2021-07-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

My first story

    這是我的第一篇文章,我為什麼想要開始寫文章呢?是因為我不想單純的只有過著平淡無奇的生活,想要來點不一樣的事情來增加我生活中的樂趣。最近開始愛上了閱讀,搞不懂為什麼自己之前那麼討厭閱讀。This is my first time write on Medium. What causes me to start writing? I want something different and interesting. Because of I don’t want to live in a boring life. Recently, I love reading. However, I don’t understood that why I so hate reading before.
    促使我想開始寫文章的原因是因為我開始閱讀書籍,我從書中得到了很多有用的知識無庸置疑,但是我總是在讀完過後感到充實但不知如何應用這種矛盾的心情,最近讀了一本書叫做暢玩一人公司,這本書給了我啟發,也是促成我開始寫文章的原因之一。one of reason that boost me writing is reading. With out a doubt. I gain a lot of knowledge form books. But, after reading a books I feel I’ve got many things but don’t know how to make it happen. Lately, I reading a book named 暢玩一人公司. This book inspire me to get start writing.
    或許我所寫的文章沒有特別厲害,但我覺得有好的開始並持續下去一定會進步的。我希望我能透過這個平台分享我的生活,包含我自己所喜愛的事物分享給大家,如果有任何想法都可以和我說,你們的留言都可能成為我的幫助。I know my writing skill not good enough. And have many wrongs. But I think I will grow up. I wish I can share my life on this platform. Including my favorite thing. If you have any idea want to share. You can comment on it. Your comment would be my strength.
    想贏,必須擁有一種特質,就是對目標的肯定、對自身期望的認知,以及對達成的熱切渴望 – 拿破崙 · 希爾《思考致富》
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