2022-05-30|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

The Current Environmental Impacts of NFTs and The Future of

    The Current Environmental Impacts of NFTs and The Future of Digital ArtDue to the way they are created and verified, NFTs use a lot of energy and have been dubbed “carbon-intensive”. As the world becomes more aware of the need to reduce our carbon footprint, there is a growing concern that NFTs could become a major contributor to climate change.使用利益证明(PoS)区块链,PoS区块链不需要采矿,因此它们消耗的能源要少得多。这允许在链外处理NFT事务,从而减少了主区块链上的负载,并使NFT更具可扩展性。可以减少NFT对环境的影响这两种解决方案仍处于早期开发阶段,但它们有望在未来使NFT更环保。#NFT
    The Current Environmental Impacts of NFTs and The Future of Digital Art Due to the way they are created and verified, NFTs use a lot of energy and have been dubbed “carbon-intensive”. As the world becomes more aware of the need to reduce our carbon footprint, there is a growing concern that NFTs could become a major contributor to climate change. 使用利益证明(PoS)区块链,PoS区块链不需要采矿,因此它们消耗的能源要少得多。这允许在链外处理NFT事务,从而减少了主区块链上的负载,并使NFT更具可扩展性。可以减少NFT对环境的影响 这两种解决方案仍处于早期开发阶段,但它们有望在未来使NFT更环保。 #NFT
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