,提醒自己,「打斷枷鎖」!
生活實驗 七八二    時間差 可能有點久 久到 跨了一個世紀 設身處地 比較像是被動的際遇 而不是主動的選擇 別人的難處 會原封不動 變成自己的 這樣的話 影響別人 到頭來是 為了自己 試不試 要想清楚 給出去的 我自己OK嗎?
2020.7.11 昨天那種即將前往一個全新的地方的開闊興奮感,今天似乎不見了...開始因為考慮接下來現實生活該怎麼辦而卡住... 在還沒有辦法成為療癒師之前,我到底該用什麼在地球生存呢?