2022-06-15|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 15 分鐘


原文連結 More seek gun training in Taiwan as Ukraine war drives home China threat 作者:Ann Wang, reuters.com 2022/06/ 1 14:41 TAIPEI, June 1 (Reuters) - From tour guides to tattoo artists, some in Taiwan are taking shooting lessons for the first time in their lives as Russia's invasion of Ukraine ratchets up anxiety at the prospect of giant neighbour China making a similar move on the democratic island. 來自一位有著刺青藝術的旅遊導遊說著,俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭的事件,使得台灣部份人們意識到中國對台的威脅,這股焦慮感,使得人們開始第一次重視自身對於射擊課程訓練的需求。 democratic:民主的 ratchets:棘輪 tattoo:紋身 China's growing military pressure on the island it claims as its own, combined with the conflict in Ukraine, has spurred debate about how to boost defences in Taiwan, which is weighing whether to extend compulsory military service. 在中國逐漸成長的軍事實力下,始終宣稱台灣就是其所不可分割的一部份;而在烏克蘭所發生的衝突,刺激了台灣人民對於強制國防提升辯論的重視。 combined:結合 spurred:刺激 compulsory:強制性的
Since the war in Ukraine started three months ago, bookings have nearly quadrupled for lessons in how to shoot airsoft guns, or low-power devices designed to shoot non-metallic projectiles, said an official of a combat skills training company in Taiwan. 針對訓練戰鬥技巧的公司宣稱,自從烏俄戰爭爆發至今的三個多月,人們對於空氣槍或是非金屬彈藥模型槍的用槍訓練課程需求,比起以往成長了數倍之多。 quadrupled:翻了兩翻 projectiles:彈丸 "More and more people are coming to take part," said Max Chiang, chief executive of Polar Light, which is based in a suburb of the capital, Taipei. 「愈來愈多人主動接觸這一系列的課程」Max Chiang說道,他是來自台北市郊的極光訓練公司的教練。 executive:行政人員 Polar Light: 極光訓練 suburb:市郊
Some of those who came to the shooting range this year had not handled guns before, he said, adding that numbers had "tripled or quadrupled" since the start of the Ukraine conflict, which Moscow calls a "special military operation". 這些今年來參與訓練課程的學員,幾乎在這之前是完全沒有用槍經驗的,他說道:「起碼增加了三到四倍之多。」這一切都起源都自於俄羅斯對烏克蘭所發動「特別軍事行動」開始。 tripled:三倍 Some in Taiwan fear that China, which has never ruled out using force to bring the island under its control, may ramp up the pressure, taking advantage of a West distracted by efforts to support and equip Ukraine in its response to Moscow. 部份台灣人民仍對「中共不曾放棄動有武力將台灣納入其控制之下」這件現實感到恐懼,並隨著西方各國將多數心力放在支援烏克蘭對付俄羅斯,恐無暇顧及台灣,這樣的焦慮感也隨之升高。 ramp up:斜坡上升 advantage:優勢 distracted:分心 Taiwan has raised its alert level but has reported no unusual military movements by Beijing. 台灣對此升高警戒,但據報導指出,北京方面迄今仍未有不尋常的軍事行動。 Those preparing against a threat from China include Su Chun, a 39-year-old tattoo artist who was determined to learn how to use air guns. "I wanted to learn some combat skills, including those that are not just limited to using a gun. Maybe skills to be able to react to any kind of situation," he said. 為了應對來自中國可能的威脅,他們決定自主學習如何使用槍枝,也包括這位名39歲的刺青師Su Chun,他說道 :「除了學習如何用槍外,我也想學習些戰鬥技巧,如此才能針對不同的狀況做出應對。」 But gun training would be useful if the government called up reservists like himself to repulse a Chinese invasion, Su added. 如果屆時中共真得侵略台灣,政府召集像他這樣的後備役人員,這些用槍的訓練將有助於幫助他們擊退敵人。 reservists:預備役 repulse:擊退 "Most people don't want to go to war, I also don't want to go to war, but in the unfortunate event of this really happening, I will be mentally prepared." 絕大多數人都不希望走到戰爭的時候,也包括我自己,但如果真得不幸有那一天,那至少我已經做好心理準備。 Use of airsoft guns, popular for military simulation, is taught as a competition sport in Taiwan, which tightly controls gun ownership, but many of the movements and tactics involved resemble combat skills, from shooting posture to aiming. 生存遊戲在台灣是很熱門的競賽運動之一,他仰賴持槍者對於槍枝的控制性,同時在射擊要領上講求著有策略性的移動並且過程中包含著戰鬥技巧。 simulation:模擬 tactics:策略 ownership:所有權 actics:行為 competition:競賽 posture:姿勢 aiming:瞄準 The devices use compressed air to carry less dangerous projectiles, such as small plastic balls, to their targets. 這些訓練用槍使用壓縮氣體推動殺傷較小的子彈,如塑膠BB彈。 compressed:壓縮的 At the Taipei shooting range one Sunday afternoon, dozens of students picked up air guns for the first time as trainers explained safety guidelines and basic details. 射擊課程安排在周日午後的台北,許多的學員第一次帶著他們自己的空器槍,聽著教官解釋安全規定及基本的課程細節。 dozens:許多
There was an "urgent" need to learn more about defensive weapons after the war in Ukraine, said tour guide Chang Yu, who attended the entry-level course with his wife. 「在烏克蘭發生戰爭後,人們意識到必須學習更多武器的使用方法來保護自己。」Chang Yu如此說道,他和妻子一起參加這次初階的訓練課程。 entry-level:入門級 "The Ukraine-Russia war has made the threat from across the Strait real," said the 34-year-old clad in bullet belt and goggles, referring to the waterway between Taiwan and China. 「烏俄戰爭的爆發,讓只隔著台灣海峽的威脅,瞬間變得具體起來」這位身穿護目鏡和彈袋的34歲男子說道,並指出台灣與中國之間僅格了醫道台灣海峽。 clad:穿、戴 goggle:護目鏡 Strait:海峽 referring:指代 waterway:水路 "It made us think how we should prepare ourselves if that happens in Taiwan." The couple had assembled protective gear at home, from pepper spray to an alarm system for intruders, he added. 「這讓我們開始思考,當戰事在台灣發生時,我們該如何做準備。」 「就像婦女會隨身攜帶防護用具,比如說辣椒水或是警報器,讓她們面對突發狀況時可以應對」他補充道。 protective gear 防護用具 pepper:胡椒 intruders:入侵者 Besides the gun training, some politicians in Taiwan have urged the public to start thinking about survival plans for a time when most cities are without electricity and water supplies for days. 除了槍械的訓練課程外,某些台灣的政府官員也呼籲公民要開始思考,當你所居住的城市遭到斷電和缺水情況時,你的緊急預備方案是什麼? Lin Ping-yu of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, who is running for a council seat, said the Ukraine war had prompted him to prepare survival kits for his family, complete with emergency food supplies and batteries, in case of the worst. 一位民進黨的候選人說:「烏俄戰爭促使他開始為他的家庭準備生存空具,這當中包括緊急急的食物補給、電池等,以防最壞的情況發生。」 ruling:裁決 council:理事會 survival kits: 生存器具 "Think about how you can help yourself and others survive," added Lin, the author of a book about the military threat from China. "We are facing enormous risks. Risks of losing freedom and democracy, of losing everything in our daily life." 「去思考你要如何幫助自己也幫助他人在險惡的狀況下生存」身為撰寫關於『中國共軍威脅』的作者林先生補充道:「我們要面對的是更大的風險,一個失去自由、民主及所有我們日常生活一切的威脅。」
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