2023-03-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘


字根spond, spons = to answer回答,to promise擔保;保證;承諾
練習將spond, spons字根,搭配不同「字首、字尾」,理解TOEIC常考生字中文意思。
respond =re/back+spond/to answer→回來的反應→v.回答;反應;負責
respondent =re/back+spond/to answer+ent表示人的名詞結尾→回來反應者→n.(問卷調查)回應者;填寫意見者
response =re/back+spons/to answer+e→回答;反應→n.回答;反應;負責
responsible =re/back+spons/to answer+ible形容詞結尾→有回答的;有反應的→adj.負責任的
irresponsible =ir/not+re/back+spons/to answer+ible形容詞結尾→沒有回答的;沒有反應的→adj.不負責任的
correspond =cor/com/together+re/back+spond/to answer→相互回信→v.通信
correspondent =correspond+ent表示人的結尾→相互回信者→n.通信者;特派員
correspondence =correspond+ence表示名詞的結尾→相互回信→n.通信
sponsor = spons/to promise+or人的結尾→約定保證的人→n.贊助者
sponsor = spons/to promise+or→v.贊助;主辦
124. The town council has ___D____ permission for the Autumn Festival to be held in Vista Park.
(A) responded (B) exchanged (C) performed (D) granted
🍀考題出處:《TOEIC聽力與閱讀測驗官方全真試題指南VII》Test 1(TOEIC Listening and Reading–Test Official Test-Preparation Guide Vol.7).台灣:忠欣股份有限公司, 2022.
103. J & R Marketing won an award for its series of radio ___B____ promoting a new line of sports equipment.
(A) sponsors (B) advertisements (C) posters (D) announcers
🍀考題出處:《TOEIC聽力與閱讀測驗官方全真試題指南V》Test 1(TOEIC Listening and Reading–Test Official Test-Preparation Guide Vol.5).台灣:忠欣股份有限公司, 2016.
115. Ms. Gupta wishes to ___C____ the terms of her employment contract before signing it.
(A) deprive (B) respond (C) modify (D) assure
🍀考題出處:《TOEIC聽力與閱讀測驗官方全真試題指南IV》Test 2(TOEIC Listening and Reading–Test Official Test-Preparation Guide Vol.4).台灣:忠欣股份有限公司, 2013.
102. As an associate in the legal department, it will be Mr. Ishibashi’s ___B___ to review all corporate contracts.
(A) symptom (B) responsibility (C) quality (D) discipline
🍀考題出處:《TOEIC聽力與閱讀測驗官方全真試題指南III》Test 1(TOEIC Listening and Reading–Test Official Test-Preparation Guide Vol.3).台灣:忠欣股份有限公司, 2011.
130. The afternoon ____B_____ includes a trip to the Mitchell Art Museum and a tour of Ostar Island.
(A) duration (B) schedule (C) organization (D) correspondence
🍀考題出處:《TOEIC聽力與閱讀測驗官方全真試題指南III》Test 2(TOEIC Listening and Reading–Test Official Test-Preparation Guide Vol.3).台灣:忠欣股份有限公司, 2011.
118. Mark Jarvela, a junior employee, proposed an innovative project that has been funded by one of the organization’s biggest _____B______.
(A) sponsor (B) sponsors (C) sponsored (D) sponsoring
🍀考題出處:《TOEIC聽力與閱讀測驗官方全真試題指南I》Test 2(TOEIC Listening and Reading–Test Official Test-Preparation Guide Vol.1).台灣:忠欣股份有限公司, 2007.
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