2004年,他組了一個嬉皮饒舌新團體"The Nappies" (尿布),頂著一頭老派刺蝟波浪長髮化身成放蕩不羈的硬漢,並發布了單曲MV。當年發佈時並沒有註明歌曲名稱 (The Nappies是團名),根據歌詞推斷歌名可能是 "I am Your Baby's Daddy"。
● The Nappies - I am Your Baby's Daddy
這其實是Chris Martin 在錄製Coldplay第三張專輯 (X&Y) 的閒暇之餘,為了慶祝女兒出生,寫來送給當時的老婆 Gwyneth Paltrow 的歌曲 (現在已經是前妻囉......)。聽起來應該很溫馨,可是怎麼歌詞寫到要消音?
他與夥伴們在Air Studio錄音室共同演出這首惡搞歌曲的MV,影片一開始幫忙開場那位戴上長假髮的大叔,甚至是被譽為"披頭四第五位成員"、鼎鼎大名的音樂製作人:Sir George Martin。當年特別在Coldplay官網發佈這首單曲(原始頁面已經刪除,剩下備份存檔),後來Youtube成為主流影音平台後,才有歌迷把影片上傳。
Sir George Martin:
「安安,我想向你們介紹一個超讚的新樂團,連我自己都希望能成為他們的製作人。但我也必須說我從來沒聽過像這樣的東西,希望你們也喜歡 ── 『尿布!』」
Sometimes you're happy sometimes you frown,
with your hormones bouncing up and down.
Sometimes you're happy sometimes you're sad
It's a weird nine months that you have had.
There's shit going down that you can't disguise
When you boobs gone up ten times in size,
Your cup's gone up from an A to D,
That's bad for you but is fun for me.
Now just 'cause a little bit of rumpy pump,
Now you're walking 'round with a great big bump
You might think if you were French then you should've said "Non!"
Or at least you would've made me put a condom on
I think you might find that its really fun
An oven's no use unless you make a bun
It's something to learn yeah it really is,
Now you know what that sticky stuff is
* rumpy pumpy 就是人與人連結的意思,為了押韻最後一個"y"省略了。rump:臀部、pump:泵浦,合在一起不難理解,還會浮現風流羅姓歌手的畫面呢。
** 這段我看不懂歌詞前後邏輯、都是腦補亂翻的。
*** 所有英文歌詞網站都寫另一句但我覺得聽起來不像,後來查到這句俚語後才比較有把握應該是他們寫錯了。Have A Bun In The Oven (烤箱裡有個麵包)就是懷孕的意思,想像麵粉糰在烤箱裡膨脹的過程就非常有畫面。按照這個邏輯,Oven代指的是子宮(實在是個平時毫無用處只有一堆病痛還會每月噴血的器官)。中文太難把以上的英文意境翻出來,只好用拖油瓶代替了。
**** 我查不到 Sticky Stuff(黏黏的東西)是不是某種隱喻用法,最後只能根據上面那句俚語猜測是代指那個送進烤箱的麵粉糰。當然你也可以說是嘉明的味道什麼的啦,大家隨意解讀,心領神會就好。
I'll be there with you baby through the thin and the thick
I'm gonna clean up all the poo and the sick
I'll be there to make you happy and keep everything clean
I'll change the nappies through the washing machine
'Cause I ain't no baddy, I ain't no baddy, I ain't no baddy, I am your baby's daddy.
*(Through) Thick and Thin:(克服)難關、阻礙的意思,這裡當然也是為了押韻拆開倒過來擺。
Sometimes you think "What a fool I am"
and "Why did i marry this awful man?"
Now a baby's part of my family plan
Can it kick me? Yes it can
My name's Ken and I've got three
Do you like being a daddy? Yeah, definitely!
But I have to warn you although its fun
There are times when you wish you'd been a nun
I'll be there with you baby through the thin and the thick
I'm gonna clean up all the poo and the sick
I'll be there to make you happy and I'll bring in the bread
I'll be the nanny you can go out instead
I know that you'll be grumpy, that's what everyone says
and you're not gonna hump me for 42 days
If you don't want more babies and you cannot disguise it,
Then I'll take my ???? and I'll vasectomize it
'Cause I ain't no baddy, I ain't no baddy,
I ain't no baddy sometimes I make you saddy
I ain't no baddy I ain't no baddy I ain't no baddy I am your baby's daddy