While we have studied at Nelson English Centre...

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I told Dave that I was going to go back to Taiwan, so tomorrow would be my last day in our class. At once, Dave grasped a piece of paper and wrote down ”After coming back to Nelson, I will come back to Nelson English Centre to study”.
And he wanted me to sign, and then he signed and invited the other classmates to sign. Finally, he posted it on the wall and let us take a photo, which will be the witness.
He made me laugh, but actually I was very impressed.
He is one of the nicest, most interesting teachers I have ever met.
Dave is our english teacher at NEC.
I have been in New Zealand for more than six years. Although my English was poor, I didn’t go to English school to study. I had learned English with my neighbours and friends before I went to NEC to study. And I have done self-study as well. In spite of the fact I tried my best to improve my English, I struggled to speak out confidently and accurately.
Because of Covid-19, NZ had closed its border since 2019, so it has been tough for NEC to have overseas students. In order to keep those excellent teachers and run the business, NEC has applied for financial support from the NZ government to have students who are citizens or permanent residents. And every one is free which is pretty good.
When I had got the information, I rushed to NEC to enroll and started studying the same day. I was thirsty to improve my English.
Most students in Dave’s class are young and they wanted to take the IELTS test except Yuki and me. But Yuki’s English is very good and he always shared some fantastic stories with us.
Dave invited us to his house to have Christmas party and his cat joined us in 2020.
I thought Dave has a magic power to make students comfortable and enjoy studying. When we get to class, in the very beginning, we are nervous, shy and quiet, because we are strangers, who rush on to a stage, where we have never been before. When any new student joins our class, Dave always asks us to introduce ourselves and wants us to ask the new student some questions in order to get to know each other more. He takes care of every student.
In the beginning of the class, we always share our daily life, news or weekends. Then we try to make some good sentences for each other. At the same time, Dave shares what happened in his weekend or his story. If we want other people to open their heart, we should do so first. And even though students come and go, the relationships are true and sincere.
Dave knows our problems very well and tries very hard to help. While we are talking and writing, Dave corrects us and writes words or grammar on the white board and asks us to review and practise them. It is very useful and helpful, because we always use some wrong words and grammar. Learning from our daily English and mistakes is very practical.
We wrote our parter's opinion on white board and Dave corrected with us.
Dave looks a little bit shy, but he has an amazing sense of humor. He always makes us laugh and we can’t forget our mistakes. We write our partner’s opinion or stories on the white board then Dave corrects them with us. Dave makes it more interesting and unforgettable. For example, I wrote that “ I prefer to have food at home rather than eat restaurant.” Dave held the wall and opened his mouth, pretending to eat the building. I knew restaurants couldn’t be eaten. He was so funny. A student wrote that ”She is going to Christchurch to pick her Japanese passport “. So Dave put lots of paper on the desk and said ”Did you mean there are lots of passports for you to pick?”
I enjoy writing and correcting it together, not only can we practise speaking, listening, writing and learn from our mistakes, but also know all of our classmates’ life. Their stories or experiences enriches my life.
We studyed English in Clarie's lounge and Dave was playing the ukulele.
In addition to writing together, Dave encourages us to write a diary. After writing, we should check and then Dave checks and uses some symbols to show our problems. We have to correct by ourselves and then discuss with Dave to make sure we are right. The process is quite complicated and takes Dave’s time but it is based on students finding their mistakes and correcting them by themselves and following the process, we can remember and improve our ability, otherwise even though Dave corrects a thousand times, we have still made the same mistakes.
I think pronunciation and listening are very hard to teach. Dave lets us practise pronunciation by playing a maze game, and then speak out one by one then he corrects us. After listening tests, Dave sends the file to us, so that we can listen again and check some vocabulary or phrases. We can’t understand the meaning because of new vocabularies or phrases sometimes.
Dave gives us tests in a different way which depends on students’ needs once a week. I do appreciate that because getting lazy is human’s nature. We need to be pushed more or less, even though we are eager to study.
We had class at Tahunanui Beach on 8th April 2022 and a duck was attracted to Dave.
Apart from studying English, we had the other events at NEC.
Although there weren’t many students at NEC, we had lots of fun. We had international food once a month. Every one prepared a dish from their country's cuisine to share. We enjoyed many kinds of food, which were from Japan, Thailand, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil and India….They were so different, but beautiful and delicious.
International food at NEC.
