2020年,黑澤清憑借《間諜之妻》(Wife of a Spy;日語:スパイの妻,2020年。IMDb: tt11917942)獲得了威尼斯雙年展國際電影藝術展(International Exhibition of Cinematographic Art of the Venice Biennale;意大利語:Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica della Biennale di Venezia;也曾被稱為“威尼斯電影節”:Venice Film Festival,或“威尼斯國際電影節”:Venice International Film Festival,是國際上最古老的電影節,與戛納電影節、柏林電影節齊名的“世界三大電影節”) 最佳導演銀獅獎。
2021年,黑澤清獲得了日本紫綬褒章(Medal with Purple Ribbon;日語:紫綬褒章),這是日本政府所頒發的褒章之一,授予學術、藝術、運動領域中貢獻卓著的人。
法國新浪潮(法語:La Nouvelle Vague)產生於1950年代末至1960年代的法國,一批電影人受到意大利新現實主義與古典好萊塢電影的影嚮,電影導演們不僅僅導演電影,更成為電影的作者和創作人。法國新浪潮更註重表現真實生活,通過運用突兀剪輯、跳切、拼貼式風格等,構造時空的曖昧性。追求拍攝的自由度及追求電影與現實的開放性。往往只借由簡單的腳本拍片,以即興、自發的拍攝方式,呈現混亂、秩序失衡的世界中的人物。
What I really want to talk about is simply about chairs, a table, a cup, mountains, forests, the sea, my friends, and the man I love. No one thinks of talking about the relationship between chairs and a table, nor that between forests and the sea, no more than that between him and me.
We hide certain parts of our own bodies, because we feel them shameful. Which parts one feels shameful depends on one’s own culture, There is no general principle at work there. I can say that shame is cultural nonsense. For example, when we feel a part shameful, we cover it with a piece of cloth. Even if we do so, shame doesn’t disappear so easily.
Certainly it’s true that we can conceal that part from others’ eyes, but at the same time that lets them know which part we’re ashamed of. That is to say that hiding something only results in making clear the ashamed-of part. It seems to me that this is even more shameful. Therefore… How to say… In order to conquer this new shame caused by covering up,people in the future might stop hiding themselves, in other words, people might live naked.
Because if start naked, we cannot tell from the outside which part one is ashamed of. Such a time might happen to come about. In conclusion, I’d like to say that shame is much… more powerful than a piece of cloth, and has priority.