2022-12-28|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘


    2023, Thursday

    "When were you most innocent and pure?" Focused.

    2022, Wednesday

    Without turning on Chinese subtitles, I watched "Enola Holmes(天才少女福爾摩斯)" all the way through, relying on context. It felt pretty good—at least I didn't fall asleep, haha.
    Without the Chinese subtitles, I had to put some thought into figuring out what the characters were saying in each situation. It was quite enjoyable.
    However, my eyes couldn't keep up with the pace of the dialogue, but I was too lazy to stop and ended up watching the whole movie in a blur. Let's keep it simple! I chose for a classic American TV show, "Friends(六人行)."
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