Furthermore, Dave is glad spending time with his students, even though we just study for a short time. When I or the other students invited our classmates to have a BBQ or share food, Dave would join us if he was available. We had lots of fun and it made us closer as well.
We had BBQ at my place.
But I found the fact about our speaking was cruel.
Every Friday some students graduated and they gave us a short speech publicly. Unfortunately, I couldn’t understand well while they were talking. I thought their English might be pretty good, but not speaking. It was very hard to improve our pronunciation and accent. And one of my friends told me that my speaking has been worse than before because I might copy my classmates’ accent. All of that disappointed me and I was also fed up with some classmates who always talked for a long time and repeated the same story about themselves ,which hasn't happened at Dave's class.Dave always gives everyone equal time.
Different teachers have different styles, and some weren’t suitable for me and some classmates have different abilities, which was very difficult to study together, so I decided to stop studying at NEC.
While I was walking along the Maitai River foot path in October 2021, I thought I might never walk the old way to NEC again.
But I came back to NEC in February 2022, because Dave was going to be our teacher again. I missed the days when we studied English with him. And I also enjoy walking along the Maitai River bank before studying. It was a beautiful journey: I observed the scenery, did exercise at the outdoor fitness station which close to the foot path, said hello with people who passed by or thought about my life or made a plan for the future. It was a pretty beginning of each day.
I did exercise at the outdoor fitness station on my way to NEC.
I will come back, if the Maitai River doesn’t disappear; and if Dave is still a teacher in NEC.
I enjoyed walking along the Maitai River foot path.

紅毛雲的沙龍 的其他內容
Table Land空曠遼闊,渾然蒼茫,在遙遠的地平線上畫出一道橫亙東西的弧線,彷彿天地初創的景象。即使只是與自然、與他人短暫的邂逅,然後相忘於江湖,那一份心靈的悸動與啟發,如漣漪迴盪漸行漸遠漸平,卻未曾消失。 +
走在山中,前不見先行者,後不見來者,讓我與山林直面相對,觀照草原、蓊鬱的黑森林、高聳的山巖與斷崖,那是我奔向山林所渴望的;但Nydia Bay之旅,除了海岸日出美景,對沿路的山色林相我竟未曾清晰瀏覽。Katherine和Ian讓我了解自己出遊登山,竟不在山林,而在於邂逅可愛的人兒呢。
雖然萍水相逢,聚散匆匆,我的Airbnb客人卻令我印象深刻,其中一位波蘭女士更使我時常想起。 I think people influence each other so much even though we might only meet them once in our life.
Hanmer Springs之旅,讓我見識南島山上九月的冰雪、Mt Isobel的雄偉寒冷,觀光小城之美,更令人記憶深刻的是登山隨時可能發生的意外。還有,無法全然盡興,使我揮別時即懷著務必再來的願望。
嚮往多年,終於如願以償,來到West Coast 的Punakaiki,我感受到The Pancake Rocks陽剛壯麗的景致,了解 Cave Creek發生崩塌慘劇,流連於雨林公園Truman Track,難忘的渡河之旅,以及曾經觀覽則不虛此生的Ballroom Overhang。
Ready to do river crossing The Punakaiki Trip was very impressive for me. The Balloon Overhang was amazing......
Table Land空曠遼闊,渾然蒼茫,在遙遠的地平線上畫出一道橫亙東西的弧線,彷彿天地初創的景象。即使只是與自然、與他人短暫的邂逅,然後相忘於江湖,那一份心靈的悸動與啟發,如漣漪迴盪漸行漸遠漸平,卻未曾消失。 +
走在山中,前不見先行者,後不見來者,讓我與山林直面相對,觀照草原、蓊鬱的黑森林、高聳的山巖與斷崖,那是我奔向山林所渴望的;但Nydia Bay之旅,除了海岸日出美景,對沿路的山色林相我竟未曾清晰瀏覽。Katherine和Ian讓我了解自己出遊登山,竟不在山林,而在於邂逅可愛的人兒呢。
雖然萍水相逢,聚散匆匆,我的Airbnb客人卻令我印象深刻,其中一位波蘭女士更使我時常想起。 I think people influence each other so much even though we might only meet them once in our life.
Hanmer Springs之旅,讓我見識南島山上九月的冰雪、Mt Isobel的雄偉寒冷,觀光小城之美,更令人記憶深刻的是登山隨時可能發生的意外。還有,無法全然盡興,使我揮別時即懷著務必再來的願望。
嚮往多年,終於如願以償,來到West Coast 的Punakaiki,我感受到The Pancake Rocks陽剛壯麗的景致,了解 Cave Creek發生崩塌慘劇,流連於雨林公園Truman Track,難忘的渡河之旅,以及曾經觀覽則不虛此生的Ballroom Overhang。
Ready to do river crossing The Punakaiki Trip was very impressive for me. The Balloon Overhang was amazing......
Google News 追蹤
去年暑假時出了一份自由研究作業,其中有一個孩子是要研究老師。研究內容如下: 我的老師是個很好的老師,會講故事給我們聽也會跟我們玩,大家都很喜歡他個性幽默、溫柔,下課很多人都要去跟他玩。只是如果老師兇起來很可怕都一定要有心理準備,不知道什麼時候會大吼,會嚇到抖一下的那種
某日,大E老師來找我,跟我談班上的小W。 大E老師:「菜b導,你們班那個小W,上課常常愛講一些話,弄得同學們哈哈大笑,一直打斷我上課耶。」 我:「嗯,對啊。」 大E老師:「這樣讓我很困擾耶!」 我:「哦,抱歉!」 大E老師:「我有管過他幾次,但他很不受控耶,下一次上課,還是會這
無處不在的英文交談機會 尋找Small Talk的黃金時刻,哪裡都能聊出好關係 Wilson: "Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice we're both on daddy duty today. First time at Din Tai Fung?
英文作為 DSE 其中一個主科,無論係對同學仔升學,定係以後求職都係非常之緊要,所以唔少人由小學開始已經會選擇補習嚟提升自己嘅英文能力。但係市面上嘅補英文方式有咁多種,究竟邊個好?邊個先係最啱自己?AfterSchool 為大家搜羅咗多間中學英文補習社、英文補習天王,仲會介紹各種補習方式嘅優缺點,絕
  在今年的寒假,我上了蔡老師的國文課。我原本以為在那裡上課,只是為了增進語文能力,沒想到還學到如何關懷他人。這影響了我與別人相處的方法,還因此結交到朋友,對我意義甚大。   剛進她的私塾時,主要是為了搶救我的作文,我曾經待過的作文補習班都無法幫我提升寫作能力,甚至放棄幫我,叫我直接背公式、抄範文
The most unforgettable I major in Foreign Languages and Literature Department. Back in my college days, I took up Tai Chi for my P.E. class. Now,
去年暑假時出了一份自由研究作業,其中有一個孩子是要研究老師。研究內容如下: 我的老師是個很好的老師,會講故事給我們聽也會跟我們玩,大家都很喜歡他個性幽默、溫柔,下課很多人都要去跟他玩。只是如果老師兇起來很可怕都一定要有心理準備,不知道什麼時候會大吼,會嚇到抖一下的那種
某日,大E老師來找我,跟我談班上的小W。 大E老師:「菜b導,你們班那個小W,上課常常愛講一些話,弄得同學們哈哈大笑,一直打斷我上課耶。」 我:「嗯,對啊。」 大E老師:「這樣讓我很困擾耶!」 我:「哦,抱歉!」 大E老師:「我有管過他幾次,但他很不受控耶,下一次上課,還是會這
無處不在的英文交談機會 尋找Small Talk的黃金時刻,哪裡都能聊出好關係 Wilson: "Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice we're both on daddy duty today. First time at Din Tai Fung?
英文作為 DSE 其中一個主科,無論係對同學仔升學,定係以後求職都係非常之緊要,所以唔少人由小學開始已經會選擇補習嚟提升自己嘅英文能力。但係市面上嘅補英文方式有咁多種,究竟邊個好?邊個先係最啱自己?AfterSchool 為大家搜羅咗多間中學英文補習社、英文補習天王,仲會介紹各種補習方式嘅優缺點,絕
  在今年的寒假,我上了蔡老師的國文課。我原本以為在那裡上課,只是為了增進語文能力,沒想到還學到如何關懷他人。這影響了我與別人相處的方法,還因此結交到朋友,對我意義甚大。   剛進她的私塾時,主要是為了搶救我的作文,我曾經待過的作文補習班都無法幫我提升寫作能力,甚至放棄幫我,叫我直接背公式、抄範文
The most unforgettable I major in Foreign Languages and Literature Department. Back in my college days, I took up Tai Chi for my P.E. class. Now,